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Example 1 with CancellableCollectorImpl

use of one.util.streamex.Internals.CancellableCollectorImpl in project streamex by amaembo.

the class MoreCollectors method flatMapping.

 * Adapts a {@code Collector} accepting elements of type {@code U} to one
 * accepting elements of type {@code T} by applying a flat mapping function
 * to each input element before accumulation. The flat mapping function maps
 * an input element to a {@link Stream stream} covering zero or more output
 * elements that are then accumulated downstream. Each mapped stream is
 * {@link closed} after its contents
 * have been placed downstream. (If a mapped stream is {@code null} an empty
 * stream is used, instead.)
 * <p>
 * This method is similar to {@code Collectors.flatMapping} method which
 * appears in JDK 9. However when downstream collector is
 * <a href="package-summary.html#ShortCircuitReduction">short-circuiting</a>
 * , this method will also return a short-circuiting collector.
 * @param <T> the type of the input elements
 * @param <U> type of elements accepted by downstream collector
 * @param <A> intermediate accumulation type of the downstream collector
 * @param <R> result type of collector
 * @param mapper a function to be applied to the input elements, which
 *        returns a stream of results
 * @param downstream a collector which will receive the elements of the
 *        stream returned by mapper
 * @return a collector which applies the mapping function to the input
 *         elements and provides the flat mapped results to the downstream
 *         collector
 * @throws NullPointerException if mapper is null, or downstream is null.
 * @since 0.4.1
public static <T, U, A, R> Collector<T, ?, R> flatMapping(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends U>> mapper, Collector<? super U, A, R> downstream) {
    BiConsumer<A, ? super U> downstreamAccumulator = downstream.accumulator();
    Predicate<A> finished = finished(downstream);
    if (finished != null) {
        return new CancellableCollectorImpl<>(downstream.supplier(), (acc, t) -> {
            if (finished.test(acc))
            try (Stream<? extends U> stream = mapper.apply(t)) {
                if (stream != null) {
                    stream.spliterator().forEachRemaining(u -> {
                        downstreamAccumulator.accept(acc, u);
                        if (finished.test(acc))
                            throw new CancelException();
            } catch (CancelException ex) {
            // ignore
        }, downstream.combiner(), downstream.finisher(), finished, downstream.characteristics());
    return Collector.of(downstream.supplier(), (acc, t) -> {
        try (Stream<? extends U> stream = mapper.apply(t)) {
            if (stream != null) {
                stream.spliterator().forEachRemaining(u -> downstreamAccumulator.accept(acc, u));
    }, downstream.combiner(), downstream.finisher(), downstream.characteristics().toArray(new Characteristics[0]));
Also used : Characteristics( CancelException(one.util.streamex.Internals.CancelException) CancellableCollectorImpl(one.util.streamex.Internals.CancellableCollectorImpl)


Characteristics ( CancelException (one.util.streamex.Internals.CancelException)1 CancellableCollectorImpl (one.util.streamex.Internals.CancellableCollectorImpl)1