use of nl.sidnlabs.entrada.exception.ApplicationException in project entrada by SIDN.
the class AmazonInitializer method initializeStorage.
public boolean initializeStorage() {"Provision AWS storage");
// create local storage locations
if (!fileManager.supported(output)) {
throw new ApplicationException("Selected mode is AWS but the ENTRADA output location does not use S3, cannot continue");
// check if the s3 bucket and required directories exist and if not create these
if (!BucketNameUtils.isValidV2BucketName(bucket)) {
throw new ApplicationException("\"" + bucket + "\" is not a valid S3 bucket name, for bucket restrictions and limitations, see: " + bucketRules);
// only create bucket and lifecycle rules if we are managing the bucket
if (!manageBucket) {
return true;
if (!amazonS3.doesBucketExistV2(bucket)) {"Create bucket: " + bucket);
// make sure to block all public access to the bucket
amazonS3.setPublicAccessBlock(new SetPublicAccessBlockRequest().withBucketName(bucket).withPublicAccessBlockConfiguration(new PublicAccessBlockConfiguration().withBlockPublicAcls(Boolean.TRUE).withIgnorePublicAcls(Boolean.TRUE).withBlockPublicPolicy(Boolean.TRUE).withRestrictPublicBuckets(Boolean.TRUE)));
// also make sure pcap files archived on S3 have a expiration lifecycle policy
return amazonS3.doesBucketExistV2(bucket) && enableBucketLifecycle(athenaOutputLocation, "Delete Athena results", outputExpiration, false) && enableBucketLifecycle(archive, "Delete archived pcap-files", archiveExpiration, true);
use of nl.sidnlabs.entrada.exception.ApplicationException in project entrada by SIDN.
the class HDFSFileManagerImpl method createSecureFS.
private FileSystem createSecureFS() {
Configuration conf = conf();
conf.set("", "kerberos");
try {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(krbKeyTab)) {
UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(hdfsUsername, krbKeyTab);
return FileSystem.newInstance(new URI(hdfsNameservice), conf);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create secure HDFS filesystem", e);
use of nl.sidnlabs.entrada.exception.ApplicationException in project entrada by SIDN.
the class HDFSFileManagerImpl method conf.
private Configuration conf() {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hdfsNameservice);
String coreSiteXml = confDir + "/core-site.xml";
if (!new File(coreSiteXml).exists()) {
throw new ApplicationException("Missing core-site.xml, add this to the conf directory");
String hdfsSiteXml = confDir + "/hdfs-site.xml";
if (!new File(hdfsSiteXml).exists()) {
throw new ApplicationException("Missing hdfs-site.xml, add this to the conf directory");
conf.addResource(new Path("file://" + hdfsSiteXml));
conf.addResource(new Path("file://" + coreSiteXml));
return conf;
use of nl.sidnlabs.entrada.exception.ApplicationException in project entrada by SIDN.
the class AbstractParquetRowWriter method schema.
public Schema schema(String schema) {
if (avroSchema != null) {
// use cached version of schema
return avroSchema;
try {
Parser parser = new Schema.Parser().setValidate(true);
avroSchema = parser.parse(new ClassPathResource(schema, getClass()).getInputStream());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ApplicationException("Cannot load schema from file: " + schema, e);
return avroSchema;
use of nl.sidnlabs.entrada.exception.ApplicationException in project entrada by SIDN.
the class HDFSFileManagerImpl method createNonSecureFS.
private FileSystem createNonSecureFS() {
Configuration conf = conf();
System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME", hdfsUsername);
try {
return FileSystem.newInstance(conf);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create non-secure HDFS filesystem", e);