use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriverTest method testScenarioMacLionTextEditByEditor_ALF_16257.
* 0. test.txt exist in folder where user has Editor permissions
* 1. as Editor create temporary file in temporary directory
* 2. as Editor rename test.txt to
* 3. as Editor move temporary file to working directory
public void testScenarioMacLionTextEditByEditor_ALF_16257() throws Exception {
logger.debug("test Collaborator/editor edit txt file on Mac Os Mountain Lion : Alf16257");
final String FILE_NAME = "test.txt";
final String FILE_BACKUP = "";
// the same but in temp dir
class TestContext {
NetworkFile firstFileHandle;
NetworkFile newFileHandle;
// node ref of FILE_NAME
NodeRef testNodeRef;
final TestContext testContext = new TestContext();
final String TEST_ROOT_DIR = "\\ContentDiskDriverTest";
final String TEST_DIR = TEST_ROOT_DIR + "\\testALF16257txt";
final String TEST_TEMP_DIR = TEST_DIR + "\\.TemporaryItems";
final String UPDATED_TEXT = "This is new content";
ServerConfiguration scfg = new ServerConfiguration("testServer");
TestServer testServer = new TestServer("testServer", scfg);
final SrvSession testSession = new TestSrvSession(666, testServer, "cifs", "remoteName");
DiskSharedDevice share = getDiskSharedDevice();
final TreeConnection testConnection = testServer.getTreeConnection(share);
final RetryingTransactionHelper tran = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
* Clean up just in case garbage is left from a previous run
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> deleteGarbageFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
return null;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// expect to go here
logger.debug("Step 0 - initialise");
* Create a file in the test directory
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the test directory we are going to use
FileOpenParams createRootDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_ROOT_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createTempDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_TEMP_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createRootDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createTempDirParams);
* Create the file we are going to use
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.firstFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
// no need to test lots of different properties, that's already been tested above
testContext.testNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
nodeService.setProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED, true);
nodeService.addAspect(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE, null);
String testContent = "CIFS: Collaborator/editor could not edit file on Mac Os Mountain Lion";
byte[] testContentBytes = testContent.getBytes();
testContext.firstFileHandle.writeFile(testContentBytes, testContentBytes.length, 0, 0);
// Apply 'Editor' role for test user to test folder
permissionService.setPermission(getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR), ContentDiskDriverTest.TEST_USER_AUTHORITY, PermissionService.EDITOR, true);
// Apply full control on temporary directory
permissionService.setPermission(getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_TEMP_DIR), PermissionService.ALL_AUTHORITIES, PermissionService.ALL_PERMISSIONS, true);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createFileCB, false, true);
* a) Save the temp file in the temp dir
logger.debug("Step a - create a temp file in the temp dir");
RunAsWork<Void> saveNewFileCB = new RunAsWork<Void>() {
public Void doWork() throws Exception {
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_TEMP_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NEW_TEMP, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.newFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
byte[] testContentBytes = UPDATED_TEXT.getBytes();
driver.writeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.newFileHandle, testContentBytes, 0, testContentBytes.length, 0);
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.newFileHandle);
NodeRef tempNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_TEMP_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NEW_TEMP);
ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(tempNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
String actualContent = reader.getContentString();
assertEquals("new contents were not written to temporary file", UPDATED_TEXT, actualContent);
return null;
doTransactionWorkAsEditor(saveNewFileCB, tran);
* b) rename the target file to a backup file
logger.debug("Step b - rename the target file as Editor");
RunAsWork<Void> renameOldFileCB = new RunAsWork<Void>() {
public Void doWork() throws Exception {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_BACKUP);
return null;
doTransactionWorkAsEditor(renameOldFileCB, tran);
* c) Move the new file into target dir, stuff should get shuffled
logger.debug("Step c - move new file into target dir as Editor");
RunAsWork<Void> moveNewFileCB = new RunAsWork<Void>() {
public Void doWork() throws Exception {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_TEMP_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NEW_TEMP, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
return null;
doTransactionWorkAsEditor(moveNewFileCB, tran);
* Validate
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
NodeRef shuffledNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(shuffledNodeRef);
assertTrue("node does not contain shuffled ENABLED property", props.containsKey(TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED));
assertEquals("name wrong", FILE_NAME, nodeService.getProperty(shuffledNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME));
ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
String actualContent = reader.getContentString();
assertEquals("contents were not updated", UPDATED_TEXT, actualContent);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(validateCB, false, true);
logger.debug("end testScenarioMacLionTextEditByEditor For ALF-16257");
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriverTest method testExcel2013SaveShuffle.
* Excel 2013 With Versionable file (MNT-13078)
* CreateFile Cherries.xlsx
* CreateFile ~herries.tmp
* CreateFile Cherries.xlsx~RF172f241.TMP
* DeleteFile Cherries.xlsx~RF172f241.TMP
* RenameFile oldName: Cherries.xls,
* newName: Cherries.xlsx~RF172f241.TMP
* Delete On Close for Cherries.xlsx~RF172f241.TMP
* RenameFile oldName: ~herries.tmp,
* newName: Cherries.xlsx
public void testExcel2013SaveShuffle() throws Exception {
final String FILE_NAME = "Cherries.xlsx";
final String FILE_ORIGINAL_TITLE = "Original";
final String FILE_UNUSED_TEMP = "Cherries.xlsx~RF172f241.TMP";
final String FILE_USED_TEMP = "~herries.tmp";
final String TEST_DIR = TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH + "\\testScenarioMSExcel2013SaveShuffle";
class TestContext {
NetworkFile firstFileHandle;
// node ref of test.doc
NodeRef testNodeRef;
final TestContext testContext = new TestContext();
ServerConfiguration scfg = new ServerConfiguration("testServer");
TestServer testServer = new TestServer("testServer", scfg);
final SrvSession testSession = new TestSrvSession(666, testServer, "test", "remoteName");
DiskSharedDevice share = getDiskSharedDevice();
final TreeConnection testConnection = testServer.getTreeConnection(share);
final RetryingTransactionHelper tran = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
* Clean up just in case garbage is left from a previous run
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> deleteGarbageFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
return null;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// expect to go here
* Create a file in the test directory
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createOriginalFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the test directory we are going to use
FileOpenParams createRootDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createRootDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createDirParams);
* Create the file we are going to use
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.firstFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
String testContent = "MS Word 2013 shuffle test. This is first file content";
byte[] testContentBytes = testContent.getBytes();
testContext.firstFileHandle.writeFile(testContentBytes, testContentBytes.length, 0, 0);
// now load up the node with lots of other stuff that we will test to see if it gets preserved during the
// shuffle.
testContext.testNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
nodeService.addAspect(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE, null);
// need to remove. Otherwise file will be deleted (not placed into archive spaces store)
nodeService.removeAspect(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_NO_CONTENT);
// test non CM namespace property
nodeService.setProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED, true);
nodeService.setProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, FILE_ORIGINAL_TITLE);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createOriginalFileCB, false, true);
* Create a file in the test directory
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createUsedTempFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the file we are going to use
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_USED_TEMP, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
NetworkFile fileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
String testContent = "MS Word 2013 shuffle test. This is used file content";
byte[] testContentBytes = testContent.getBytes();
fileHandle.writeFile(testContentBytes, testContentBytes.length, 0, 0);
NodeRef usedRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_USED_TEMP);
nodeService.addAspect(usedRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE, null);
nodeService.removeAspect(usedRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_NO_CONTENT);
nodeService.setProperty(usedRef, ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, "Used");
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createUsedTempFileCB, false, true);
* Create a file in the test directory
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createUnusedTempFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the file we are going to use
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_UNUSED_TEMP, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
NetworkFile unusedFile = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
NodeRef unusedNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_UNUSED_TEMP);
nodeService.addAspect(unusedNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE, null);
nodeService.setProperty(unusedNodeRef, TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED, true);
nodeService.setProperty(unusedNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, "Unused");
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createUnusedTempFileCB, false, true);
* Delete unused temporary file
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> deleteUnusedFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
try {
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_UNUSED_TEMP);
} catch (IOException e) {
// expect to go here since previous step renamed the file.
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(deleteUnusedFileCB, false, true);
* Rename the original file to unused file
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> renameToUnusedFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_UNUSED_TEMP);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(renameToUnusedFileCB, false, true);
* Delete unused temporary file
tran.doInTransaction(deleteUnusedFileCB, false, true);
* Rename the used temporary file to original file
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> renameToUsedFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_USED_TEMP, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(renameToUsedFileCB, false, true);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
NodeRef shuffledNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(shuffledNodeRef);
// Check trx:enabled has been shuffled.
assertTrue("node does not contain shuffled ENABLED property", props.containsKey(TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED));
assertTrue("node doesn't contain property 'TITLE'", props.containsKey(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE));
assertEquals("propety 'TITLE' isn't correct", FILE_ORIGINAL_TITLE, props.get(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE));
assertEquals("name wrong", FILE_NAME, nodeService.getProperty(shuffledNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME));
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(validateCB, true, true);
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriverTest method testScenarioMacMountainLionKeynote_MNT_8558.
// testScenarioMacMountainLionPreview_MNT_317
* This test tries to simulate the cifs shuffling that is done
* from Save from Mac Mountain Lion by Keynote when document is saved first time
* a) Temp file created in temporary folder (temp\test.key)
* b) Original document renamed to backup copy name (test\test.key -> test\test~.key)
* c) Temp file moved to original name (temp\test.key -> test\test.key)
public void testScenarioMacMountainLionKeynote_MNT_8558() throws Exception {
final String FILE_NAME = "test.key";
final String BCKP_FILE_NAME = "test~.key";
final String TEMP_FILE_NAME = "test.key";
final String UPDATED_TEXT = "Mac Mountain Lion Keynote Updated Content";
class TestContext {
NetworkFile firstFileHandle;
NetworkFile tempFileHandle;
NodeRef testNodeRef;
final TestContext testContext = new TestContext();
final String TEST_ROOT_DIR = "\\ContentDiskDriverTest";
final String TEST_DIR = "\\ContentDiskDriverTest\\testScenarioMountainLionKeynote";
final String TEST_TEMP_DIR = "\\ContentDiskDriverTest\\testScenarioMountainLionKeynote\\.Temporary Items";
ServerConfiguration scfg = new ServerConfiguration("testServer");
TestServer testServer = new TestServer("testServer", scfg);
final SrvSession testSession = new TestSrvSession(666, testServer, "test", "remoteName");
DiskSharedDevice share = getDiskSharedDevice();
final TreeConnection testConnection = testServer.getTreeConnection(share);
final RetryingTransactionHelper tran = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
* Create a file in the test directory
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the test directory we are going to use
FileOpenParams createRootDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_ROOT_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createTempDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_TEMP_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createRootDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createTempDirParams);
* Create the file we are going to use
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.firstFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
String testContent = "Mac Mountain Lion Keynote Content";
byte[] testContentBytes = testContent.getBytes();
driver.writeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.firstFileHandle, testContentBytes, 0, testContentBytes.length, 0);
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.firstFileHandle);
* Create the temp file we are going to use
FileOpenParams createTempFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_TEMP_DIR + "\\" + TEMP_FILE_NAME, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.tempFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createTempFileParams);
testContent = UPDATED_TEXT;
testContentBytes = testContent.getBytes();
driver.writeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.tempFileHandle, testContentBytes, 0, testContentBytes.length, 0);
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.tempFileHandle);
* Also add versionable to target file
testContext.testNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
nodeService.addAspect(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE, null);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createFileCB, false, true);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> renameFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, TEST_DIR + "\\" + BCKP_FILE_NAME);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(renameFileCB, false, true);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> moveTempFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_TEMP_DIR + "\\" + TEMP_FILE_NAME, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(moveTempFileCB, false, true);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
NodeRef shuffledNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
assertTrue("node is not versionable", nodeService.hasAspect(shuffledNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE));
assertEquals("shuffledNode ref is different", shuffledNodeRef, testContext.testNodeRef);
assertEquals("Unexpected content size", contentService.getReader(shuffledNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT).getSize(), UPDATED_TEXT.length());
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(validateCB, false, true);
// Make sure that during second rename test.key->test~.key deleted test~.key is not restored and version history doesn't lost.
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> prepareForSecondRunCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + BCKP_FILE_NAME);
FileOpenParams createTempFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_TEMP_DIR + "\\" + TEMP_FILE_NAME, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.tempFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createTempFileParams);
String testContent = UPDATED_TEXT;
byte[] testContentBytes = testContent.getBytes();
driver.writeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.tempFileHandle, testContentBytes, 0, testContentBytes.length, 0);
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.tempFileHandle);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(prepareForSecondRunCB, false, true);
tran.doInTransaction(renameFileCB, false, true);
tran.doInTransaction(moveTempFileCB, false, true);
tran.doInTransaction(validateCB, false, true);
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriverTest method testMetadataExtraction.
* This test tries to simulate the shuffling that is done by MS Word 2003
* with regard to metadata extraction.
* <p>
* 1: Setup an inbound rule for ContentMetadataExtractor.
* 2: Write ContentDiskDriverTest1 file to ContentDiskDriver.docx
* 3: Check metadata extraction for non update test
* Simulate a WORD 2003 CIFS shuffle
* 4: Write ContentDiskDriverTest2 file to ~WRD0003.TMP
* 5: Rename ContentDiskDriver.docx to ~WRL0003.TMP
* 6: Rename ~WRD0003.TMP to ContentDiskDriver.docx
* 7: Check metadata extraction
public void testMetadataExtraction() throws Exception {
final String FILE_NAME = "ContentDiskDriver.docx";
final String FILE_OLD_TEMP = "~WRL0003.TMP";
final String FILE_NEW_TEMP = "~WRD0003.TMP";
class TestContext {
NodeRef testDirNodeRef;
NodeRef testNodeRef;
NetworkFile firstFileHandle;
NetworkFile secondFileHandle;
final TestContext testContext = new TestContext();
final String TEST_DIR = TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH + "\\testMetadataExtraction";
ServerConfiguration scfg = new ServerConfiguration("testServer");
TestServer testServer = new TestServer("testServer", scfg);
final SrvSession testSession = new TestSrvSession(666, testServer, "test", "remoteName");
DiskSharedDevice share = getDiskSharedDevice();
final TreeConnection testConnection = testServer.getTreeConnection(share);
final RetryingTransactionHelper tran = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
* Clean up just in case garbage is left from a previous run
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> deleteGarbageDirCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.deleteDirectory(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR);
return null;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// expect to go here
logger.debug("create Test directory" + TEST_DIR);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createTestDirCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the test directory we are going to use
FileOpenParams createRootDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createRootDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createDirParams);
testContext.testDirNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR);
assertNotNull("testDirNodeRef is null", testContext.testDirNodeRef);
UserTransaction txn = transactionService.getUserTransaction();
return null;
logger.debug("Create rule on test dir");
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createRuleCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
Rule rule = new Rule();
rule.setTitle("Extract Metadata from content");
Map<String, Serializable> props = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(1);
Action extractAction = actionService.createAction("extract-metadata", props);
ActionCondition noCondition1 = actionService.createActionCondition(NoConditionEvaluator.NAME);
ActionCondition noCondition2 = actionService.createActionCondition(NoConditionEvaluator.NAME);
CompositeAction compAction = actionService.createCompositeAction();
compAction.setTitle("Extract Metadata");
compAction.setDescription("Content Disk Driver Test - Extract Metadata");
ruleService.saveRule(testContext.testDirNodeRef, rule);
logger.debug("rule created");
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createRuleCB, false, true);
* Create a file in the test directory
logger.debug("create test file in test directory");
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the file we are going to use to test
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.firstFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
// now load up the node with lots of other stuff that we will test to see if it gets preserved during the
// shuffle.
testContext.testNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
assertNotNull("testContext.testNodeRef is null", testContext.testNodeRef);
// test non CM namespace property
nodeService.setProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED, true);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createFileCB, false, true);
logger.debug("step b: write content to test file");
* Write ContentDiskDriverTest1.docx to the test file,
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> writeFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
ClassPathResource fileResource = new ClassPathResource("filesys/ContentDiskDriverTest1.docx");
assertNotNull("unable to find test resource filesys/ContentDiskDriverTest1.docx", fileResource);
writeResourceToNetworkFile(fileResource, testContext.firstFileHandle);
logger.debug("close the file, firstFileHandle");
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.firstFileHandle);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(writeFileCB, false, true);
logger.debug("Step c: validate metadata has been extracted.");
* c: check simple case of meta-data extraction has worked.
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateFirstExtractionCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(testContext.testNodeRef);
assertTrue("Enabled property has been lost", props.containsKey(TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED));
ContentData data = (ContentData) props.get(ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
assertEquals("size is wrong", 11302, data.getSize());
assertEquals("mimeType is wrong", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", data.getMimetype());
// These metadata values should be extracted.
assertEquals("description is not correct", "This is a test file", nodeService.getProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION));
assertEquals("title is not correct", "ContentDiskDriverTest", nodeService.getProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_TITLE));
assertEquals("author is not correct", "mrogers", nodeService.getProperty(testContext.testNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_AUTHOR));
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(validateFirstExtractionCB, false, true);
* d: Save the new file as an update file in the test directory
logger.debug("Step d: create update file in test directory " + FILE_NEW_TEMP);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createUpdateFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the file we are going to use to test
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NEW_TEMP, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.secondFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createUpdateFileCB, false, true);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> writeFile2CB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
ClassPathResource fileResource = new ClassPathResource("filesys/ContentDiskDriverTest2.docx");
assertNotNull("unable to find test resource filesys/ContentDiskDriverTest2.docx", fileResource);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
InputStream is = fileResource.getInputStream();
try {
long offset = 0;
int i =, 0, buffer.length);
while (i > 0) {
testContext.secondFileHandle.writeFile(buffer, i, 0, offset);
offset += i;
i =, 0, buffer.length);
} finally {
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.secondFileHandle);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(writeFile2CB, false, true);
* rename the old file
logger.debug("move old file out of the way.");
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> renameOldFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_OLD_TEMP);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(renameOldFileCB, false, true);
* Check the old file has gone.
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateOldFileGoneCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
try {
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
} catch (IOException e) {
// expect to go here since previous step renamed the file.
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(validateOldFileGoneCB, false, true);
// /**
// * Check metadata extraction on intermediate new file
// */
// RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateIntermediateCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
// @Override
// public Void execute() throws Throwable
// {
// NodeRef updateNodeRef = driver.getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NEW_TEMP);
// Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(updateNodeRef);
// // These metadata values should be extracted from file2.
// assertEquals("intermediate file description is not correct", "Content Disk Test 2", props.get(ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION));
// assertEquals("intermediate file title is not correct", "Updated", props.get(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE));
// assertEquals("intermediate file author is not correct", "mrogers", props.get(ContentModel.PROP_AUTHOR));
// return null;
// }
// };
// tran.doInTransaction(validateIntermediateCB, true, true);
* Move the new file into place, stuff should get shuffled
logger.debug("move new file into place.");
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> moveNewFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.renameFile(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NEW_TEMP, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(moveNewFileCB, false, true);
logger.debug("validate update has run correctly.");
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateUpdateCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
NodeRef shuffledNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME);
Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(shuffledNodeRef);
// Check trx:enabled has been shuffled and not lost.
assertTrue("node does not contain shuffled ENABLED property", props.containsKey(TransferModel.PROP_ENABLED));
ContentData data = (ContentData) props.get(ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
assertEquals("mimeType is wrong", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", data.getMimetype());
assertEquals("size is wrong", 11265, data.getSize());
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(validateUpdateCB, true, true);
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriverTest method testEmptyContent.
// testZeroByteRules
* Test that files can be created with empty content and that
* existing content can be over-wrriten by empty content.
public void testEmptyContent() throws Exception {
final String FILE_NAME_ZERO = "Zero.docx";
final String FILE_NAME_NON_ZERO = "NonZero.docx";
class TestContext {
NodeRef testDirNodeRef;
NodeRef testZeroNodeRef;
NodeRef testNonZeroNodeRef;
NetworkFile firstFileHandle;
NetworkFile secondFileHandle;
final TestContext testContext = new TestContext();
final String TEST_DIR = TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH + "\\testEmptyContent";
ServerConfiguration scfg = new ServerConfiguration("testServer");
TestServer testServer = new TestServer("testServer", scfg);
final SrvSession testSession = new TestSrvSession(666, testServer, "test", "remoteName");
DiskSharedDevice share = getDiskSharedDevice();
final TreeConnection testConnection = testServer.getTreeConnection(share);
final RetryingTransactionHelper tran = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
* Clean up just in case garbage is left from a previous run
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> deleteGarbageDirCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
driver.deleteDirectory(testSession, testConnection, TEST_DIR);
return null;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// expect to go here
logger.debug("create Test directory" + TEST_DIR);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createTestDirCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the test directory we are going to use
FileOpenParams createRootDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
FileOpenParams createDirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createRootDirParams);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, createDirParams);
testContext.testDirNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR);
assertNotNull("testDirNodeRef is null", testContext.testDirNodeRef);
return null;
* Create a file in the test directory
logger.debug("create test file in test directory");
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> createFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Create the zero byte file we are going to use to test
FileOpenParams createFileParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME_ZERO, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.firstFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams);
testContext.testZeroNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME_ZERO);
assertNotNull("testContext.testNodeRef is null", testContext.testZeroNodeRef);
logger.debug("close the file, firstFileHandle");
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.firstFileHandle);
* Create the non zero byte file we are going to use to test
FileOpenParams createFileParams2 = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME_NON_ZERO, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.secondFileHandle = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams2);
testContext.testNonZeroNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME_NON_ZERO);
assertNotNull("testContext.testNodeRef is null", testContext.testNonZeroNodeRef);
// Write hello world into the second file
byte[] stuff = "Hello World".getBytes();
driver.writeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.secondFileHandle, stuff, 0, stuff.length, 0);
logger.debug("close the second non zero file, secondFileHandle");
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.secondFileHandle);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(createFileCB, false, true);
* d: check both files have content properties.
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> checkContentPropsCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
assertNotNull("content missing create non zero file.", nodeService.getProperty(testContext.testNonZeroNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT));
assertNotNull("content missing create zero byte file.", nodeService.getProperty(testContext.testZeroNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT));
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(checkContentPropsCB, false, true);
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> truncateFileCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
* Truncate the non zero byte file we are going to use to test
FileOpenParams createFileParams2 = new FileOpenParams(TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME_NON_ZERO, 0, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
testContext.secondFileHandle = driver.openFile(testSession, testConnection, createFileParams2);
testContext.testNonZeroNodeRef = getNodeForPath(testConnection, TEST_DIR + "\\" + FILE_NAME_NON_ZERO);
assertNotNull("testContext.testNodeRef is null", testContext.testNonZeroNodeRef);
driver.truncateFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.secondFileHandle, 0);
logger.debug("close the second non zero file, secondFileHandle");
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, testContext.secondFileHandle);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(truncateFileCB, false, true);
* d: check both files have content properties.
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> checkContentProps2CB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(testContext.testNonZeroNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
String s = reader.getContentString();
assertEquals("content not truncated", "", s);
ContentReader reader2 = contentService.getReader(testContext.testZeroNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
String s2 = reader2.getContentString();
assertEquals("content not empty", "", s2);
return null;
tran.doInTransaction(checkContentProps2CB, false, true);