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Example 1 with SDNSweep

use of nl.uva.cs.lobcder.catalogue.SDNSweep in project lobcder by skoulouzis.

the class SDNControllerClient method pushFlow.

// private double getCost(String v1, String v2) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
// //        String[] agentPort = getsFlowPort(v1, v2);
// //        double tpp = getTimePerPacket(agentPort[0], Integer.valueOf(agentPort[1]));
// String dpi;
// if (v1.contains(":")) {
// dpi = v1;
// } else {
// dpi = v2;
// }
// //        SDNSweep.FloodlightStats[] stats = getFloodlightPortStats(dpi, getPort());
// Double rpps = SDNSweep.getReceivePacketsMap().get(dpi);
// Double tpps = SDNSweep.getTransmitPacketsMap().get(dpi);
// if (rpps == null) {
// rpps = Double.valueOf(1);
// }
// if (tpps == null) {
// tpps = Double.valueOf(1);
// }
// //        double rrrt = (interval / rpps);
// //        double trrt = (interval / tpps);
// double tpp = (rpps > tpps) ? rpps : tpps;
// if (tpp <= 0) {
// tpp = 1;
// }
// Double rbytes = SDNSweep.getReceiveBytesMap().get(dpi);
// if (rbytes == null) {
// rbytes = Double.valueOf(1);
// }
// Double tbytes = SDNSweep.getTransmitBytesMap().get(dpi);
// if (tbytes == null) {
// tbytes = Double.valueOf(1);
// }
// double rbps = rbytes / SDNSweep.interval;
// double tbps = tbytes / SDNSweep.interval;
// double cost = 1.0 / ((rbps + tbps) / 2.0);
// if (rbytes <= 0) {
// rbytes = Double.valueOf(1);
// }
// if (tbytes <= 0) {
// tbytes = Double.valueOf(1);
// }
// double rMTU = rbytes / rpps * 1.0;
// double tMTU = tbytes / tpps * 1.0;
// double mtu = (rMTU > tMTU) ? rMTU : tMTU;
// //        if (mtu <= 500) {
// //            mtu = 1500;
// //        }
// //TT=TpP * NoP
// //NoP = {MTU}/{FS}
// //TpP =[({MTU} / {bps}) + RTT] // is the time it takes to transmit one packet or time per packet
// //TT = [({MTU} / {bps}) + RTT] * [ {MTU}/{FS}]
// double nop = mtu / 1024.0;
// double mtt = tpp * nop;
// //        SDNSweep.OFlow f = SDNSweep.getOFlowsMap().get(dpi);
// //        double bps = -1;
// //        if (f != null) {
// //            bps = f.byteCount / f.durationSeconds * 1.0;
// //            double tmp = f.packetCount / f.durationSeconds * 1.0;
// //            if (tpp <= 1 && tmp > tpp) {
// //                mtt = tmp * nop;
// //            }
// //        }
// //        Double averageLinkUsage = SDNSweep.getAverageLinkUsageMap().get(dpi);
// //        if (averageLinkUsage != null) {
// //
// //            if (factor > -1) {
// //                mtt += averageLinkUsage * factor;
// //            }
// ////        For each sec of usage how much extra time we get ?
// ////        We asume a liner ralationship
// ////        The longer the usage it means either more transfers per flow or larger files or both
// //
// ////            Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "dpi: " + dpi + " averageLinkUsage: " + averageLinkUsage);
// //        } else {
// //            mtt-=factor;
// //        }
// //        Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "From: {0} to: {1} tt: {2}", new Object[]{v1, v2, mtt});
// return (mtt > 0) ? mtt : 1.2;
// }
public void pushFlow(final List<DefaultWeightedEdge> shortestPath) throws IOException {
    if (shortestPath != null && !shortestPath.isEmpty()) {
        Thread thread = new Thread() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    DefaultWeightedEdge e = shortestPath.get(0);
                    String pair = e.toString().substring(1, e.toString().length() - 1);
                    String[] workerSwitch = pair.toString().split(" : ");
                    String srcIP = workerSwitch[0];
                    String srcMac = SDNSweep.getNetworkEntity(srcIP).getMac().get(0);
                    String srcSwitchAndPort = workerSwitch[1];
                    String srcSwitch = srcSwitchAndPort.split("-")[0];
                    String srcIngressPort = String.valueOf(SDNSweep.getNetworkEntity(srcIP).getAttachmentPoint().get(0).getPort());
                    String srcOutput;
                    e = shortestPath.get(1);
                    pair = e.toString().substring(1, e.toString().length() - 1);
                    workerSwitch = pair.split(" : ");
                    if (workerSwitch[0].equals(srcSwitch + "-" + srcIngressPort)) {
                        srcOutput = workerSwitch[1].split("-")[1];
                    } else {
                        srcOutput = workerSwitch[0].split("-")[1];
                    e = shortestPath.get(shortestPath.size() - 1);
                    pair = e.toString().substring(1, e.toString().length() - 1);
                    workerSwitch = pair.toString().split(" : ");
                    String dstIP = workerSwitch[0];
                    String dstMac = SDNSweep.getNetworkEntity(dstIP).getMac().get(0);
                    String dstSwitchAndPort = workerSwitch[1];
                    String dstSwitch = dstSwitchAndPort.split("-")[0];
                    String dstOutput = String.valueOf(SDNSweep.getNetworkEntity(dstIP).getAttachmentPoint().get(0).getPort());
                    e = shortestPath.get(shortestPath.size() - 2);
                    pair = e.toString().substring(1, e.toString().length() - 1);
                    workerSwitch = pair.toString().split(" : ");
                    String node1 = workerSwitch[0];
                    String node2 = workerSwitch[1];
                    String dstIngressPort = "";
                    if (node1.equals(dstSwitch + "-" + dstOutput)) {
                        dstIngressPort = node2.split("-")[1];
                    } else {
                        dstIngressPort = node1.split("-")[1];
                    // String rulesrcToSw = "{\"switch\": \"" + srcSwitch + "\", \"name\":\"tmp\", \"cookie\":\"0\", \"priority\":\"5\", "
                    // + "\"src-ip\":\"" + srcIP + "\", \"ingress-getPort()\":\"" + srcIngressPort + "\", "
                    // + "\"dst-ip\": \"" + dstIP + "\", \"active\":\"true\",\"ether-type\":\"0x0800\", "
                    // + "\"actions\":\"output=" + srcOutput + "\"}";
                    // String ruleSwTodst = "{\"switch\": \"" + dstSwitch + "\", \"name\":\"tmp\", \"cookie\":\"0\", \"priority\":\"5\", "
                    // + "\"src-ip\":\"" + srcIP + "\", \"ingress-getPort()\":\"" + dstIngressPort + "\", "
                    // + "\"dst-ip\": \"" + dstIP + "\", \"active\":\"true\",\"ether-type\":\"0x0800\", "
                    // + "\"actions\":\"output=" + dstOutput + "\"}";
                    String rule11 = "{\"switch\": \"" + srcSwitch + "\", \"name\":\"tmp1-1\", \"cookie\":\"0\", \"priority\":\"5\", " + "\"src-mac\":\"" + srcMac + "\", \"ingress-getPort()\":\"" + srcIngressPort + "\", " + "\"dst-mac\": \"" + dstMac + "\", \"active\":\"true\",\"vlan-id\":\"-1\", " + "\"actions\":\"output=" + srcOutput + "\"}";
                    String rule12 = "{\"switch\": \"" + srcSwitch + "\", \"name\":\"tmp1-2\", \"cookie\":\"0\", \"priority\":\"5\", " + "\"src-mac\":\"" + dstMac + "\", \"ingress-getPort()\":\"" + srcOutput + "\", " + "\"dst-mac\": \"" + srcMac + "\", \"active\":\"true\",\"vlan-id\":\"-1\", " + "\"actions\":\"output=" + srcIngressPort + "\"}";
                    String rule21 = "{\"switch\": \"" + dstSwitch + "\", \"name\":\"tmp2-1\", \"cookie\":\"0\", \"priority\":\"5\", " + "\"src-mac\":\"" + srcMac + "\", \"ingress-getPort()\":\"" + dstIngressPort + "\", " + "\"dst-mac\": \"" + dstMac + "\", \"active\":\"true\",\"vlan-id\":\"-1\", " + "\"actions\":\"output=" + dstOutput + "\"}";
                    String rule22 = "{\"switch\": \"" + dstSwitch + "\", \"name\":\"tmp2-2\", \"cookie\":\"0\", \"priority\":\"5\", " + "\"src-mac\":\"" + dstMac + "\", \"ingress-getPort()\":\"" + dstOutput + "\", " + "\"dst-mac\": \"" + srcMac + "\", \"active\":\"true\",\"vlan-id\":\"-1\", " + "\"actions\":\"output=" + dstIngressPort + "\"}";
                    List<String> rules = new ArrayList<>();
                    try {
                        new SDNSweep(null).pushFlows(rules);
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                    } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                    } catch (SAXException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Also used : DefaultWeightedEdge(org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge) SDNSweep(nl.uva.cs.lobcder.catalogue.SDNSweep) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)


IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 ParserConfigurationException (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)1 SDNSweep (nl.uva.cs.lobcder.catalogue.SDNSweep)1 DefaultWeightedEdge (org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge)1 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)1