use of org.aion.precompiled.contracts.TXHashContract in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class ContractFactory method getPrecompiledContract.
* Returns a new pre-compiled contract such that the address of the new contract is address.
* Returns null if address does not map to any known contracts.
* @param context Passed in execution context.
* @param externalState The current state of the world.
* @return the specified pre-compiled address.
public PrecompiledContract getPrecompiledContract(PrecompiledTransactionContext context, IExternalStateForPrecompiled externalState) {
boolean fork_032 = externalState.isFork032Enabled();
// TODO: need to provide a real solution for the repository here ....
AionAddress destination = context.destinationAddress;
if (destination.equals(ContractInfo.TOKEN_BRIDGE.contractAddress)) {
TokenBridgeContract contract = new TokenBridgeContract(context, externalState, ContractInfo.TOKEN_BRIDGE.ownerAddress, ContractInfo.TOKEN_BRIDGE.contractAddress);
if (!context.originAddress.equals(ContractInfo.TOKEN_BRIDGE.ownerAddress) && !contract.isInitialized()) {
return null;
return contract;
} else if (destination.equals(ContractInfo.ED_VERIFY.contractAddress)) {
return fork_032 ? new EDVerifyContract() : null;
} else if (destination.equals(ContractInfo.BLAKE_2B.contractAddress)) {
return fork_032 ? new Blake2bHashContract() : null;
} else if (destination.equals(ContractInfo.TRANSACTION_HASH.contractAddress)) {
return fork_032 ? new TXHashContract(context) : null;
} else if (destination.equals(ContractInfo.TOTAL_CURRENCY.contractAddress)) {
return fork_032 ? null : new TotalCurrencyContract(externalState, context.senderAddress, ContractInfo.TOTAL_CURRENCY.ownerAddress);
} else {
return null;