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Example 56 with Address

use of org.aion.base.type.Address in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class AionRepositoryImplTest method testAccountStateUpdate.

public void testAccountStateUpdate() {
    AionRepositoryImpl repository = AionRepositoryImpl.createForTesting(repoConfig);
    byte[] originalRoot = repository.getRoot();
    Address defaultAccount = Address.wrap(ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3CAF3"));
    IRepositoryCache track = repository.startTracking();
    track.addBalance(defaultAccount, BigInteger.valueOf(1));
    byte[] newRoot = repository.getRoot();
    System.out.println(String.format("original root: %s", ByteUtil.toHexString(originalRoot)));
    System.out.println(String.format("new root: %s", ByteUtil.toHexString(newRoot)));
Also used : Address(org.aion.base.type.Address) IRepositoryCache(org.aion.base.db.IRepositoryCache) AionRepositoryImpl( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 57 with Address

use of org.aion.base.type.Address in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class ApiAion method sendTransaction.

public byte[] sendTransaction(ArgTxCall _params) {
    Address from = _params.getFrom();
    if (from == null || from.equals(Address.EMPTY_ADDRESS())) {
        LOG.error("<send-transaction msg=invalid-from-address>");
        return null;
    ECKey key = this.getAccountKey(from.toString());
    if (key == null) {
        LOG.error("<send-transaction msg=account-not-found>");
        return null;
    try {
        synchronized (pendingState) {
            // TODO : temp set nrg & price to 1
            byte[] nonce = (!_params.getNonce().equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) ? _params.getNonce().toByteArray() : pendingState.bestNonce(Address.wrap(key.getAddress())).toByteArray();
            AionTransaction tx = new AionTransaction(nonce, _params.getTo(), _params.getValue().toByteArray(), _params.getData(), _params.getNrg(), _params.getNrgPrice());
            return tx.getHash();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return null;
Also used : Address(org.aion.base.type.Address) ECKey(org.aion.crypto.ECKey) AionTransaction(

Example 58 with Address

use of org.aion.base.type.Address in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class AionBlockchainImpl method isValid.

 * This mechanism enforces a homeostasis in terms of the time between
 * blocks; a smaller period between the last two blocks results in an
 * increase in the difficulty level and thus additional computation
 * required, lengthening the likely next period. Conversely, if the period
 * is too large, the difficulty, and expected time to the next block, is
 * reduced.
private boolean isValid(AionBlock block) {
    if (block == null) {
        return false;
    boolean isValid = true;
    if (!block.isGenesis()) {
        isValid = isValid(block.getHeader());
        // Sanity checks
        String trieHash = Hex.toHexString(block.getTxTrieRoot());
        String trieListHash = Hex.toHexString(calcTxTrie(block.getTransactionsList()));
        if (!trieHash.equals(trieListHash)) {
            LOG.warn("Block's given Trie Hash doesn't match: {} != {}", trieHash, trieListHash);
            return false;
        List<AionTransaction> txs = block.getTransactionsList();
        if (txs != null && !txs.isEmpty()) {
            IRepository parentRepo = repository;
            if (!Arrays.equals(getBlockStore().getBestBlock().getHash(), block.getParentHash())) {
                parentRepo = repository.getSnapshotTo(getBlockByHash(block.getParentHash()).getStateRoot());
            Map<Address, BigInteger> nonceCache = new HashMap<>();
            if (txs.parallelStream().anyMatch(tx -> !TXValidator.isValid(tx))) {
                LOG.error("Some transactions in the block are invalid");
                return false;
            for (AionTransaction tx : txs) {
                Address txSender = tx.getFrom();
                BigInteger expectedNonce = nonceCache.get(txSender);
                if (expectedNonce == null) {
                    expectedNonce = parentRepo.getNonce(txSender);
                BigInteger txNonce = new BigInteger(1, tx.getNonce());
                if (!expectedNonce.equals(txNonce)) {
                    LOG.warn("Invalid transaction: Tx nonce {} != expected nonce {} (parent nonce: {}): {}", txNonce.toString(), expectedNonce.toString(), parentRepo.getNonce(txSender), tx);
                    return false;
                // update cache
                nonceCache.put(txSender, expectedNonce.add(BigInteger.ONE));
    return isValid;
Also used : Address(org.aion.base.type.Address) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) IRepository(org.aion.base.db.IRepository)

Example 59 with Address

use of org.aion.base.type.Address in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class PendingTxCache method flush.

public List<AionTransaction> flush(Map<Address, BigInteger> nonceMap) {
    if (nonceMap == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    List<AionTransaction> processableTx = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Address addr : nonceMap.keySet()) {
        BigInteger bn = nonceMap.get(addr);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("cacheTx.flush addr[{}] bn[{}] size[{}], cache_size[{}]", addr.toString(), bn.toString(), cacheTxMap.get(addr).size(), currentSize.get());
        if (cacheTxMap.get(addr) != null) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("cacheTx.flush after addr[{}] size[{}], cache_size[{}]", addr.toString(), cacheTxMap.get(addr).size(), currentSize.get());
            if (cacheTxMap.get(addr).get(bn) != null) {
    return processableTx;
Also used : Address(org.aion.base.type.Address) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) AionTransaction(

Example 60 with Address

use of org.aion.base.type.Address in project aion by aionnetwork.

the class AionRepositoryCache method flush.

 * @implNote To maintain intended functionality this method does not call
 *           the parent's {@code flush()} method. The changes are propagated
 *           to the parent through calling the parent's
 *           {@code updateBatch()} method.
public synchronized void flush() {
    // determine which accounts should get stored
    HashMap<Address, AccountState> cleanedCacheAccounts = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<Address, AccountState> entry : cachedAccounts.entrySet()) {
        AccountState account = entry.getValue();
        if (account != null && account.isDirty() && account.isEmpty()) {
            // ignore contract state for empty accounts at storage
        } else {
            cleanedCacheAccounts.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    // determine which contracts should get stored
    for (Map.Entry<Address, IContractDetails<DataWord>> entry : cachedDetails.entrySet()) {
        IContractDetails<DataWord> ctd = entry.getValue();
        // different ContractDetails implementation
        if (ctd != null && ctd instanceof ContractDetailsCacheImpl) {
            ContractDetailsCacheImpl contractDetailsCache = (ContractDetailsCacheImpl) ctd;
            if (contractDetailsCache.origContract == null && repository.hasContractDetails(entry.getKey())) {
                // in forked block the contract account might not exist thus
                // it is created without
                // origin, but on the main chain details can contain data
                // which should be merged
                // into a single storage trie so both branches with
                // different stateRoots are valid
                contractDetailsCache.origContract = repository.getContractDetails(entry.getKey());
    repository.updateBatch(cleanedCacheAccounts, cachedDetails);
Also used : IContractDetails(org.aion.base.db.IContractDetails) Address(org.aion.base.type.Address) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ContractDetailsCacheImpl(org.aion.mcf.db.ContractDetailsCacheImpl) DataWord(org.aion.mcf.vm.types.DataWord) AccountState(org.aion.mcf.core.AccountState) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


Address (org.aion.base.type.Address)61 Test (org.junit.Test)34 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)29 AionTransaction ( ITransaction (org.aion.base.type.ITransaction)14 ECKey (org.aion.crypto.ECKey)13 DataWord (org.aion.mcf.vm.types.DataWord)11 AionRepositoryImpl ( TxPoolA0 ( IRepositoryCache (org.aion.base.db.IRepositoryCache)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 ByteArrayWrapper (org.aion.base.util.ByteArrayWrapper)5 ByteUtil.toHexString (org.aion.base.util.ByteUtil.toHexString)5 AccountState (org.aion.mcf.core.AccountState)5 AionBlock ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 ImportResult (org.aion.mcf.core.ImportResult)4 IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase (org.aion.base.db.IByteArrayKeyValueDatabase)3 IRepository (org.aion.base.db.IRepository)3 AionContractDetailsImpl (