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Example 1 with TriplesMapBuilder

use of in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.

the class TopologicalSorter method sortStep.

 * Taken from
 * <p>
 *  function visit(node n, list L)
 *     mark n as being "part of the current chain"
 *     for each node m with an edge from n to m do
 *       if n is not already "part of the current chain"
 *         if m is has not been visited yet then
 *           visit(m)
 *       else
 *         //A cycle should not be possible at this point
 *     mark n as being visited
 *     n is no longer "part of the current chain"
 *     add n to tail of L
 * </p>
 * @param current the next unvisited node from input
 * @param result the sorted result
 * @param currentChain the complete list of input
 * @param lookup a lookup table to link URI's to their tripleMap objects
 * @param onCycle code to handle a cycle if it occurs
 * @param errorConsumer code to handle errors reported by this method (i.e. log it, throw it, do what you want)
private static void sortStep(TriplesMapBuilder current, LinkedList<TriplesMapBuilder> result, Multiset<TriplesMapBuilder> currentChain, Map<String, TriplesMapBuilder> lookup, Set<TriplesMapBuilder> unvisited, TopologicalSorter.CycleConsumer onCycle, Consumer<String> errorConsumer) {
    // mark n as being "part of the current chain"
    // for each node m with an edge from n to m do
    for (String uriOfDependency : current.getReferencedTriplesMaps()) {
        TriplesMapBuilder dependentBuilder = lookup.get(uriOfDependency);
        if (dependentBuilder == null) {
            errorConsumer.accept("No triplesMap with uri " + uriOfDependency + " was found");
        // if n is already "part of the current chain"
        if (currentChain.contains(dependentBuilder)) {
            onCycle.handleCycle(currentChain, current, dependentBuilder);
        } else {
            // if m is has not been visited yet then
            if (unvisited.contains(dependentBuilder)) {
                // visit(m)
                sortStep(dependentBuilder, result, currentChain, lookup, unvisited, onCycle, errorConsumer);
    // mark n as being visited
    // n is no longer "part of the current chain"
    // add n to head of L
Also used : TriplesMapBuilder(

Example 2 with TriplesMapBuilder

use of in project timbuctoo by HuygensING.

the class TopologicalSorter method topologicalSort.

 * Sorts the list of triplesMapBuilders
 * Taken from
 * <p>
 *   L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted nodes
 *   while there are unvisited nodes do
 *      select an unvisited node current
 *      visit(current, L)
 * </p>
 * @param input the original list of triplesMapBuilders
 * @param lookup a lookup table to link URI's to their tripleMap objects
 * @param onCycle code to handle a cycle if it occurs
 * @param errorConsumer code to handle errors reported by this method (i.e. log it, throw it, do what you want)
 * @return the sorted list of builders
public static LinkedList<TriplesMapBuilder> topologicalSort(List<TriplesMapBuilder> input, Map<String, TriplesMapBuilder> lookup, TopologicalSorter.CycleConsumer onCycle, Consumer<String> errorConsumer) {
    // copy so we don't modify the input
    Set<TriplesMapBuilder> unvisited =;
    // L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted nodes
    LinkedList<TriplesMapBuilder> result = Lists.newLinkedList();
    // while there are unvisited nodes do
    while (!unvisited.isEmpty()) {
        // select an unvisited node n
        TriplesMapBuilder current = unvisited.iterator().next();
        // visit(n)
        sortStep(current, result, HashMultiset.create(), lookup, unvisited, onCycle, errorConsumer);
    return result;
Also used : TriplesMapBuilder(


TriplesMapBuilder (