use of ntuple.operator.ConvMutator in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class EvolveMarioLevelTest method runTrial.
// this should really take any type of EA, but at the moment it
// is restricted to the SimpleRMHC to allow a bespoke mutation operator
// to be plugged in
public double runTrial(SimpleRMHC ea, int nEvals, int[][] sample) {
int nDims = imageWidth * imageHeight;
int mValues = distinctValues(sample);
System.out.println("Distinct values = " + mValues);
ConvNTuple convNTuple = getTrainedConvNTuple(sample, mValues);
System.out.println("nSamples: " + convNTuple.nSamples());
// set the "clever" mutation operator
ea.setMutator(new ConvMutator().setConvNTuple(convNTuple).setForceBorder(true));
if (useInitialSeed) {
SolutionEvaluator evaluator = new EvalConvNTuple(nDims, mValues).setConvNTuple(convNTuple);
SolutionEvaluator trainingEvaluator = new EvalConvNTuple(nDims, mValues).setConvNTuple(convNTuple);
double fitnessFull = trainingEvaluator.evaluate(flatten(sample));
String labelFull = String.format("Full Width Training Sample: %.6f", fitnessFull);
LevelView.showMaze(flatten(sample), sample.length, sample[0].length, labelFull, tileColors);
showSamples(sample, trainingEvaluator);
int[] solution = ea.runTrial(evaluator, nEvals);
// can set entire solution to the most likely individual
// solution = setAll(solution, 2);
double fitness = evaluator.evaluate(solution);
String label = String.format("Fitness: %.6f", fitness);
// solution = flatten(toRect())
LevelView.showMaze(solution, imageWidth, imageHeight, label, tileColors);
return fitness;
use of ntuple.operator.ConvMutator in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class EvolvePatternTest method runTrial.
public double runTrial(SimpleRMHC ea, int nEvals) {
ConvNTuple convNTuple = getTrainedConvNTuple();
ea.setMutator(new ConvMutator().setConvNTuple(convNTuple));
int nDims = imageWidth * imageHeight;
int mValues = 3;
SolutionEvaluator evaluator = new EvalConvNTuple(nDims, mValues).setConvNTuple(convNTuple);
int[] solution = ea.runTrial(evaluator, nEvals);
double fitness = evaluator.evaluate(solution);
String label = String.format("Fitness: %.6f", fitness);
LevelView.showMaze(solution, imageWidth, imageHeight, label);
new JEasyFrame(LineChart.easyPlot(evaluator.logger().fa), "Evolution of Fitness");
return fitness;
use of ntuple.operator.ConvMutator in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class EvolvePatternTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nTrials = 1;
SimpleRMHC evoAlg = new SimpleRMHC();
evoAlg.setMutator(new ConvMutator());
// evoAlg = new SlidingMeanEDA().setHistoryLength(30);
// evoAlg = new CompactSlidingGA();
int nEvals = 50000;
StatSummary results = new StatSummary();
EvolvePatternTest ept = new EvolvePatternTest();
for (int i = 0; i < nTrials; i++) {
ElapsedTimer timer = new ElapsedTimer();
results.add(ept.runTrial(evoAlg, nEvals));