use of ofc4j.model.axis.YAxis in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class BarLineChartFactory method setupLineRange.
public void setupLineRange() {
int rangeMin = 0;
int rangeMax = 100;
int steps = 9;
String rangeColor = AXIS_COLOR_DEFAULT;
String rangeGridColor = AXIS_GRID_COLOR_DEFAULT;
int rangeStroke = 1;
if (CATEGORY_TYPE.equals(datasetType) || XYZ_TYPE.equals(datasetType)) {
rangeMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
rangeMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
List nodes = chartNode.selectNodes(LINE_SERIES_SERIES_NODE_LOC);
List<String> bars = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Object node : nodes) {
if (getValue((Node) node) != null) {
bars.add(getValue((Node) node));
for (int c = 0; c < getColumnCount(); c++) {
String text = getColumnHeader(c);
if (bars.contains(text)) {
for (int r = 0; r < getRowCount(); r++) {
if (rangeMin > ((Number) getValueAt(r, c)).intValue()) {
rangeMin = ((Number) getValueAt(r, c)).intValue();
if (rangeMax < ((Number) getValueAt(r, c)).intValue()) {
rangeMax = ((Number) getValueAt(r, c)).intValue();
boolean minDefined = false;
boolean maxDefined = false;
Node temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(LINES_RANGE_MINIMUM_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeMin = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
minDefined = true;
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(LINES_RANGE_MAXIMUM_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeMax = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
maxDefined = true;
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(LINES_RANGE_COLOR_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeColor = getValue(temp);
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(LINES_RANGE_GRID_COLOR_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeGridColor = getValue(temp);
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(LINES_RANGE_STROKE_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeStroke = Integer.parseInt(getValue(temp));
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(LINE_RANGE_STEPS_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
steps = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
int diff = rangeMax - rangeMin;
int chunksize = diff / steps;
Integer stepforchart = null;
if (chunksize > 0) {
stepforchart = new Integer(chunksize);
// Readjust mins/maxs only if they weren't specified
if (!minDefined) {
// If actual min is positive, don't go below ZERO
if (rangeMin >= 0 && rangeMin - chunksize < 0) {
rangeMin = 0;
} else {
rangeMin = rangeMin - chunksize;
if (!maxDefined) {
rangeMax = rangeMin + (chunksize * (steps + 2));
YAxis yaxis = new YAxis();
yaxis.setRange(rangeMin, rangeMax, stepforchart);
use of ofc4j.model.axis.YAxis in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class AbstractChartFactory method setupDomain.
public Axis setupDomain() {
String[] labels = null;
Number domainMin = null;
Number domainMax = null;
Integer stepforchart = null;
String domainRotation = null;
if (CATEGORY_TYPE.equals(datasetType)) {
int rowCount = getRowCount();
labels = new String[rowCount];
for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) {
labels[j] = getRowHeader(j);
} else if (XYZ_TYPE.equals(datasetType) || XY_TYPE.equals(datasetType)) {
domainMin = ((Number) getValueAt(0, 0)).intValue();
domainMax = domainMin;
// Iterate over rows
for (int r = 1; r < getRowCount(); r++) {
if (domainMin.intValue() > ((Number) getValueAt(r, 0)).intValue()) {
domainMin = ((Number) getValueAt(r, 0)).intValue();
if (domainMax.intValue() < ((Number) getValueAt(r, 0)).intValue()) {
domainMax = ((Number) getValueAt(r, 0)).intValue();
if (domainMin.equals(domainMax)) {
if (domainMin.intValue() == 0) {
domainMax = new Integer(100);
} else if (domainMin.intValue() < 0) {
domainMax = new Integer(0);
} else {
domainMin = new Integer(0);
int steps = 9;
int diff = domainMax.intValue() - domainMin.intValue();
Node temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_STEPS_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
steps = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
int chunksize = diff / steps;
if (chunksize > 0) {
stepforchart = new Integer(chunksize);
// If actual min is positive, don't go below ZERO
if (domainMin.intValue() >= 0 && domainMin.intValue() - chunksize < 0) {
domainMin = 0;
} else {
domainMin = domainMin.intValue() - chunksize;
domainMax = domainMin.intValue() + (chunksize * (steps + 2));
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_MINIMUM_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
domainMin = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_MAXIMUM_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
domainMax = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
String domainColor = AXIS_COLOR_DEFAULT;
String domainGridColor = AXIS_GRID_COLOR_DEFAULT;
int domainStroke = 1;
Node temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_COLOR_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
domainColor = getValue(temp);
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_GRID_COLOR_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
domainGridColor = getValue(temp);
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_STROKE_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
domainStroke = Integer.parseInt(getValue(temp));
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(DOMAIN_ROTATION_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
domainRotation = getValue(temp);
// Orientation
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(ORIENTATION_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
orientation = getValue(temp);
} else {
if (HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION.equals(orientation)) {
YAxis yaxis = new YAxis();
if (labels != null) {
// BISERVER-3075: must reverse the category labels on hbar
// charts due to bug in OFC2.
String[] reversedLabels = new String[labels.length];
int reversedLabelCount = 0;
for (int i = reversedLabels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
reversedLabels[reversedLabelCount++] = labels[i];
if (domainMin != null && domainMax != null) {
yaxis.setRange(domainMin.intValue(), domainMax.intValue(), stepforchart);
return yaxis;
} else {
XAxis xaxis = new XAxis();
if (labels != null) {
if (domainMin != null && domainMax != null) {
xaxis.setRange(domainMin.intValue(), domainMax.intValue(), stepforchart);
if (domainRotation != null) {
Rotation rot = null;
if (domainRotation.equals("vertical")) {
rot = Rotation.VERTICAL;
} else if (domainRotation.equals("diagonal")) {
rot = Rotation.DIAGONAL;
} else {
rot = Rotation.HORIZONTAL;
return xaxis;
use of ofc4j.model.axis.YAxis in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.
the class AbstractChartFactory method setupRange.
public Axis setupRange() {
int rangeMin = 0;
int rangeMax = 100;
int steps = 9;
String rangeColor = AXIS_COLOR_DEFAULT;
String rangeGridColor = AXIS_GRID_COLOR_DEFAULT;
int rangeStroke = 1;
MinMax rangeMinMax = getRangeMinMax();
rangeMin = rangeMinMax.min;
rangeMax = rangeMinMax.max;
boolean minDefined = false;
boolean maxDefined = false;
Node temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(RANGE_MINIMUM_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeMin = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
minDefined = true;
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(RANGE_MAXIMUM_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeMax = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
maxDefined = true;
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(RANGE_STEPS_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
steps = new Integer(getValue(temp)).intValue();
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(RANGE_COLOR_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeColor = getValue(temp);
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(RANGE_GRID_COLOR_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeGridColor = getValue(temp);
temp = chartNode.selectSingleNode(RANGE_STROKE_NODE_LOC);
if (getValue(temp) != null) {
rangeStroke = Integer.parseInt(getValue(temp));
int diff = rangeMax - rangeMin;
int chunksize = diff / steps;
Integer stepforchart = null;
if (chunksize > 0) {
stepforchart = new Integer(chunksize);
// Read just mins/maxs only if they weren't specified
if (!minDefined) {
// If actual min is positive, don't go below ZERO
if (rangeMin >= 0 && rangeMin - chunksize < 0) {
rangeMin = 0;
} else {
rangeMin = rangeMin - chunksize;
if (!maxDefined) {
rangeMax = rangeMin + (chunksize * (steps + 2));
if (HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION.equals(orientation)) {
XAxis xaxis = new XAxis();
xaxis.setRange(rangeMin, rangeMax, stepforchart);
return xaxis;
} else {
YAxis yaxis = new YAxis();
yaxis.setRange(rangeMin, rangeMax, stepforchart);
return yaxis;