use of opennlp.model.Event in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class OpenNLPEventStream method next.
public Event next() throws IOException {
try {
Event event = null;
if (this.corpusEventStream.hasNext()) {
ClassificationEvent corpusEvent =;
List<String> contextList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Float> weightList = new ArrayList<Float>();
OpenNLPDecisionMaker.prepareData(corpusEvent.getFeatureResults(), contextList, weightList);
String[] contexts = new String[contextList.size()];
float[] weights = new float[weightList.size()];
int i = 0;
for (String context : contextList) {
contexts[i++] = context;
i = 0;
for (Float weight : weightList) {
weights[i++] = weight;
event = new Event(corpusEvent.getClassification(), contexts, weights);
return event;
} catch (TalismaneException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of opennlp.model.Event in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class TwoPassDataIndexer method computeEventCounts.
* Reads events from <code>eventStream</code> into a linked list. The predicates
* associated with each event are counted and any which occur at least
* <code>cutoff</code> times are added to the <code>predicatesInOut</code> map along
* with a unique integer index.
* @param eventStream
* an <code>EventStream</code> value
* @param eventStore
* a writer to which the events are written to for later processing.
* @param predicatesInOut
* a <code>TObjectIntHashMap</code> value
* @param cutoff
* an <code>int</code> value
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private int computeEventCounts(EventStream eventStream, Writer eventStore, Map<String, Integer> predicatesInOut, int cutoff) throws IOException {
Map<String, Integer> counter = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int eventCount = 0;
Set predicateSet = new HashSet();
while (eventStream.hasNext()) {
Event ev =;
String[] ec = ev.getContext();
update(ec, predicateSet, counter, cutoff);
predCounts = new int[predicateSet.size()];
int index = 0;
for (Iterator pi = predicateSet.iterator(); pi.hasNext(); index++) {
String predicate = (String);
predCounts[index] = counter.get(predicate);
predicatesInOut.put(predicate, index);
return eventCount;
use of opennlp.model.Event in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class TwoPassRealValueDataIndexer method index.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
protected List index(int numEvents, EventStream es, Map<String, Integer> predicateIndex) throws IOException {
Map<String, Integer> omap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int outcomeCount = 0;
List eventsToCompare = new ArrayList(numEvents);
List<Integer> indexedContext = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (es.hasNext()) {
Event ev =;
String[] econtext = ev.getContext();
ComparableEvent ce;
int ocID;
String oc = ev.getOutcome();
if (omap.containsKey(oc)) {
ocID = omap.get(oc);
} else {
ocID = outcomeCount++;
omap.put(oc, ocID);
for (int i = 0; i < econtext.length; i++) {
String pred = econtext[i];
if (predicateIndex.containsKey(pred)) {
// drop events with no active features
if (indexedContext.size() > 0) {
int[] cons = new int[indexedContext.size()];
for (int ci = 0; ci < cons.length; ci++) {
cons[ci] = indexedContext.get(ci);
ce = new ComparableEvent(ocID, cons, ev.getValues());
} else {
LOG.debug("Dropped event " + ev.getOutcome() + ":" + Arrays.asList(ev.getContext()));
// recycle the TIntArrayList
outcomeLabels = toIndexedStringArray(omap);
predLabels = toIndexedStringArray(predicateIndex);
return eventsToCompare;
use of opennlp.model.Event in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class RealValueFileEventStream2 method next.
public Event next() {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
String outcome = st.nextToken();
if (outcome.equals("&null;"))
outcome = "";
else if (outcome.equals("&space;"))
outcome = " ";
int count = st.countTokens();
// Assaf update: read real values from file
boolean hasValues = line.contains("=");
String[] context = new String[count];
float[] values = null;
if (hasValues)
values = new float[count];
for (int ci = 0; ci < count; ci++) {
String token = st.nextToken();
if (hasValues) {
int equalsPos = token.lastIndexOf('=');
if (equalsPos < 0) {
LOG.error("Missing value");
LOG.error("Line: " + line);
LOG.error("Token: " + token);
throw new RuntimeException("Missing value, on token \"" + token + "\"");
context[ci] = token.substring(0, equalsPos);
values[ci] = Float.parseFloat(token.substring(equalsPos + 1));
} else {
context[ci] = token;
Event event = null;
if (hasValues)
event = new Event(outcome, context, values);
event = new Event(outcome, context);
return event;
use of opennlp.model.Event in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class TwoPassDataIndexer method index.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
protected List index(int numEvents, EventStream es, Map<String, Integer> predicateIndex) throws IOException {
Map<String, Integer> omap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int outcomeCount = 0;
List eventsToCompare = new ArrayList(numEvents);
List<Integer> indexedContext = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (es.hasNext()) {
Event ev =;
String[] econtext = ev.getContext();
ComparableEvent ce;
int ocID;
String oc = ev.getOutcome();
if (omap.containsKey(oc)) {
ocID = omap.get(oc);
} else {
ocID = outcomeCount++;
omap.put(oc, ocID);
for (int i = 0; i < econtext.length; i++) {
String pred = econtext[i];
if (predicateIndex.containsKey(pred)) {
// drop events with no active features
if (indexedContext.size() > 0) {
int[] cons = new int[indexedContext.size()];
for (int ci = 0; ci < cons.length; ci++) {
cons[ci] = indexedContext.get(ci);
ce = new ComparableEvent(ocID, cons);
} else {
LOG.debug("Dropped event " + ev.getOutcome() + ":" + Arrays.asList(ev.getContext()));
// recycle the TIntArrayList
outcomeLabels = toIndexedStringArray(omap);
predLabels = toIndexedStringArray(predicateIndex);
return eventsToCompare;