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Example 1 with DuplicateRecordException

use of in project records-management by Alfresco.

the class ScheduleInPlaceRecordLoaders method scheduleFile.

 * Helper method that creates a declare record event for the provided file
 * @param fileToSchedule info of the file to declare as record
 * @param eventOutputMsg
 * @return the declare as record event for the provided file
 * @throws EventAlreadyScheduledException if the provided file has already been scheduled
private Event scheduleFile(RecordData fileToSchedule, StringBuilder eventOutputMsg) throws EventAlreadyScheduledException {
    eventOutputMsg.append("Sheduled file to be declared as record: " + fileToSchedule.getId() + ". ");
    // Create record in database to lock it
    try {
    } catch (DuplicateRecordException ex) {
        throw new EventAlreadyScheduledException(eventNameDeclareInPlaceRecord, fileToSchedule.getId());
    // Create an event
    DBObject declareData = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add(FIELD_ID, fileToSchedule.getId()).add(FIELD_USERNAME, username).add(FIELD_PASSWORD, password).get();
    Event declareEvent = new Event(getEventNameDeclareInPlaceRecord(), declareData);
    // Each load event must be associated with a session
    String sessionId = sessionService.startSession(declareData);
    return declareEvent;
Also used : DuplicateRecordException( EventAlreadyScheduledException( Event( DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject)


DBObject (com.mongodb.DBObject)1 DuplicateRecordException ( EventAlreadyScheduledException ( Event (