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Example 1 with IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase

use of org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class AccessWithExceptionTest method testGetWithNullKey.

@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
@Parameters(method = "databaseInstanceDefinitions")
public void testGetWithNullKey(Properties dbDef) {
    // create database
    dbDef.setProperty("db_name", DatabaseTestUtils.dbName + DatabaseTestUtils.getNext());
    IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.connect(dbDef);
    // attempt get with null key
Also used : IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase(org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase) Parameters(junitparams.Parameters) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase

use of org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class AccessWithExceptionTest method testCommitWithClosedDatabase.

@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
@Parameters(method = "databaseInstanceDefinitions")
public void testCommitWithClosedDatabase(Properties dbDef) {
    // create database
    dbDef.setProperty("db_name", DatabaseTestUtils.dbName + DatabaseTestUtils.getNext());
    IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.connect(dbDef);
    // TODO: differentiate between not supported and closed
    // attempt commit on closed db
Also used : IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase(org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase) Parameters(junitparams.Parameters) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase

use of org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class ConcurrencyTest method testConcurrentAccessOnOpenDatabase.

@Parameters(method = "databaseInstanceDefinitions")
public void testConcurrentAccessOnOpenDatabase(Properties dbDef) throws InterruptedException {
    dbDef.setProperty("db_name", DatabaseTestUtils.dbName + getNext());
    // open database
    IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.connect(dbDef);
    // create distinct threads with
    List<Runnable> threads = new ArrayList<>();
    int threadSetCount = CONCURRENT_THREADS / 8;
    if (threadSetCount < 3) {
        threadSetCount = 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < threadSetCount; i++) {
        // 1. thread that checks empty
        addThread4IsEmpty(threads, db);
        // 2. thread that gets keys
        addThread4Keys(threads, db);
        String keyStr = "key-" + i + ".";
        // 3. thread that gets entry
        addThread4Get(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 4. thread that puts entry
        addThread4Put(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 5. thread that deletes entry
        addThread4Delete(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 6. thread that puts entries
        addThread4PutBatch(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 7. thread that deletes entry
        addThread4DeleteBatch(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 8. thread that checks size
        addThread4Size(threads, db);
    // run threads and check for exceptions
    assertConcurrent("Testing concurrent access. ", threads, TIME_OUT);
    // check that db is unlocked after updates
    // ensuring close
Also used : IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase(org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase) Parameters(junitparams.Parameters) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase

use of org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class ConcurrencyTest method testConcurrentPutBatch.

@Parameters(method = "databaseInstanceDefinitions")
public void testConcurrentPutBatch(Properties dbDef) throws InterruptedException {
    dbDef.setProperty("db_name", DatabaseTestUtils.dbName + getNext());
    IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.connect(dbDef);
    // create distinct threads with
    List<Runnable> threads = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < CONCURRENT_THREADS; i++) {
        addThread4PutBatch(threads, db, "key-" + i);
    // run threads
    assertConcurrent("Testing putBatch(...) ", threads, TIME_OUT);
    // check that all values were added
    assertThat(db.keys().size()).isEqualTo(3 * CONCURRENT_THREADS);
    // ensuring close
Also used : IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase(org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase) Parameters(junitparams.Parameters) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase

use of org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class ConcurrencyTest method testConcurrentUpdate.

@Parameters(method = "databaseInstanceDefinitions")
public void testConcurrentUpdate(Properties dbDef) throws InterruptedException {
    dbDef.setProperty("db_name", DatabaseTestUtils.dbName + getNext());
    // open database
    IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.connect(dbDef);
    // create distinct threads with
    List<Runnable> threads = new ArrayList<>();
    int threadSetCount = CONCURRENT_THREADS / 4;
    if (threadSetCount < 3) {
        threadSetCount = 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < threadSetCount; i++) {
        String keyStr = "key-" + i + ".";
        // 1. thread that puts entry
        addThread4Put(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 2. thread that deletes entry
        addThread4Delete(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 3. thread that puts entries
        addThread4PutBatch(threads, db, keyStr);
        // 4. thread that deletes entry
        addThread4DeleteBatch(threads, db, keyStr);
    // run threads and check for exceptions
    assertConcurrent("Testing concurrent updates. ", threads, TIME_OUT);
    // check that db is unlocked after updates
    // ensuring close
Also used : IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase(org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase) Parameters(junitparams.Parameters) Test(org.junit.Test)


IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase (org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase)26 Test (org.junit.Test)24 Parameters (junitparams.Parameters)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ImportResult (org.aion.mcf.core.ImportResult)3 TrieImpl (org.aion.mcf.trie.TrieImpl)3 AionBlock ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Address (org.aion.base.type.Address)2 DataWord (org.aion.mcf.vm.types.DataWord)2 AionContractDetailsImpl ( AionRepositoryImpl ( Properties (java.util.Properties)1 IContractDetails (org.aion.base.db.IContractDetails)1 MockDBDriver (org.aion.db.impl.mockdb.MockDBDriver)1