use of org.alfresco.filesys.repo.rules.commands.MoveFileCommand in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ScenarioDoubleRenameShuffleInstance method evaluate.
* Evaluate the next operation
* @param operation
public Command evaluate(Operation operation) {
* Anti-pattern : timeout
Date now = new Date();
if (now.getTime() > startTime.getTime() + getTimeout()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Instance timed out");
isComplete = true;
return null;
switch(internalState) {
case NONE:
* Looking for first rename Y(middle) to Z(end)
if (operation instanceof RenameFileOperation) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Got first rename - tracking rename: " + operation);
RenameFileOperation r = (RenameFileOperation) operation;
fileMiddle = r.getFrom();
fileEnd = r.getTo();
String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(r.getFromPath());
folderMiddle = paths[0];
String[] paths2 = FileName.splitPath(r.getToPath());
folderEnd = paths2[0];
internalState = InternalState.RENAME1;
return new RenameFileCommand(r.getFrom(), r.getTo(), r.getRootNodeRef(), r.getFromPath(), r.getToPath());
} else {
// anything else bomb out
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("State error, expected a RENAME");
isComplete = true;
case RENAME1:
* Looking for the second of two renames X(createName) to Y(middle) to Z(end)
if (operation instanceof RenameFileOperation) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Tracking rename: " + operation);
RenameFileOperation r = (RenameFileOperation) operation;
// Now see if this rename makes a pair
if (fileMiddle.equalsIgnoreCase(r.getTo())) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Got second rename");
fileFrom = r.getFrom();
* This shuffle reverses the rename out of the way and then copies the
* content only. Finally it moves the temp file into place for the subsequent
* delete.
* a) Rename Z to Y (Reverse previous move)
* b) Copy Content from X to Y
* c) Rename X to Z (move temp file out to old location)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Go and shuffle! fromName:" + fileFrom + " middle: " + fileMiddle + " end: " + fileEnd);
String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(r.getFromPath());
String oldFolder = paths[0];
ArrayList<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>();
RenameFileCommand r1 = new RenameFileCommand(fileEnd, fileMiddle, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileEnd, oldFolder + "\\" + fileMiddle);
CopyContentCommand copyContent = new CopyContentCommand(fileFrom, fileMiddle, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileFrom, oldFolder + "\\" + fileMiddle);
if (deleteBackup) {
logger.debug("deleteBackup option turned on");
DeleteFileCommand d1 = new DeleteFileCommand(oldFolder, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileFrom);
} else {
RenameFileCommand r2 = new RenameFileCommand(fileFrom, fileEnd, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileFrom, oldFolder + "\\" + fileEnd);
* TODO - we may need to copy a new node for the backup and delete the temp node.
* It depends if we care about the contents of the Backup file.
isComplete = true;
return new CompoundCommand(commands);
if (operation instanceof MoveFileOperation) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"Tracking rename: " + operation);
MoveFileOperation r = (MoveFileOperation) operation;
// Now see if this rename makes a pair
if (fileMiddle.equalsIgnoreCase(r.getTo())) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Got second rename");
fileFrom = r.getFrom();
* This shuffle reverses the rename out of the way and then copies the
* content only. Finally it moves the temp file into place for the subsequent
* delete.
* a) Rename Z to Y (Reverse previous move)
* b) Copy Content from X to Y
* c) Rename X to Z (move temp file out to old location)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Go and shuffle! fromName:" + fileFrom + " middle: " + fileMiddle + " end: " + fileEnd);
String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(r.getFromPath());
String oldFolder = paths[0];
ArrayList<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>();
RenameFileCommand r1 = new RenameFileCommand(fileEnd, fileMiddle, r.getRootNodeRef(), folderEnd + "\\" + fileEnd, folderMiddle + "\\" + fileMiddle);
CopyContentCommand copyContent = new CopyContentCommand(fileFrom, fileMiddle, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileFrom, folderMiddle + "\\" + fileMiddle);
if (deleteBackup) {
logger.debug("deleteBackup option turned on");
DeleteFileCommand d1 = new DeleteFileCommand(oldFolder, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileFrom);
} else {
MoveFileCommand m1 = new MoveFileCommand(fileFrom, fileEnd, r.getRootNodeRef(), oldFolder + "\\" + fileFrom, folderEnd + "\\" + fileEnd, isMoveAsSystem());
* TODO - we may need to copy a new node for the backup and delete the temp node.
* It depends if we care about the contents of the Backup file.
isComplete = true;
return new CompoundCommand(commands);
} else {
if ((interimPattern != null)) {
// ALF-16257: temporary Word file moved from .TemporaryItems
Matcher m = interimPattern.matcher(r.getFromPath());
if (m.matches() && r.getFrom().equals(r.getTo())) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Got system move from temporary folder: " + r.getFrom() + " to " + r.getToPath());
return new MoveFileCommand(r.getFrom(), r.getTo(), r.getRootNodeRef(), r.getFromPath(), r.getToPath(), true);
return null;
use of org.alfresco.filesys.repo.rules.commands.MoveFileCommand in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class CommandExecutorImpl method executeInternal.
* @param sess SrvSession
* @param tree TreeConnection
* @param command Command
* @param result Object
* @return Object
* @throws IOException
private Object executeInternal(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, Command command, Object result) throws IOException {
try {
if (command instanceof CompoundCommand) {
Object ret = null;
logger.debug("compound command received");
CompoundCommand x = (CompoundCommand) command;
for (Command compoundPart : x.getCommands()) {
logger.debug("running part of compound command");
Object val = executeInternal(sess, tree, compoundPart, result);
if (val != null) {
// Return the value from the last command.
ret = val;
return ret;
} else if (command instanceof CreateFileCommand) {
logger.debug("create file command");
CreateFileCommand create = (CreateFileCommand) command;
return repositoryDiskInterface.createFile(create.getRootNode(), create.getPath(), create.getAllocationSize(), create.isHidden());
} else if (command instanceof RestoreFileCommand) {
logger.debug("restore file command");
RestoreFileCommand restore = (RestoreFileCommand) command;
return repositoryDiskInterface.restoreFile(sess, tree, restore.getRootNode(), restore.getPath(), restore.getAllocationSize(), restore.getOriginalNodeRef());
} else if (command instanceof DeleteFileCommand) {
logger.debug("delete file command");
DeleteFileCommand delete = (DeleteFileCommand) command;
return repositoryDiskInterface.deleteFile2(sess, tree, delete.getRootNode(), delete.getPath());
} else if (command instanceof OpenFileCommand) {
logger.debug("open file command");
OpenFileCommand o = (OpenFileCommand) command;
OpenFileMode mode = o.getMode();
return repositoryDiskInterface.openFile(sess, tree, o.getRootNodeRef(), o.getPath(), mode, o.isTruncate());
} else if (command instanceof CloseFileCommand) {
logger.debug("close file command");
CloseFileCommand c = (CloseFileCommand) command;
return repositoryDiskInterface.closeFile(tree, c.getRootNodeRef(), c.getPath(), c.getNetworkFile());
} else if (command instanceof ReduceQuotaCommand) {
logger.debug("reduceQuota file command");
ReduceQuotaCommand r = (ReduceQuotaCommand) command;
repositoryDiskInterface.reduceQuota(sess, tree, r.getNetworkFile());
} else if (command instanceof RenameFileCommand) {
logger.debug("rename command");
RenameFileCommand rename = (RenameFileCommand) command;
repositoryDiskInterface.renameFile(rename.getRootNode(), rename.getFromPath(), rename.getToPath(), rename.isSoft(), false);
} else if (command instanceof MoveFileCommand) {
logger.debug("move command");
MoveFileCommand move = (MoveFileCommand) command;
repositoryDiskInterface.renameFile(move.getRootNode(), move.getFromPath(), move.getToPath(), false, move.isMoveAsSystem());
} else if (command instanceof CopyContentCommand) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Copy content command - copy content");
CopyContentCommand copy = (CopyContentCommand) command;
repositoryDiskInterface.copyContent(copy.getRootNode(), copy.getFromPath(), copy.getToPath());
} else if (command instanceof DoNothingCommand) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Do Nothing Command - doing nothing");
} else if (command instanceof ResultCallback) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Result Callback");
ResultCallback callback = (ResultCallback) command;
} else if (command instanceof RemoveTempFileCommand) {
RemoveTempFileCommand r = (RemoveTempFileCommand) command;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Remove Temp File:" + r.getNetworkFile());
File file = r.getNetworkFile().getFile();
boolean isDeleted = file.delete();
if (!isDeleted) {
logger.debug("unable to delete temp file:" + r.getNetworkFile() + ", closed=" + r.getNetworkFile().isClosed());
* Unable to delete temporary file
* Could be a bug with the file handle not being closed, but yourkit does not
* find anything awry.
* There are reported Windows JVM bugs such as 4715154 ...
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
FileChannel outChan = null;
try {
outChan = fos.getChannel();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.debug("unable to clean up file", e);
} finally {
if (outChan != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else if (command instanceof ReturnValueCommand) {
ReturnValueCommand r = (ReturnValueCommand) command;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Return value");
return r.getReturnValue();
} else if (command instanceof RemoveNoContentFileOnError) {
RemoveNoContentFileOnError r = (RemoveNoContentFileOnError) command;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Remove no content file on error");
repositoryDiskInterface.deleteEmptyFile(r.getRootNodeRef(), r.getPath());
} finally {
return null;