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Example 1 with NetworkEntity

use of in project lobcder by skoulouzis.

the class SDNSweep method getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI.

private Collection<NetworkEntity> getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI(String dpid) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
    Iterator<NetworkEntity> iter = getAllNetworkEntites().iterator();
    Collection<NetworkEntity> nes = new ArrayList<>();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        NetworkEntity ne =;
        for (AttachmentPoint ap : ne.getAttachmentPoint()) {
            if (ap.getSwitchDPID().equals(dpid)) {
    return nes;
Also used : NetworkEntity( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AttachmentPoint(

Example 2 with NetworkEntity

use of in project lobcder by skoulouzis.

the class SDNSweep method getAllNetworkEntites.

private Collection<NetworkEntity> getAllNetworkEntites() throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
    if (getNetworkEntitesCache() == null) {
        networkEntitesCache = new HashMap<>();
    if (getNetworkEntitesCache().isEmpty() || getIterations() % 5 == 0) {
        WebResource webResource = getClient().resource(getUri() + ":" + getFloodlightPort());
        WebResource res = null;
        res = webResource.path("wm").path("device/");
        List<NetworkEntity> neList = res.get(new GenericType<List<NetworkEntity>>() {
        String ipKey = null;
        for (NetworkEntity ne : neList) {
            if (!ne.getIpv4().isEmpty()) {
                ipKey = ne.getIpv4().get(0);
                for (String ip : ne.getIpv4()) {
                    if (!ip.startsWith("0")) {
                        ipKey = ip;
            String swIPFromFlukes = null;
            if (!ne.getIpv4().isEmpty() && !networkEntitesCache.containsKey(ipKey)) {
                if (getFlukesTopology() == null) {
                if (getFlukesTopology() != null) {
                    swIPFromFlukes = findAttachedSwitch(ipKey);
                    // switches.get(swIPFromFlukes).dpid;
                    String swDPI = null;
                    Switch sw = getSwitches().get(swIPFromFlukes);
                    if (sw != null) {
                        swDPI = sw.dpid;
                    List<AttachmentPoint> ap = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (AttachmentPoint p : ne.getAttachmentPoint()) {
                        if (swDPI != null && p.getSwitchDPID().equals(swDPI)) {
                getNetworkEntitesCache().put(ipKey, ne);
    // }
    return getNetworkEntitesCache().values();
Also used : NetworkEntity( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WebResource(com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) List(java.util.List) AttachmentPoint(

Example 3 with NetworkEntity

use of in project lobcder by skoulouzis.

the class SDNSweep method pushARPFlow.

private void pushARPFlow() throws InterruptedException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
    Iterator<Switch> swIter = getAllSwitches().iterator();
    List<String> arpFlows = new ArrayList<>();
    while (swIter.hasNext()) {
        Switch sw =;
        String flow = "{\"switch\":\"" + sw.dpid + "\", " + "\"name\":\"arp" + sw.dpid + "\", " + "\"ether-type\":\"0x0806\", " + "\"actions\":\"output=flood\"}";
        Collection<NetworkEntity> nes = getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI(sw.dpid);
        Iterator<NetworkEntity> neIter = nes.iterator();
        while (neIter.hasNext()) {
            NetworkEntity ne =;
            for (String mac : ne.getMac()) {
                for (AttachmentPoint ap : ne.getAttachmentPoint()) {
                    flow = "{\"switch\": \"" + sw.dpid + "\", " + "\"name\":\"flow-to-" + mac + "\", " + "\"cookie\":\"0\", " + "\"priority\":\"32768\", " + "\"dst-mac\":\"" + mac + "\"," + "\"active\":\"true\", " + "\"actions\":" + "\"output=" + ap.getPort() + "\"}";
    List<Link> links = getAllSwitchLinks();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (Link l : links) {
        Collection<NetworkEntity> nes = getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI(l.dstSwitch);
        for (NetworkEntity neDst : nes) {
            for (String mac : neDst.getMac()) {
                sb.append("{\"switch\": \"").append(l.srcSwitch).append("\"," + "\"name\":\"").append(l.srcSwitch).append("-to-").append(mac).append("\", " + "\"cookie\":\"0\", " + "\"priority\":\"32768\", " + "\"dst-mac\":\"").append(mac).append("\"," + "\"active\":\"true\"," + "\"actions\":\"output=").append(l.srcPort).append("\"}\"");
                // Logger.getLogger(SDNSweep.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, sb.toString());
        nes = getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI(l.srcSwitch);
        for (NetworkEntity neDst : nes) {
            for (String mac : neDst.getMac()) {
                sb.append("{\"switch\": \"").append(l.dstSwitch).append("\"," + "\"name\":\"").append(l.dstSwitch).append("-to-").append(mac).append("\", " + "\"cookie\":\"0\", " + "\"priority\":\"32768\", " + "\"dst-mac\":\"").append(mac).append("\"," + "\"active\":\"true\"," + "\"actions\":\"output=").append(l.dstPort).append("\"}\"");
                // Logger.getLogger(SDNSweep.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, sb.toString());
Also used : NetworkEntity( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AttachmentPoint( Link(

Example 4 with NetworkEntity

use of in project lobcder by skoulouzis.

the class SDNSweep method fillInLinkGaps.

private ArrayList<Link> fillInLinkGaps(List<Link> switchLinks) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
    ArrayList<Link> possibleLinks = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Switch srcSW : getAllSwitches()) {
        String srcSWIP = srcSW.inetAddress.replaceAll("/", "").substring(0, srcSW.inetAddress.indexOf(":") - 1);
        int srcPort = 0;
        for (NetworkEntity ne : getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI(srcSW.dpid)) {
            for (AttachmentPoint ap : ne.getAttachmentPoint()) {
                for (Port p : srcSW.ports) {
                    for (Link existingLink : switchLinks) {
                        if (ap.getPort() != (Number) p.portNumber && p.portNumber != existingLink.srcPort && ap.getPort().intValue() <= 500 && p.portNumber <= 500) {
                            srcPort = p.portNumber;
        int dstPort;
        Link l = null;
        for (String dstSWIP : findConnectedSwitches(srcSWIP)) {
            Switch dstSW = getSwitches().get(dstSWIP);
            for (NetworkEntity ne : getNetworkEntitiesForSwDPI(dstSW.dpid)) {
                for (AttachmentPoint ap : ne.getAttachmentPoint()) {
                    for (Port p : dstSW.ports) {
                        for (Link existingLink : switchLinks) {
                            if (ap.getPort() != (Number) p.portNumber && existingLink.dstPort != p.portNumber && ap.getPort().intValue() <= 500 && p.portNumber <= 500 && srcPort <= 500) {
                                dstPort = p.portNumber;
                                l = new Link();
                                l.srcSwitch = srcSW.dpid;
                                l.srcPort = srcPort;
                                l.dstSwitch = dstSW.dpid;
                                l.dstPort = dstPort;
    for (Link possible : possibleLinks) {
        String possibleSRC = possible.srcSwitch + "-" + possible.srcPort;
        String possibleDST = possible.dstSwitch + "-" + possible.dstPort;
        for (Link existing : switchLinks) {
            String existingSRC = existing.srcSwitch + "-" + existing.srcPort;
            String existingDST = existing.dstSwitch + "-" + existing.dstPort;
            if (!possibleSRC.equals(existingSRC) && !possibleDST.equals(existingDST) && !possibleSRC.equals(existingDST) && !possibleDST.equals(existingSRC)) {
                Logger.getLogger(SDNSweep.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "{0}-{1} -> {2}-{3}", new Object[] { possible.srcSwitch, possible.srcPort, possible.dstSwitch, possible.dstPort });
    ArrayList<Link> addedLinks = new ArrayList<>();
    // }
    return addedLinks;
Also used : NetworkEntity( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AttachmentPoint( Link( AttachmentPoint(

Example 5 with NetworkEntity

use of in project lobcder by skoulouzis.

the class SDNControllerClient method getShortestPath.

public List<DefaultWeightedEdge> getShortestPath(String dest, Set<String> sources) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    if (graph == null) {
        graph = new SimpleWeightedGraph<>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);
    Collection<SDNSweep.Switch> switchesColl = SDNSweep.getSwitches().values();
    List<SDNSweep.Switch> switches;
    if (switchesColl instanceof List) {
        switches = (List) switchesColl;
    } else {
        switches = new ArrayList(switchesColl);
    for (int i = 0; i < switches.size(); i++) {
        List<Port> ports = switches.get(i).ports;
        if (ports != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < ports.size(); j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < ports.size(); k++) {
                    if (ports.get(j).state == 0 && ports.get(k).state == 0 && j != k) {
                        String vertex1 = switches.get(i).dpid + "-" + ports.get(j).portNumber;
                        String vertex2 = switches.get(i).dpid + "-" + ports.get(k).portNumber;
                        // Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "From: {0} to: {1}", new Object[]{vertex1, vertex2});
                        if (!graph.containsVertex(vertex1)) {
                        if (!graph.containsVertex(vertex2)) {
                        DefaultWeightedEdge e1;
                        if (!graph.containsEdge(vertex1, vertex2)) {
                            e1 = graph.addEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
                        } else {
                            e1 = graph.getEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
                        graph.setEdgeWeight(e1, 1);
    // Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Destination: {0}", new Object[]{dest});
    if (!graph.containsVertex(dest)) {
    NetworkEntity destinationEntityArray = SDNSweep.getNetworkEntity(dest);
    // for (SDNSweep.NetworkEntity ne : destinationEntityArray) {
    if (destinationEntityArray != null) {
        for (AttachmentPoint ap : destinationEntityArray.getAttachmentPoint()) {
            String vertex = ap.getSwitchDPID() + "-" + ap.getPort();
            // Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "vertex: {0}", new Object[]{vertex});
            if (!graph.containsVertex(vertex)) {
            DefaultWeightedEdge e1;
            if (!graph.containsEdge(dest, vertex)) {
                e1 = graph.addEdge(dest, vertex);
            } else {
                e1 = graph.getEdge(dest, vertex);
            // Don't calculate the cost from the destination to the switch.
            // There is nothing we can do about it so why waste cycles ?
            // graph.setEdgeWeight(e1, 2);
            graph.setEdgeWeight(e1, getCost(dest, vertex));
    // List<NetworkEntity> sourceEntityArray = getNetworkEntity(sources);
    for (String s : sources) {
        NetworkEntity ne = SDNSweep.getNetworkEntity(s);
        if (ne != null) {
            for (String ip : ne.getIpv4()) {
                if (!graph.containsVertex(ip)) {
                for (AttachmentPoint ap : ne.getAttachmentPoint()) {
                    String vertex = ap.getSwitchDPID() + "-" + ap.getPort();
                    if (!graph.containsVertex(vertex)) {
                    DefaultWeightedEdge e2;
                    if (!graph.containsEdge(ip, vertex)) {
                        e2 = graph.addEdge(ip, vertex);
                    } else {
                        e2 = graph.getEdge(ip, vertex);
                    graph.setEdgeWeight(e2, getCost(ip, vertex));
    List<Link> links = SDNSweep.getSwitchLinks();
    for (Link l : links) {
        String srcVertex = l.srcSwitch + "-" + l.srcPort;
        if (!graph.containsVertex(srcVertex)) {
        String dstVertex = l.dstSwitch + "-" + l.dstPort;
        if (!graph.containsVertex(dstVertex)) {
        DefaultWeightedEdge e3;
        if (!graph.containsEdge(srcVertex, dstVertex)) {
            e3 = graph.addEdge(srcVertex, dstVertex);
        } else {
            e3 = graph.getEdge(srcVertex, dstVertex);
        // Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "dstVertex: {0}", new Object[]{dstVertex});
        graph.setEdgeWeight(e3, getCost(srcVertex, dstVertex));
    double cost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    List<DefaultWeightedEdge> shortestPath = null;
    // exportGraph();
    StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
    for (String s : sources) {
        if (graph.containsVertex(dest) && graph.containsVertex(s)) {
            List<DefaultWeightedEdge> shorPath = null;
            shorPath = DijkstraShortestPath.findPathBetween(graph, s, dest);
            double w = 0;
            if (shorPath != null) {
                for (DefaultWeightedEdge e : shorPath) {
                    w += graph.getEdgeWeight(e);
                DefaultWeightedEdge p = shorPath.get(0);
                String e = graph.getEdgeSource(p);
                msg.append("source: ").append(e).append(" cost: ").append(w).append("\n");
                if (w <= cost) {
                    cost = w;
                    shortestPath = shorPath;
                    if (cost <= sources.size() + 1) {
    Logger.getLogger(SDNControllerClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, msg.toString());
    return shortestPath;
Also used : Port(nl.uva.cs.lobcder.catalogue.SDNSweep.Port) NetworkEntity( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AttachmentPoint( AttachmentPoint( DefaultWeightedEdge(org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Link(


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 NetworkEntity ( AttachmentPoint ( Link ( List (java.util.List)2 WebResource (com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource)1 Port (nl.uva.cs.lobcder.catalogue.SDNSweep.Port)1 DefaultWeightedEdge (org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge)1 NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)1