use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.admin.AuditEventBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class AuditEventDAO method getColumnNameFromHashMap.
* getFinalEntityFromCollection, code created to place many of the functions
* originally in findAllByUser here, so that it can be used efficiently by
* findEventStatusLogByStudySubject.
* @return an AuditEventBean, containing all the preset values
// public AuditEventBean getFinalEntityFromCollection() {
// AuditEventBean eb = new AuditEventBean();
// return eb;
// }
* <p>
* getEntityFromHashMap, the method that gets the object from the database
* query.
public Object getColumnNameFromHashMap(HashMap hm) {
AuditEventBean eb = new AuditEventBean();
eb.setUpdateCount(((Integer) hm.get("count")).intValue());
eb.setColumnName((String) hm.get("column_name"));
return eb;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.admin.AuditEventBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class AuditEventDAO method findAllByAuditTable.
public ArrayList findAllByAuditTable(String tableName) {
ArrayList<AuditEventBean> al = new ArrayList<AuditEventBean>();
HashMap variables = new HashMap();
variables.put(new Integer(1), tableName);
String sql = digester.getQuery("findAllByAuditTable");
ArrayList alist =, variables);
Iterator it = alist.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AuditEventBean eb = new AuditEventBean();
eb = (AuditEventBean) this.getEntityFromHashMap((HashMap);
return al;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.admin.AuditEventBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class AuditEventDAO method findAllByUserId.
public ArrayList findAllByUserId(int userId) {
* select ae. , aev.old_value, aev.new_value, aev.column_name from
* audit_event ae, audit_event_values aev where ae.audit_id=aev.audit_id
* and ae.user_id=? order by ae.audit_date; NEWER QUERY : select ae. ,
* aev.old_value, aev.new_value, aev.column_name, aec.study_id,
* aec.subject_id from audit_event ae, audit_event_values aev,
* audit_event_context aec where ae.audit_id=aev.audit_id and
* ae.audit_id = aec.audit_id and ae.user_id=? order by ae.audit_date
this.setTypeExpected(1, TypeNames.INT);
this.setTypeExpected(2, TypeNames.TIMESTAMP);
this.setTypeExpected(3, TypeNames.STRING);
this.setTypeExpected(4, TypeNames.INT);
this.setTypeExpected(5, TypeNames.INT);
this.setTypeExpected(6, TypeNames.STRING);
// action_message
this.setTypeExpected(7, TypeNames.STRING);
// old_value
this.setTypeExpected(8, TypeNames.STRING);
// new_value
this.setTypeExpected(9, TypeNames.STRING);
// column_name
this.setTypeExpected(10, TypeNames.STRING);
// study_id
this.setTypeExpected(11, TypeNames.INT);
// subject_id
this.setTypeExpected(12, TypeNames.INT);
HashMap variables = new HashMap();
variables.put(new Integer(1), new Integer(userId));
String sql = digester.getQuery("findAllByUserId");
ArrayList alist =, variables);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = alist.iterator();
AuditEventBean ebCheck = new AuditEventBean();
HashMap AuditEventHashMap = new HashMap();
AuditEventBean eb = new AuditEventBean();
while (it.hasNext()) {
HashMap nextEb = (HashMap);
eb = (AuditEventBean) this.getEntityFromHashMap(nextEb, true, true, true);
// currently added here, but is there repeated work?
// create a method instead to just add the names to the ids
// found in the context, tbh
ebCheck = (AuditEventBean) AuditEventHashMap.get(new Integer(eb.getId()));
if (ebCheck == null) {
AuditEventHashMap.put(new Integer(eb.getId()), eb);
logger.warn("Put into hashmap: " + eb.getId());
} else {
HashMap changes = ebCheck.getChanges();
changes.put(eb.getColumnName(), eb.getNewValue());
AuditEventHashMap.put(new Integer(eb.getId()), ebCheck);
// go ahead and check to see if they match
* if (eb.getAuditTable().equals(ebCheck.getAuditTable()) &&
* eb.getEntityId()==ebCheck.getEntityId()) { //get the other
* column, new value, old value information and //keep on iterating
* HashMap changes = ebCheck.getChanges();
* changes.put(eb.getColumnName(),eb.getNewValue());
* ebCheck.setChanges(changes); } else { //go ahead and add the
* ebCheck to the list, //reset the ebCheck to review next changes
* if (ebCheck.getEntityId()!=0) { al.add(ebCheck); } //else {
* ebCheck = (AuditEventBean) this.getEntityFromHashMap(nextEb,
* true, true); //}
* logger.warn("*** Switched entity info: "+eb.getEntityId()+" "+
* ebCheck.getEntityId()); }
// end of first iterator loop
Set s = AuditEventHashMap.entrySet();
Iterator sit = s.iterator();
while (sit.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry mentry = (Map.Entry);
AuditEventBean newAEBean = (AuditEventBean) mentry.getValue();
newAEBean = this.setStudyAndSubjectInfo(newAEBean);
// al.add(mentry.getValue());
return al;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.admin.AuditEventBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class AuditEventDAO method createRowForUserAccount.
public void createRowForUserAccount(UserAccountBean uab, String reasonForChange, String actionMessage) {
// creator method for making a row in the audit table
// for a user account, tbh
// TODO doesn't work -- set it up by adding rows to context and values
AuditEventBean aeb = new AuditEventBean();
AuditEventBean new_aeb = (AuditEventBean) create(aeb);