use of org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.ListDiscNotesSubjectSort in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class DiscNotesSubjectStatisticsFactory method getSubjectSort.
protected ListDiscNotesSubjectSort getSubjectSort(Limit limit) {
ListDiscNotesSubjectSort listDiscNotesSubjectSort = new ListDiscNotesSubjectSort();
SortSet sortSet = limit.getSortSet();
Collection<Sort> sorts = sortSet.getSorts();
for (Sort sort : sorts) {
String property = sort.getProperty();
String order = sort.getOrder().toParam();
listDiscNotesSubjectSort.addSort(property, order);
return listDiscNotesSubjectSort;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.ListDiscNotesSubjectSort in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class DiscNotesSubjectStatisticsFactory method setDataAndLimitVariables.
public void setDataAndLimitVariables(TableFacade tableFacade) {
StudyBean study = this.getStudyBean();
Limit limit = tableFacade.getLimit();
ListDiscNotesSubjectFilter subjectFilter = getSubjectFilter(limit);
// subjectFilter.addFilter("dn.discrepancy_note_type_id", this.discNoteType);
StringBuffer constraints = new StringBuffer();
/* if (this.discNoteType > 0 && this.discNoteType < 10) {
constraints.append(" and dn.discrepancy_note_type_id=" + this.discNoteType);
if (this.resolutionStatusIds != null && this.resolutionStatusIds.size() > 0) {
String s = " and (";
for (Integer resolutionStatusId : this.resolutionStatusIds) {
s += "dn.resolution_status_id = " + resolutionStatusId + " or ";
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 3) + " )";
subjectFilter.addFilter("dn.resolution_status_id", s);
if (!limit.isComplete()) {
// int totalRows = getStudySubjectDAO().getCountWithFilter(subjectFilter, study);
int rowStart = limit.getRowSelect().getRowStart();
int rowEnd = 6;
ListDiscNotesSubjectSort subjectSort = getSubjectSort(limit);
HashMap<Object, Map> items = (HashMap<Object, Map>) getDiscrepancyMap();
Collection<HashMap<Object, Object>> theItems = new ArrayList<HashMap<Object, Object>>();
Collection<HashMap<Object, Object>> theItemsKeys = new ArrayList<HashMap<Object, Object>>();
Collection<HashMap<Object, Object>> theItemsVals = new ArrayList<HashMap<Object, Object>>();
Iterator keyIt = null;
if (items.values().iterator().hasNext())
keyIt = items.values().iterator().next().keySet().iterator();
HashMap<Object, Object> theItem = new HashMap();
Set theKeys = items.keySet();
List<Object> existingKey = new ArrayList();
Iterator theKeysItr = theKeys.iterator();
while (keyIt.hasNext()) {
String key = "", val = "";
key =;
for (Map<String, String[]> firstVals : items.values()) {
theItem = new HashMap();
Iterator it = firstVals.values().iterator();
// keyIt = firstVals.keySet().iterator();
String label = (String);
while (it.hasNext()) {
theItem.put("_", key);
use of org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.ListDiscNotesSubjectSort in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class ListDiscNotesSubjectTableFactory method getSubjectSort.
* A very custom way to sort the items. The PresidentSort acts as a command
* for the Hibernate criteria object. There are probably many ways to do
* this, but this is the most flexible way I have found. The point is you
* need to somehow take the Limit information and sort the rows.
* @param limit
* The Limit to use.
protected ListDiscNotesSubjectSort getSubjectSort(Limit limit) {
ListDiscNotesSubjectSort listDiscNotesSubjectSort = new ListDiscNotesSubjectSort();
SortSet sortSet = limit.getSortSet();
Collection<Sort> sorts = sortSet.getSorts();
for (Sort sort : sorts) {
String property = sort.getProperty();
String order = sort.getOrder().toParam();
listDiscNotesSubjectSort.addSort(property, order);
return listDiscNotesSubjectSort;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.dao.managestudy.ListDiscNotesSubjectSort in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class ListDiscNotesSubjectTableFactory method setDataAndLimitVariables.
public void setDataAndLimitVariables(TableFacade tableFacade) {
StudyBean study = this.getStudyBean();
Limit limit = tableFacade.getLimit();
ListDiscNotesSubjectFilter subjectFilter = getSubjectFilter(limit);
subjectFilter.addFilter("dn.discrepancy_note_type_id", this.discNoteType);
StringBuffer constraints = new StringBuffer();
if (this.discNoteType > 0 && this.discNoteType < 10) {
constraints.append(" and dn.discrepancy_note_type_id=" + this.discNoteType);
if (this.resolutionStatusIds != null && this.resolutionStatusIds.size() > 0) {
String s = " and (";
for (Integer resolutionStatusId : this.resolutionStatusIds) {
s += "dn.resolution_status_id = " + resolutionStatusId + " or ";
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 3) + " )";
subjectFilter.addFilter("dn.resolution_status_id", s);
if (!limit.isComplete()) {
int totalRows = getStudySubjectDAO().getCountWithFilter(subjectFilter, study);
ListDiscNotesSubjectSort subjectSort = getSubjectSort(limit);
int rowStart = limit.getRowSelect().getRowStart();
int rowEnd = limit.getRowSelect().getRowEnd();
Collection<StudySubjectBean> items = getStudySubjectDAO().getWithFilterAndSort(study, subjectFilter, subjectSort, rowStart, rowEnd);
Collection<HashMap<Object, Object>> theItems = new ArrayList<HashMap<Object, Object>>();
boolean hasDN = false;
for (StudySubjectBean studySubjectBean : items) {
HashMap<Object, Object> theItem = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
theItem.put("studySubject", studySubjectBean);
theItem.put("studySubject.label", studySubjectBean.getLabel());
theItem.put("studySubject.status", studySubjectBean.getStatus());
theItem.put("enrolledAt", ((StudyBean) getStudyDAO().findByPK(studySubjectBean.getStudyId())).getIdentifier());
// Get All study events for this study subject and then put list in
// HashMap with study event definition id as
// key and a list of study events as the value.
List<StudyEventBean> allStudyEventsForStudySubject = getStudyEventDAO().findAllByStudySubject(studySubjectBean);
HashMap<Integer, List<StudyEventBean>> allStudyEventsForStudySubjectBySedId = new HashMap<Integer, List<StudyEventBean>>();
theItem.put("isSignable", isSignable(allStudyEventsForStudySubject));
for (StudyEventBean studyEventBean : allStudyEventsForStudySubject) {
if (allStudyEventsForStudySubjectBySedId.get(studyEventBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId()) == null) {
ArrayList<StudyEventBean> a = new ArrayList<StudyEventBean>();
allStudyEventsForStudySubjectBySedId.put(studyEventBean.getStudyEventDefinitionId(), a);
} else {
for (StudyEventDefinitionBean studyEventDefinition : getStudyEventDefinitions()) {
List<StudyEventBean> studyEvents = allStudyEventsForStudySubjectBySedId.get(studyEventDefinition.getId());
SubjectEventStatus subjectEventStatus = null;
HashMap<ResolutionStatus, Integer> discCounts = new HashMap<ResolutionStatus, Integer>();
studyEvents = studyEvents == null ? new ArrayList<StudyEventBean>() : studyEvents;
if (studyEvents.size() < 1) {
subjectEventStatus = SubjectEventStatus.NOT_SCHEDULED;
} else {
for (StudyEventBean studyEventBean : studyEvents) {
discCounts = countAll(discCounts, studyEventBean, constraints, study.isSite(study.getParentStudyId()));
hasDN = hasDN == false ? discCounts.size() > 0 : hasDN;
if (studyEventBean.getSampleOrdinal() == 1) {
subjectEventStatus = studyEventBean.getSubjectEventStatus();
// break;
theItem.put("sed_" + studyEventDefinition.getId() + "_discCounts", discCounts);
theItem.put("sed_" + studyEventDefinition.getId(), subjectEventStatus.getId());
theItem.put("sed_" + studyEventDefinition.getId() + "_studyEvents", studyEvents);
theItem.put("sed_" + studyEventDefinition.getId() + "_object", studyEventDefinition);
// Do not forget to set the items back on the tableFacade.