use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudySubjectBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class UrlRewriteServlet method getOpenClinicaResourceFromURL.
* Method to parse the request URL parameters and get the respective
* database identifiers
* @param URLPath
* - example "S_CPCS/320999/SE_CPCS%5B1%5D/F_CPCS_1"
* @param queryString
* - example
* "format=html&mode=view&tabId=1&exitTo=ViewStudySubject"
* @return
public OpenClinicaResource getOpenClinicaResourceFromURL(String URLPath) /*
* ,
* String
* queryString
OpenClinicaResource openClinicaResource = new OpenClinicaResource();
if ((null != URLPath) && (!URLPath.equals(""))) {
if (URLPath.contains("/")) {
String[] tokens = URLPath.split("/");
if (tokens.length != 0) {
String URLParamValue = "";
StudyDAO stdao = new StudyDAO(getDataSource());
StudySubjectDAO ssubdao = new StudySubjectDAO(getDataSource());
StudyEventDefinitionDAO sedefdao = new StudyEventDefinitionDAO(getDataSource());
CRFDAO crfdao = new CRFDAO(getDataSource());
CRFVersionDAO crfvdao = new CRFVersionDAO(getDataSource());
ItemDAO idao = new ItemDAO(getDataSource());
ItemGroupDAO igdao = new ItemGroupDAO(getDataSource());
StudyEventDAO sedao = new StudyEventDAO(getDataSource());
StudyBean study = null;
StudySubjectBean subject = null;
StudyEventDefinitionBean sed = null;
CRFBean c = null;
CRFVersionBean cv = null;
ItemBean item = null;
ItemGroupBean ig = null;
StudyEventBean studyEvent = null;
Integer studySubjectId = 0;
Integer eventDefId = 0;
Integer eventRepeatKey = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
// when interpreting these request URL parameters, the
// assumption is that the position of
// each type of parameters will be fixed. Meaning, study
// OID is always going to be at the start
// followed by StudySubjectKey followed by study event
// definition OID followed by
// study event repeat key followed by form OID followed
// by item group OID followed by
// item group repeat key followed by item OID
// It can also be done based on the start of OID value
// (example study OID presently
// starts with 'S_' but we will have to change it if we
// change the method of generating
// oID values in future.
URLParamValue = tokens[i].trim();
//System.out.println("URLParamValue::"+URLParamValue);"URLPAramValue::" + URLParamValue);
if ((null != URLParamValue) && (!URLParamValue.equals(""))) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
// study OID
study = stdao.findByOid(URLParamValue);
//validate study OID
if (study == null) {
return openClinicaResource;
} else {
if (null != study) {
case 1:
// StudySubjectKey
subject = ssubdao.findByOidAndStudy(URLParamValue, study.getId());
//validate subject OID
if (subject == null) {
return openClinicaResource;
} else {
if (null != subject) {
studySubjectId = subject.getId();
case 2:
// study event definition OID
// separate study event OID and study event
// repeat key
String seoid = "";
String eventOrdinal = "";
if (URLParamValue.contains("%5B") && URLParamValue.contains("%5D")) {
seoid = URLParamValue.substring(0, URLParamValue.indexOf("%5B"));
eventOrdinal = URLParamValue.substring(URLParamValue.indexOf("%5B") + 3, URLParamValue.indexOf("%5D"));
} else if (URLParamValue.contains("[") && URLParamValue.contains("]")) {
seoid = URLParamValue.substring(0, URLParamValue.indexOf("["));"seoid" + seoid);
eventOrdinal = URLParamValue.substring(URLParamValue.indexOf("[") + 1, URLParamValue.indexOf("]"));"eventOrdinal::" + eventOrdinal);
} else {
//event ordinal not specified
return openClinicaResource;
if ((null != seoid) && (null != study)) {
sed = sedefdao.findByOidAndStudy(seoid, study.getId(), study.getParentStudyId());
//validate study event oid
if (null == sed) {
return openClinicaResource;
} else {
eventDefId = sed.getId();
if (null != eventRepeatKey) {
eventRepeatKey = Integer.parseInt(eventOrdinal.trim());
//validate the event ordinal specified exists in database
studyEvent = (StudyEventBean) sedao.findByStudySubjectIdAndDefinitionIdAndOrdinal(subject.getId(), sed.getId(), eventRepeatKey);
//this method return new StudyEvent (not null) even if no studyEvent can be found
if (null == studyEvent || studyEvent.getId() == 0) {
return openClinicaResource;
} else {
case 3:
// form OID
//validate the crf version oid
cv = crfvdao.findByOid(URLParamValue);
if (cv == null) {
return openClinicaResource;
} else {
//validate if crf is removed
if (cv.getStatus().equals(Status.DELETED)) {
return openClinicaResource;
} else {
if (null != study) {
// cv =
// crfvdao.findByCrfVersionOidAndStudy(URLParamValue,
// study.getId());
// if (null != cv) {
// openClinicaResource.setFormVersionID(cv.getId());
// openClinicaResource.setFormID(cv.getCrfId());
// }
HashMap studySubjectCRFDataDetails = sedao.getStudySubjectCRFData(study, studySubjectId, eventDefId, URLParamValue, eventRepeatKey);
if ((null != studySubjectCRFDataDetails) && (studySubjectCRFDataDetails.size() != 0)) {
if (studySubjectCRFDataDetails.containsKey("event_crf_id")) {
openClinicaResource.setEventCrfId((Integer) studySubjectCRFDataDetails.get("event_crf_id"));
if (studySubjectCRFDataDetails.containsKey("event_definition_crf_id")) {
openClinicaResource.setEventDefinitionCrfId((Integer) studySubjectCRFDataDetails.get("event_definition_crf_id"));
if (studySubjectCRFDataDetails.containsKey("study_event_id")) {
openClinicaResource.setStudyEventId((Integer) studySubjectCRFDataDetails.get("study_event_id"));
} else {
//no data was found in the database for the combination of parameters in the RESTful URL. There are 2 possible reasons:
//a. The data entry is not started yet for this event CRF. As of OpenClinica 3.1.3 we have not implemented the
// RESTful URL functionality in this case.
//b. The form version OID entered in the URL could be different than the one used in the data entry
return openClinicaResource;
case 4:
// item group OID
// separate item group OID and item group
// repeat key
String igoid = "";
String igRepeatKey = "";
if (URLParamValue.contains("[")) {
igoid = URLParamValue.substring(1, URLParamValue.indexOf("["));
igRepeatKey = URLParamValue.substring(URLParamValue.indexOf("["), URLParamValue.indexOf("}]"));
if ((null != igoid) && (null != cv)) {
ig = igdao.findByOidAndCrf(URLParamValue, cv.getCrfId());
if (null != ig) {
if (null != igRepeatKey) {
case 5:
// item = idao.find
// switch end
return openClinicaResource;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudySubjectBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class AccountController method getAccount3.
* @api {get} /pages/accounts/study/:studyOid/studysubject/:studySubjectId Retrieve a user account - participant
* @apiName getAccount3
* @apiPermission Module participate - enabled & admin
* @apiVersion 3.8.0
* @apiParam {String} studyOid Study Oid.
* @apiParam {String} studySubjectId Study Subject Id .
* @apiGroup User Account
* @apiDescription Retrieves the participant user account with the given studySubjectId and studyOid
* @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example:
* {
* "studyOid": " S_BL101",
* "studySubjectId": "Sub100"
* }
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "lName": "",
* "mobile": "JTaa7WGRdH5dGs42XyTrgA==",
* "accessCode": "5s02UFpiMBijWuzaxSOojg==",
* "password": "5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8",
* "email": "XzJadh3l3V7uUoPCggbSoIfoNW8IQU3qsvrtHfJH7J0=",
* "userName": "S_BL101.SS_SUB100",
* "studySubjectId": null,
* "fName": "pdyGCN1CdAKIGOUEERz/yQ=="
* }
@RequestMapping(value = "/study/{studyOid}/studysubject/{studySubjectId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<UserDTO> getAccount3(@PathVariable("studyOid") String studyOid, @PathVariable("studySubjectId") String studySubjectId) throws Exception {
ResourceBundleProvider.updateLocale(new Locale("en_US"));
uDTO = null;
System.out.println("I'm in getAccount3");
StudyBean parentStudy = getParentStudy(studyOid);
String oid = parentStudy.getOid();
StudySubjectBean studySubjectBean = getStudySubject(studySubjectId, parentStudy);
if (isStudyASiteLevelStudy(studyOid))
return new ResponseEntity<UserDTO>(uDTO, org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
if (!mayProceed(oid, studySubjectBean))
return new ResponseEntity<UserDTO>(uDTO, org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
if (isStudyDoesNotExist(oid))
return new ResponseEntity<UserDTO>(uDTO, org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
if (isStudySubjectDoesNotExist(studySubjectBean))
return new ResponseEntity<UserDTO>(uDTO, org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
// build UserName
HashMap<String, String> mapValues = buildParticipantUserName(studySubjectBean);
// Participant User Name
String pUserName = mapValues.get("pUserName");
udao = new UserAccountDAO(dataSource);
UserAccountBean userAccountBean = (UserAccountBean) udao.findByUserName(pUserName);
if (!userAccountBean.isActive()) {
uDTO = new UserDTO();
return new ResponseEntity<UserDTO>(uDTO, org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.OK);
} else {
return new ResponseEntity<UserDTO>(uDTO, org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.OK);
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudySubjectBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class OdmController method getODM.
private ODM getODM(String studyOID, String subjectKey) {
ODM odm = new ODM();
String ssoid = subjectKey;
if (ssoid == null) {
return null;
FormLayoutDAO formLayoutDAO = new FormLayoutDAO(dataSource);
StudyDAO studyDAO = new StudyDAO(dataSource);
StudySubjectDAO studySubjectDAO = new StudySubjectDAO(dataSource);
EventCRFDAO eventCRFDAO = new EventCRFDAO(dataSource);
ItemDataDAO itemDataDAO = new ItemDataDAO(dataSource);
CRFDAO crfDAO = new CRFDAO(dataSource);
List<ODMcomplexTypeDefinitionFormData> formDatas = new ArrayList<>();
try {
// Retrieve crfs for next event
StudySubjectBean studySubjectBean = studySubjectDAO.findByOid(ssoid);
ParticipantEventService participantEventService = new ParticipantEventService(dataSource);
StudyEventBean nextEvent = participantEventService.getNextParticipantEvent(studySubjectBean);
if (nextEvent != null) {
logger.debug("Found event: " + nextEvent.getName() + " - ID: " + nextEvent.getId());
List<EventCRFBean> eventCrfs = eventCRFDAO.findAllByStudyEvent(nextEvent);
StudyBean study = studyDAO.findByOid(studyOID);
if (!mayProceed(studyOID, studySubjectBean))
return odm;
List<EventDefinitionCRFBean> eventDefCrfs = participantEventService.getEventDefCrfsForStudyEvent(studySubjectBean, nextEvent);
for (EventDefinitionCRFBean eventDefCrf : eventDefCrfs) {
if (eventDefCrf.isParticipantForm()) {
EventCRFBean eventCRF = participantEventService.getExistingEventCRF(studySubjectBean, nextEvent, eventDefCrf);
boolean itemDataExists = false;
boolean validStatus = true;
FormLayoutBean formLayout = null;
if (eventCRF != null) {
if (eventCRF.getStatus().getId() != 1 && eventCRF.getStatus().getId() != 2)
validStatus = false;
if (itemDataDAO.findAllByEventCRFId(eventCRF.getId()).size() > 0)
itemDataExists = true;
formLayout = (FormLayoutBean) formLayoutDAO.findByPK(eventCRF.getFormLayoutId());
} else
formLayout = (FormLayoutBean) formLayoutDAO.findByPK(eventDefCrf.getDefaultVersionId());
if (validStatus) {
String formUrl = null;
if (!itemDataExists)
formUrl = createEnketoUrl(studyOID, formLayout, nextEvent, ssoid);
formUrl = createEditUrl(studyOID, formLayout, nextEvent, ssoid);
formDatas.add(getFormDataPerCrf(formLayout, nextEvent, eventCrfs, crfDAO, formUrl, itemDataExists));
return createOdm(study, studySubjectBean, nextEvent, formDatas);
} else {
logger.debug("Unable to find next event for subject.");
} catch (Exception e) {
return odm;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudySubjectBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class BatchCRFMigrationController method run.
public void run() {
dataSource = helperObject.getDataSource();
cBean = helperObject.getcBean();
reportLog = helperObject.getReportLog();
stBean = helperObject.getStBean();
resterms = helperObject.getResterms();
userAccountBean = helperObject.getUserAccountBean();
openClinicaMailSender = helperObject.getOpenClinicaMailSender();
sessionFactory = helperObject.getSessionFactory();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
int i = 0;
for (EventCRFBean eventCrfToMigrate : helperObject.getEventCrfListToMigrate()) {
executeMigrationAction(helperObject, eventCrfToMigrate);
if (i % 50 == 0) {
StudySubjectBean ssBean = (StudySubjectBean) ssdao().findByPK(eventCrfToMigrate.getStudySubjectId());
StudyBean sBean = (StudyBean) sdao().findByPK(ssBean.getStudyId());
StudyEventBean seBean = (StudyEventBean) sedao().findByPK(eventCrfToMigrate.getStudyEventId());
StudyEventDefinitionBean sedBean = (StudyEventDefinitionBean) seddao().findByPK(seBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId());
reportLog.getLogs().add(cBean.getName() + "," + helperObject.getSourceCrfVersionBean().getName() + "," + helperObject.getTargetCrfVersionBean().getName() + "," + ssBean.getLabel() + "," + sBean.getName() + "," + sedBean.getName() + "," + seBean.getSampleOrdinal());
String fileName = new SimpleDateFormat("_yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmssSaa'.txt'").format(new Date());
fileName = "logFile" + fileName;
File file = createLogFile(fileName);
PrintWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = openFile(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} finally {
writer.print(toStringTextFormat(reportLog, resterms, stBean, cBean));
String reportUrl = getReportUrl(fileName, helperObject.getUrlBase());
String fullName = userAccountBean.getFirstName() + " " + userAccountBean.getLastName();
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
body.append(resterms.getString("Dear") + " " + fullName + ",<br><br>" + resterms.getString("Batch_CRF_version_migration_has_finished_running") + "<br>" + resterms.getString("Study") + ": " + stBean.getName() + "<br>" + resterms.getString("CRF") + ": " + cBean.getName() + "<br><br>" + resterms.getString("A_summary_report_of_the_migration_is_available_here") + ":<br>" + reportUrl + "<br><br>" + resterms.getString("Thank_you_Your_OpenClinica_System"));;
openClinicaMailSender.sendEmail(userAccountBean.getEmail(), EmailEngine.getAdminEmail(), resterms.getString("Batch_Migration_Complete_For") + " " + stBean.getName(), body.toString(), true);
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.managestudy.StudySubjectBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class AccountController method isStudySubjecAndCRCRolesMatch.
private Boolean isStudySubjecAndCRCRolesMatch(String studySubjectId, String crcUserName, String studyOid) {
// crc is siteA studySubject is siteA , pass (same site)
// crc is siteA studySubject is siteB , Fail
// crc is siteA studySubject is study , Fail
// crc is study studySubject is siteA , pass
// crc is study studySubject is siteB , pass
// crc is study studySubject is study , pass
StudyBean parentStudy = getParentStudy(studyOid);
Integer studyIdFromStudyOid = parentStudy.getId();
StudySubjectBean studySubjectBean = getStudySubject(studySubjectId, parentStudy);
Integer studyIdFromStudySubjectId = studySubjectBean.getStudyId();
System.out.println(" ------------------ ");
System.out.println("studyIdFromStudyOid : " + studyIdFromStudyOid);
System.out.println("studySubjectId: " + studySubjectId);
System.out.println("studyIdFromStudySubjectId: " + studyIdFromStudySubjectId);
return doesStudySubjecAndCRCRolesMatch(crcUserName, studyIdFromStudySubjectId);