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Example 1 with Documentation

use of oms3.annotations.Documentation in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class SpatialToolboxUtils method collectParameters.

// /**
// * Get the path for a module doc html.
// *
// * @param moduleClassName the name of the module to get the path for.
// * @return the path to the html file.
// * @throws Exception
// */
// public static String getModuleDocumentationPath( String moduleClassName ) throws Exception {
// File configurationsFolder = SpatialToolboxSessionPluginSingleton.getInstance().getConfigurationsFolder();
// File htmlDocsFolder = new File(configurationsFolder, STAGEHTMLDOCS);
// File htmlDocs = new File(htmlDocsFolder, moduleClassName + ".html");
// if (!htmlDocs.exists()) {
// htmlDocs = new File(htmlDocsFolder, "Oms" + moduleClassName + ".html");
// if (!htmlDocs.exists()) {
// }
// }
// return htmlDocs.getAbsolutePath();
// }
// /**
// * Porge the html docs folder.
// *
// * @throws Exception
// */
// public static void cleanModuleDocumentation() throws Exception {
// File configurationsFolder = SpatialToolboxSessionPluginSingleton.getInstance().getConfigurationsFolder();
// File htmlDocsFolder = new File(configurationsFolder, STAGEHTMLDOCS);
// if (htmlDocsFolder.exists()) {
// FileUtilities.deleteFileOrDir(htmlDocsFolder);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Generate the module documentation in the configuration area.
// *
// * @param moduleClassName the class for which to generate the doc.
// * @throws Exception
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("nls")
// public static void generateModuleDocumentation( String moduleClassName ) throws Exception {
// Class< ? > moduleClass = StageModulesManager.getInstance().getModulesClass(moduleClassName);
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// sb.append("<html><body>\n");
// // modules documentation
// Documentation documentation = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Documentation.class);
// String documentationStr = null;
// if (documentation != null) {
// documentationStr = AnnotationUtilities.getLocalizedDocumentation(documentation);
// if (documentationStr.length() == 0) {
// documentationStr = null;
// } else if (documentationStr.equals(" - ")) {
// documentationStr = null;
// }
// }
// if (documentation != null && documentationStr != null) {
// if (documentationStr.endsWith(DOCSSUFFIX)) {
// // have to get the file
// String modulePackage = moduleClassName.substring(0, moduleClassName.lastIndexOf('.'));
// String path = modulePackage.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + "/" + documentationStr;
// InputStream inStream = StageModulesManager.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(path);
// // InputStream inStream = moduleClass.getResourceAsStream(documentationStr);
// if (inStream != null) {
// BufferedReader br = null;
// try {
// br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream));
// StringBuilder tmpSb = new StringBuilder();
// String line = "";
// while( (line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
// tmpSb.append(line).append(NEWLINE);
// }
// documentationStr = tmpSb.toString();
// } finally {
// if (br != null)
// br.close();
// }
// }
// }
// sb.append("<h2>Description</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append(documentationStr);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// } else {
// // try with module description
// Description description = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Description.class);
// String descriptionStr = AnnotationUtilities.getLocalizedDescription(description);
// if (description != null) {
// sb.append("<h2>Description</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append(descriptionStr);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// }
// }
// // general info
// sb.append("<h2>General Information</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// // general info: status
// Status status = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Status.class);
// if (status != null) {
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append("Module status: " + getStatusString(status.value())).append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// }
// // general info: script name
// Name name = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Name.class);
// String nameStr = AnnotationUtilities.getLocalizedName(name);
// if (name != null) {
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append(" Name to use in a script: <b>" + nameStr + "</b>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// }
// // general info: authors
// Author author = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Author.class);
// if (author != null) {
// String authorNameStr =;
// String[] authorNameSplit = authorNameStr.split(",");
// String authorContactStr =;
// String[] authorContactSplit = authorContactStr.split(",");
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append(" Authors ").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(HTMLNEWLINE);
// sb.append("<ul>").append(NEWLINE);
// for( String authorName : authorNameSplit ) {
// sb.append("<li>").append(authorName.trim());
// }
// sb.append("</li>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</ul>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(HTMLNEWLINE);
// sb.append(HTMLNEWLINE);
// // if (authorContactStr.startsWith("http")) {
// // authorContactStr = "<a href=\"" + authorContactStr + "\">" + authorContactStr +
// // "</a>";
// // }
// sb.append(" Contacts: ").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(HTMLNEWLINE);
// sb.append("<ul>").append(NEWLINE);
// for( String authorContact : authorContactSplit ) {
// sb.append("<li>").append(authorContact.trim());
// }
// sb.append("</li>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</ul>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// }
// // general info: license
// License license = moduleClass.getAnnotation(License.class);
// if (license != null) {
// String licenseStr = AnnotationUtilities.getLocalizedLicense(license);
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append(" License: " + licenseStr).append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// }
// // general info: keywords
// Keywords keywords = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Keywords.class);
// if (keywords != null) {
// String keywordsStr = AnnotationUtilities.getLocalizedKeywords(keywords);
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// sb.append(" Keywords: " + keywordsStr).append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// }
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// // gather input fields
// Object annotatedObject = moduleClass.newInstance();
// ComponentAccess cA = new ComponentAccess(annotatedObject);
// // parameters
// sb.append("<h2>Parameters</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("<blockquote>");
// // parameters: fields
// Collection<Access> inputs = cA.inputs();
// StringBuilder sbTmp = new StringBuilder();
// collectParameters(sbTmp, inputs);
// toTable(sb, sbTmp, "Input parameters");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// Collection<Access> outputs = cA.outputs();
// sbTmp = new StringBuilder();
// collectParameters(sbTmp, outputs);
// toTable(sb, sbTmp, "Output parameters");
// sb.append("</blockquote>");
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append(NEWLINE);
// sb.append("</body></html>");
// File configurationsFolder = SpatialToolboxSessionPluginSingleton.getInstance().getConfigurationsFolder();
// File htmlDocsFolder = new File(configurationsFolder, STAGEHTMLDOCS);
// if (!htmlDocsFolder.exists()) {
// if (!htmlDocsFolder.mkdir()) {
// throw new RuntimeException();
// }
// }
// File htmlDocs = new File(htmlDocsFolder, moduleClassName + ".html");
// FileUtilities.writeFile(sb.toString(), htmlDocs);
// }
private static void collectParameters(StringBuilder sbTmp, Collection<Access> accessList) throws Exception {
    for (Access access : accessList) {
        Field field = access.getField();
        String fieldName = field.getName();
        Description descriptionAnnot = field.getAnnotation(Description.class);
        if (fieldName.equals("pm")) {
            // ignore progress monitor
        String fieldDescription = " - ";
        if (descriptionAnnot != null) {
            fieldDescription = AnnotationUtilities.getLocalizedDescription(descriptionAnnot);
            if (fieldDescription == null) {
                fieldDescription = " - ";
            Unit unitAnn = field.getAnnotation(Unit.class);
            if (unitAnn != null) {
                fieldDescription = fieldDescription + " [" + unitAnn.value() + "]";
        sbTmp.append("<td width=\"40%\"> <b>").append(fieldName).append("</b> </td><td width=\"60%\"> ");
        sbTmp.append(fieldDescription).append(" </td>").append(NEWLINE);
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Description(oms3.annotations.Description) Access(oms3.Access) Unit(oms3.annotations.Unit)

Example 2 with Documentation

use of oms3.annotations.Documentation in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class HortonMachine method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    HortonMachine hm = HortonMachine.getInstance();
    Set<Entry<String, Class<?>>> cls = hm.moduleName2Class.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, Class<?>> cl : cls) {
    if (true)
    LinkedHashMap<String, List<ClassField>> moduleName2Fields = hm.moduleName2Fields;
    LinkedHashMap<String, Class<?>> moduleName2Class = hm.moduleName2Class;
    Set<Entry<String, List<ClassField>>> entrySet = moduleName2Fields.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, List<ClassField>> entry : entrySet) {
        String moduleName = entry.getKey();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Class<?> moduleClass = moduleName2Class.get(moduleName);
        Description description = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Description.class);
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_DESCRIPTION = \"" + description.value() + "\";\n");
        Documentation documentation = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Documentation.class);
        String doc;
        if (documentation == null) {
            doc = "";
        } else {
            doc = documentation.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_DOCUMENTATION = \"" + doc + "\";\n");
        Keywords keywords = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Keywords.class);
        String k;
        if (keywords == null) {
            k = "";
        } else {
            k = keywords.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_KEYWORDS = \"" + k + "\";\n");
        Label label = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Label.class);
        String lab;
        if (label == null) {
            lab = "";
        } else {
            lab = label.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_LABEL = \"" + lab + "\";\n");
        Name name = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Name.class);
        String n;
        if (name == null) {
            n = "";
        } else {
            n = name.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_NAME = \"" + n + "\";\n");
        Status status = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Status.class);
        // String st = "";
        // switch( status.value() ) {
        // case 5:
        // st = "EXPERIMENTAL";
        // break;
        // case 10:
        // st = "DRAFT";
        // break;
        // case 20:
        // st = "TESTED";
        // break;
        // case 30:
        // st = "VALIDATED";
        // break;
        // case 40:
        // st = "CERTIFIED";
        // break;
        // default:
        // st = "DRAFT";
        // break;
        // }
        sb.append("public static final int " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_STATUS = " + status.value() + ";\n");
        License license = moduleClass.getAnnotation(License.class);
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_LICENSE = \"" + license.value() + "\";\n");
        Author author = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Author.class);
        String authorName =;
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_AUTHORNAMES = \"" + authorName + "\";\n");
        String authorContact =;
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_AUTHORCONTACTS = \"" + authorContact + "\";\n");
        UI ui = moduleClass.getAnnotation(UI.class);
        if (ui != null) {
            sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_UI = \"" + ui.value() + "\";\n");
        List<ClassField> value = entry.getValue();
        for (ClassField classField : value) {
            String fieldName = classField.fieldName;
            if (fieldName.equals("pm")) {
            String fieldDescription = classField.fieldDescription;
            String str = "public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_" + fieldName + "_DESCRIPTION = \"" + fieldDescription + "\";\n";
// for( String className : hm.allClasses ) {
// System.out.println(className);
// }
// for( String fieldName : hm.allFields ) {
// System.out.println(fieldName);
// }
Also used : Status(oms3.annotations.Status) Description(oms3.annotations.Description) Keywords(oms3.annotations.Keywords) Documentation(oms3.annotations.Documentation) Label(oms3.annotations.Label) License(oms3.annotations.License) Name(oms3.annotations.Name) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) UI(oms3.annotations.UI) Author(oms3.annotations.Author) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ClassField(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.ClassField)

Example 3 with Documentation

use of oms3.annotations.Documentation in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class WikiModulesCreator method dump.

private static void dump(Map<String, List<ClassField>> modulesMap, Map<String, Class<?>> modulesClassesMap, String imagesBaseurl, String testcasesBaseurl, String testcasesHmBasepackage) throws Exception {
    Set<String> nameSet = modulesClassesMap.keySet();
    for (String moduleName : nameSet) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Class<?> abClass = modulesClassesMap.get(moduleName);
        // summary line
        Description description = abClass.getAnnotation(Description.class);
        String descriptionStr = description.value();
        sb.append("#summary " + descriptionStr);
        // modules documentation
        Documentation documentation = abClass.getAnnotation(Documentation.class);
        if (documentation == null) {
            System.out.println("Jumping " + moduleName);
        String documentationStr = documentation.value();
        if (documentationStr.endsWith(DOCSSUFFIX)) {
            // have to get the file
            URL resource = abClass.getResource(documentationStr);
            try {
                File resourceFile = new File(resource.toURI());
                documentationStr = FileUtilities.readFile(resourceFile);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Error in: " + moduleName);
        // general info
        String parentClassStatus = "not defined";
        List<ClassField> fieldsList = modulesMap.get(moduleName);
        if (fieldsList.size() > 0) {
            ClassField tmp = fieldsList.get(0);
            parentClassStatus = tmp.parentClassStatus;
        sb.append("<h2>General Information</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
        // general info: status
        sb.append(" Module status: " + parentClassStatus).append(NEWLINE);
        // general info: script name
        Name name = abClass.getAnnotation(Name.class);
        if (name != null) {
            String nameStr = name.value();
            sb.append(" Name to use in a script: <b>" + nameStr + "</b>").append(NEWLINE);
        // general info: authors
        Author author = abClass.getAnnotation(Author.class);
        if (author != null) {
            String authorNameStr =;
            String authorContactStr =;
            sb.append(" Authors: " + authorNameStr).append(NEWLINE);
            sb.append(" Contacts: " + authorContactStr).append(NEWLINE);
        // general info: license
        License license = abClass.getAnnotation(License.class);
        if (license != null) {
            String licenseStr = license.value();
            sb.append(" License: " + licenseStr).append(NEWLINE);
        // general info: keywords
        Keywords keywords = abClass.getAnnotation(Keywords.class);
        if (keywords != null) {
            String keywordsStr = keywords.value();
            sb.append(" Keywords: " + keywordsStr).append(NEWLINE);
        // parameters
        // parameters: input
        StringBuilder sbTmp = new StringBuilder();
        for (ClassField classField : fieldsList) {
            if (classField.isOut || classField.fieldName.equals("pm")) {
                // ignore progress monitor
            Unit unitAnn = abClass.getField(classField.fieldName).getAnnotation(Unit.class);
            String fieldDescription = classField.fieldDescription;
            if (unitAnn != null) {
                fieldDescription = fieldDescription + " [" + unitAnn.value() + "]";
            sbTmp.append("<td width=\"50%\"> <b>").append(classField.fieldName).append("</b> </td><td width=\"50%\"> ");
            sbTmp.append(fieldDescription).append(" </td>").append(NEWLINE);
        toTable(sb, sbTmp, "Input parameters");
        // parameters: output data
        sbTmp = new StringBuilder();
        for (ClassField classField : fieldsList) {
            if (classField.isIn) {
                // ignore progress monitor
            Unit unitAnn = abClass.getField(classField.fieldName).getAnnotation(Unit.class);
            String fieldDescription = classField.fieldDescription;
            if (unitAnn != null) {
                fieldDescription = fieldDescription + " [" + unitAnn.value() + "]";
            sbTmp.append("<td width=\"50%\"> <b>").append(classField.fieldName).append("</b> </td><td width=\"50%\"> ");
            sbTmp.append(fieldDescription).append(" </td>").append(NEWLINE);
        toTable(sb, sbTmp, "Output parameters");
        // example result
        if (imagesBaseurl != null) {
            sb.append("<h2>Example result</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
            sb.append("<img src=\"" + imagesBaseurl + moduleName.toLowerCase() + ".png" + "\" alt=\"" + moduleName + "\"/>").append(NEWLINE);
        // developer example
        String testName = "Test" + moduleName + ".java";
        String testClassName = testcasesHmBasepackage + "Test" + moduleName;
        boolean doTest = false;
        try {
            doTest = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // ignore if no testcase
            System.err.println("TESTCASE missign for: " + testName);
        if (doTest) {
            sb.append("<h2>Developer example</h2>").append(NEWLINE);
            sb.append("An example usage of the algorithm can be found in the testcases suite: ").append(NEWLINE);
            sb.append(" ").append(moduleName).append("]");
        FileUtilities.writeFile(sb.toString(), new File(outputWikiFolder, moduleName + ".wiki"));
Also used : Description(oms3.annotations.Description) Keywords(oms3.annotations.Keywords) Documentation(oms3.annotations.Documentation) License(oms3.annotations.License) Unit(oms3.annotations.Unit) URL( Name(oms3.annotations.Name) Author(oms3.annotations.Author) File( ClassField(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.ClassField)

Example 4 with Documentation

use of oms3.annotations.Documentation in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class Lesto method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Lesto hm = Lesto.getInstance();
    Set<Entry<String, Class<?>>> cls = hm.moduleName2Class.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, Class<?>> cl : cls) {
    if (true)
    LinkedHashMap<String, List<ClassField>> moduleName2Fields = hm.moduleName2Fields;
    LinkedHashMap<String, Class<?>> moduleName2Class = hm.moduleName2Class;
    Set<Entry<String, List<ClassField>>> entrySet = moduleName2Fields.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, List<ClassField>> entry : entrySet) {
        String moduleName = entry.getKey();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Class<?> moduleClass = moduleName2Class.get(moduleName);
        Description description = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Description.class);
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_DESCRIPTION = \"" + description.value() + "\";\n");
        Documentation documentation = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Documentation.class);
        String doc;
        if (documentation == null) {
            doc = "";
        } else {
            doc = documentation.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_DOCUMENTATION = \"" + doc + "\";\n");
        Keywords keywords = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Keywords.class);
        String k;
        if (keywords == null) {
            k = "";
        } else {
            k = keywords.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_KEYWORDS = \"" + k + "\";\n");
        Label label = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Label.class);
        String lab;
        if (label == null) {
            lab = "";
        } else {
            lab = label.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_LABEL = \"" + lab + "\";\n");
        Name name = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Name.class);
        String n;
        if (name == null) {
            n = "";
        } else {
            n = name.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_NAME = \"" + n + "\";\n");
        Status status = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Status.class);
        // String st = "";
        // switch( status.value() ) {
        // case 5:
        // st = "EXPERIMENTAL";
        // break;
        // case 10:
        // st = "DRAFT";
        // break;
        // case 20:
        // st = "TESTED";
        // break;
        // case 30:
        // st = "VALIDATED";
        // break;
        // case 40:
        // st = "CERTIFIED";
        // break;
        // default:
        // st = "DRAFT";
        // break;
        // }
        sb.append("public static final int " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_STATUS = " + status.value() + ";\n");
        License license = moduleClass.getAnnotation(License.class);
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_LICENSE = \"" + license.value() + "\";\n");
        Author author = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Author.class);
        String authorName =;
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_AUTHORNAMES = \"" + authorName + "\";\n");
        String authorContact =;
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_AUTHORCONTACTS = \"" + authorContact + "\";\n");
        UI ui = moduleClass.getAnnotation(UI.class);
        if (ui != null) {
            sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_UI = \"" + ui.value() + "\";\n");
        List<ClassField> value = entry.getValue();
        for (ClassField classField : value) {
            String fieldName = classField.fieldName;
            if (fieldName.equals("pm")) {
            String fieldDescription = classField.fieldDescription;
            String str = "public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_" + fieldName + "_DESCRIPTION = \"" + fieldDescription + "\";\n";
// for( String className : hm.allClasses ) {
// System.out.println(className);
// }
// for( String fieldName : hm.allFields ) {
// System.out.println(fieldName);
// }
Also used : Status(oms3.annotations.Status) Description(oms3.annotations.Description) Keywords(oms3.annotations.Keywords) Documentation(oms3.annotations.Documentation) Label(oms3.annotations.Label) License(oms3.annotations.License) Name(oms3.annotations.Name) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) UI(oms3.annotations.UI) Author(oms3.annotations.Author) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ClassField(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.ClassField)

Example 5 with Documentation

use of oms3.annotations.Documentation in project hortonmachine by TheHortonMachine.

the class Modules method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Modules mod = getInstance();
    Set<Entry<String, Class<?>>> cls = mod.moduleName2Class.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, Class<?>> cl : cls) {
    if (true)
    LinkedHashMap<String, List<ClassField>> moduleName2Fields = mod.moduleName2Fields;
    LinkedHashMap<String, Class<?>> moduleName2Class = mod.moduleName2Class;
    Set<Entry<String, List<ClassField>>> entrySet = moduleName2Fields.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, List<ClassField>> entry : entrySet) {
        String moduleName = entry.getKey();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Class<?> moduleClass = moduleName2Class.get(moduleName);
        Description description = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Description.class);
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_DESCRIPTION = \"" + description.value() + "\";\n");
        Documentation documentation = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Documentation.class);
        String doc;
        if (documentation == null) {
            doc = "";
        } else {
            doc = documentation.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_DOCUMENTATION = \"" + doc + "\";\n");
        Keywords keywords = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Keywords.class);
        String k;
        if (keywords == null) {
            k = "";
        } else {
            k = keywords.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_KEYWORDS = \"" + k + "\";\n");
        Label label = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Label.class);
        String lab;
        if (label == null) {
            lab = "";
        } else {
            lab = label.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_LABEL = \"" + lab + "\";\n");
        Name name = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Name.class);
        String n;
        if (name == null) {
            n = "";
        } else {
            n = name.value();
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_NAME = \"" + n + "\";\n");
        Status status = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Status.class);
        // String st = "";
        // switch( status.value() ) {
        // case 5:
        // st = "EXPERIMENTAL";
        // break;
        // case 10:
        // st = "DRAFT";
        // break;
        // case 20:
        // st = "TESTED";
        // break;
        // case 30:
        // st = "VALIDATED";
        // break;
        // case 40:
        // st = "CERTIFIED";
        // break;
        // default:
        // st = "DRAFT";
        // break;
        // }
        sb.append("public static final int " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_STATUS = " + status.value() + ";\n");
        License license = moduleClass.getAnnotation(License.class);
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_LICENSE = \"" + license.value() + "\";\n");
        Author author = moduleClass.getAnnotation(Author.class);
        String authorName =;
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_AUTHORNAMES = \"" + authorName + "\";\n");
        String authorContact =;
        sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_AUTHORCONTACTS = \"" + authorContact + "\";\n");
        UI ui = moduleClass.getAnnotation(UI.class);
        if (ui != null) {
            sb.append("public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_UI = \"" + ui.value() + "\";\n");
        List<ClassField> value = entry.getValue();
        for (ClassField classField : value) {
            String fieldName = classField.fieldName;
            if (fieldName.equals("pm")) {
            String fieldDescription = classField.fieldDescription;
            String str = "public static final String " + moduleName.toUpperCase() + "_" + fieldName + "_DESCRIPTION = \"" + fieldDescription + "\";\n";
// for( String className : jgr.allClasses ) {
// System.out.println(className);
// }
// for( String fieldName : jgr.allFields ) {
// System.out.println(fieldName);
// }
Also used : Status(oms3.annotations.Status) Description(oms3.annotations.Description) Keywords(oms3.annotations.Keywords) Documentation(oms3.annotations.Documentation) Label(oms3.annotations.Label) License(oms3.annotations.License) Name(oms3.annotations.Name) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) UI(oms3.annotations.UI) Author(oms3.annotations.Author) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ClassField(org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.ClassField)


Description (oms3.annotations.Description)6 Author (oms3.annotations.Author)5 Documentation (oms3.annotations.Documentation)5 Keywords (oms3.annotations.Keywords)5 License (oms3.annotations.License)5 Name (oms3.annotations.Name)5 ClassField (org.hortonmachine.gears.libs.modules.ClassField)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 List (java.util.List)4 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)4 Label (oms3.annotations.Label)4 Status (oms3.annotations.Status)4 UI (oms3.annotations.UI)4 Unit (oms3.annotations.Unit)2 File ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)1 URL ( Access (oms3.Access)1