use of org.akaza.openclinica.web.pform.formlist.XFormList in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class OpenRosaServices method getForm.
public XFormList getForm(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @Context HttpServletResponse response, @PathParam("studyOID") String studyOID, @QueryParam("formID") String uniqueId, @RequestHeader("Authorization") String authorization, @Context ServletContext context) throws Exception {
LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
// print logback's internal status
if (!mayProceedPreview(studyOID))
return null;
String flavor = getQuerySet(uniqueId);
String formLayoutOid = getFormLayoutOid(uniqueId);
FormLayout formLayout = formLayoutDao.findByOcOID(formLayoutOid);
CrfBean crf = crfDao.findById(formLayout.getCrf().getCrfId());
String xformOutput = "";
String directoryPath = Utils.getCrfMediaFilePath(crf.getOcOid(), formLayout.getOcOid());
File dir = new File(directoryPath);
File[] directoryListing = dir.listFiles();
if (directoryListing != null) {
for (File child : directoryListing) {
if (flavor.equals(QUERY_FLAVOR) && child.getName().endsWith(QUERY_SUFFIX) || flavor.equals(NO_FLAVOR) && child.getName().endsWith(NO_SUFFIX)) {
xformOutput = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(child.getPath())));
XFormList formList = null;
try {
formList = new XFormList();
XForm form = new XForm(crf, formLayout);
// TODO Uncomment this before checking in
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(xformOutput)) {
String urlBase = getCoreResources().getDataInfo().getProperty("sysURL").split("/MainMenu")[0];
List<FormLayoutMedia> mediaList = formLayoutMediaDao.findByFormLayoutIdForNoteTypeMedia(formLayout.getFormLayoutId());
if (flavor.equals(QUERY_FLAVOR)) {
form.setDownloadURL(urlBase + "/rest2/openrosa/" + studyOID + "/formXml?formId=" + formLayout.getOcOid() + QUERY);
form.setManifestURL(urlBase + "/rest2/openrosa/" + studyOID + "/manifest?formId=" + formLayout.getOcOid() + QUERY);
form.setFormID(formLayout.getOcOid() + QUERY);
} else {
form.setDownloadURL(urlBase + "/rest2/openrosa/" + studyOID + "/formXml?formId=" + formLayout.getOcOid());
form.setManifestURL(urlBase + "/rest2/openrosa/" + studyOID + "/manifest?formId=" + formLayout.getOcOid());
} catch (Exception e) {
// return "<Error>" + e.getMessage() + "</Error>";
return formList;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.web.pform.formlist.XFormList in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class OpenRosaServices method getFormList.
* @api {get} /rest2/openrosa/:studyOID/formList Get Form List
* @apiName getFormList
* @apiPermission admin
* @apiVersion 3.8.0
* @apiParam {String} studyOID Study Oid.
* @apiGroup Form
* @apiDescription Retrieves a listing of the available OpenClinica forms.
* @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example:
* {
* "studyOid": "S_SAMPLTE",
* }
* @apiSuccessExample {xml} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* <xforms xmlns="">
* <xform>
* <formID>F_FIRSTFORM_1</formID>
* <name>First Form</name>
* <majorMinorVersion>1</majorMinorVersion>
* <version>1</version>
* <hash>8678370cd92814d4e3216d58d821403f</hash>
* <downloadUrl>
* formId=F_FIRSTFORM_1</downloadUrl>
* </xform>
* <xform>
* <formID>F_SECONDFORM_1</formID>
* <name>Second Form</name>
* <majorMinorVersion>1</majorMinorVersion>
* <version>1</version>
* <hash>7ee60d1c6516b730bbe9bdbd7cad942f</hash>
* <downloadUrl>
* formId=F_SECONDFORM_1</downloadUrl>
* </xform>
* </xforms>
public String getFormList(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @Context HttpServletResponse response, @PathParam("studyOID") String studyOID, @QueryParam("formID") String uniqueId, @RequestHeader("Authorization") String authorization, @Context ServletContext context) throws Exception {
if (!mayProceedPreview(studyOID))
return null;
XFormList formList = null;
try {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uniqueId)) {
List<CrfBean> crfs = crfDao.findAll();
List<FormLayout> formLayouts = formLayoutDao.findAll();
formList = new XFormList();
for (CrfBean crf : crfs) {
for (FormLayout formLayout : formLayouts) {
if (formLayout.getCrf().getCrfId() == crf.getCrfId()) {
XForm form = new XForm(crf, formLayout);
// TODO: Need to generate hash based on contents of
// XForm. Will be done in a later story.
// TODO: For now all XForms get a date based hash to
// trick Enketo into always downloading
// TODO: them.
String urlBase = getCoreResources().getDataInfo().getProperty("sysURL").split("/MainMenu")[0];
form.setDownloadURL(urlBase + "/rest2/openrosa/" + studyOID + "/formXml?formId=" + formLayout.getOcOid());
List<FormLayoutMedia> mediaList = formLayoutMediaDao.findByFormLayoutIdForNoteTypeMedia(formLayout.getFormLayoutId());
if (mediaList != null && mediaList.size() > 0) {
form.setManifestURL(urlBase + "/rest2/openrosa/" + studyOID + "/manifest?formId=" + formLayout.getOcOid());
} else {
formList = getForm(request, response, studyOID, uniqueId, authorization, context);
// Create the XML formList using a Castor mapping file.
XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext();
Mapping mapping = xmlContext.createMapping();
Marshaller marshaller = xmlContext.createMarshaller();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
// Set response headers
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
Date currentDate = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zz");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
response.setHeader("Date", format.format(currentDate));
response.setHeader("X-OpenRosa-Version", "1.0");
return writer.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "<Error>" + e.getMessage() + "</Error>";