use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileExistsException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class CifsHelper method relinkNode.
* Relink the content data from a new node to an existing node to preserve the version history.
* @param tempNodeRef temp nodeRef
* @param nodeToMoveRef NodeRef
* @param newParentNodeRef NodeRef
* @param newName new name
public void relinkNode(NodeRef tempNodeRef, NodeRef nodeToMoveRef, NodeRef newParentNodeRef, String newName) throws FileNotFoundException, FileExistsException {
// Get the properties for the old and new nodes
org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo tempFileInfo = fileFolderService.getFileInfo(tempNodeRef);
org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo fileToMoveInfo = fileFolderService.getFileInfo(nodeToMoveRef);
// Save the current name of the old node
String tempName = tempFileInfo.getName();
try {
// Rename operation will add or remove the sys:temporary aspect appropriately
// rename temp file to the new name
fileFolderService.rename(tempNodeRef, newName);
// rename new file to old name
fileFolderService.rename(nodeToMoveRef, tempName);
} catch (org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(e.getMessage());
} catch (org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileExistsException e) {
throw new FileExistsException(e.getMessage());
if (!tempFileInfo.isFolder() && !fileToMoveInfo.isFolder()) {
// swap the content between the two
ContentData oldContentData = tempFileInfo.getContentData();
if (oldContentData == null) {
String mimetype = mimetypeService.guessMimetype(tempName);
oldContentData = ContentData.setMimetype(null, mimetype);
ContentData newContentData = fileToMoveInfo.getContentData();
// Reset the mime type
// TODO Pass the content along when guessing the mime type, so we're more accurate
String mimetype = mimetypeService.guessMimetype(newName);
newContentData = ContentData.setMimetype(newContentData, mimetype);
nodeService.setProperty(tempNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, newContentData);
nodeService.setProperty(nodeToMoveRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, oldContentData);
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileExistsException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriver method createFile.
* Create a new file on the file system.
* <p>
* WARNING : side effect - closes current transaction context.
* @param sess Server session
* @param tree Tree connection
* @param params File create parameters
* @return NetworkFile
* @exception If an error occurs.
public NetworkFile createFile(SrvSession sess, final TreeConnection tree, final FileOpenParams params) throws IOException {
final ContentContext ctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext();
try {
// Access the repository in a retryable write transaction
Pair<String, NodeRef> result = doInWriteTransaction(sess, new CallableIO<Pair<String, NodeRef>>() {
public Pair<String, NodeRef> call() throws IOException {
// Get the device root
NodeRef deviceRootNodeRef = ctx.getRootNode();
String path = params.getPath();
String parentPath = null;
if (ctx.hasStateCache()) {
// See if the parent folder has a file state, we can avoid having to walk the path
String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(path);
if (paths[0] != null && paths[0].length() > 1) {
// Find the node ref for the folder being searched
NodeRef nodeRef = getNodeForPath(tree, paths[0]);
if (nodeRef != null) {
deviceRootNodeRef = nodeRef;
path = paths[1];
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_FILE))
logger.debug("Create file using cached noderef for path " + paths[0]);
parentPath = paths[0];
// Create it - the path will be created, if necessary
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("create new file" + path);
NodeRef nodeRef = null;
try {
nodeRef = cifsHelper.createNode(deviceRootNodeRef, path, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT);
nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_NO_CONTENT, null);
} catch (FileExistsException ex) {
nodeRef = cifsHelper.getNodeRef(deviceRootNodeRef, path);
if (!nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_SOFT_DELETE)) {
throw ex;
return new Pair<String, NodeRef>(parentPath, nodeRef);
// Get or create the file state for the parent folder
FileState parentState = null;
String parentPath = result.getFirst();
if (parentPath != null) {
parentState = getStateForPath(tree, parentPath);
if (parentState == null && ctx.hasStateCache())
parentState = ctx.getStateCache().findFileState(parentPath, true);
NodeRef nodeRef = result.getSecond();
if (nodeRef != null && nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_SOFT_DELETE)) {
nodeService.removeAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_SOFT_DELETE);
// Create the network file
ContentNetworkFile netFile = ContentNetworkFile.createFile(nodeService, contentService, mimetypeService, cifsHelper, result.getSecond(), params.getPath(), params.isReadOnlyAccess(), params.isAttributesOnlyAccess(), sess);
// Always allow write access to a newly created file
// Set the owner process id for this open file
// Truncate the file so that the content stream is created
// Indicate the file is open
if (netFile != null) {
long id = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(Long.class, nodeService.getProperty(netFile.getNodeRef(), ContentModel.PROP_NODE_DBID));
netFile.setFileId((int) (id & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
if (ctx.hasStateCache()) {
FileState fstate = ctx.getStateCache().findFileState(params.getPath(), true);
if (fstate != null) {
// Save the file sharing mode, needs to be done before the open count is incremented
// Indicate that the file is open
// Track the intial allocation size
// Store the file state with the file
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_FILE))
logger.debug("Create file, state=" + fstate);
if (parentState != null)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_FILE))
logger.debug("Created file: path=" + params.getPath() + " file open parameters=" + params + " node=" + result.getSecond() + " network file=" + netFile);
return netFile;
} catch ( ex) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_FILE))
logger.debug("Create file - access denied, " + params.getFullPath());
throw new AccessDeniedException("Create file " + params.getFullPath());
} catch (ContentIOException ex) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_FILE))
logger.debug("Create file - content I/O error, " + params.getFullPath());
throw new DiskFullException("Create file " + params.getFullPath());
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_FILE))
logger.debug("Create file error", ex);
throw new IOException("Create file " + params.getFullPath(), ex);
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileExistsException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class CifsHelper method createNode.
* Creates a file or directory using the given paths.
* <p>
* If the directory path doesn't exist, then all the parent directories will be created.
* If the file path is <code>null</code>, then the file will not be created
* @param rootNodeRef the root node of the path
* @param path the path to a node
* @param typeQName type of fole
* @return Returns a newly created file or folder node
* @throws FileExistsException if the file or folder already exists
public NodeRef createNode(NodeRef rootNodeRef, String path, QName typeQName) throws FileExistsException {
// split the path up into its constituents
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(path, FileName.DOS_SEPERATOR_STR, false);
List<String> folderPathElements = new ArrayList<String>(10);
String name = null;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String pathElement = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
// the last token becomes the name
name = pathElement;
} else {
// add the path element to the parent folder path
// ensure that the folder path exists
NodeRef parentFolderNodeRef = rootNodeRef;
if (folderPathElements.size() > 0) {
parentFolderNodeRef = FileFolderUtil.makeFolders(fileFolderService, rootNodeRef, folderPathElements, ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER).getNodeRef();
try {
NodeRef nodeRef = fileFolderService.create(parentFolderNodeRef, name, typeQName).getNodeRef();
// done
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Created node: \n" + " device root: " + rootNodeRef + "\n" + " path: " + path + "\n" + " type: " + typeQName + "\n" + " new node: " + nodeRef);
return nodeRef;
} catch (org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileExistsException e) {
throw new FileExistsException(path);
use of org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileExistsException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ContentDiskDriverTest method testCreateFile.
* Test Create File
public void testCreateFile() throws Exception {
ServerConfiguration scfg = new ServerConfiguration("testServer");
TestServer testServer = new TestServer("testServer", scfg);
final SrvSession testSession = new TestSrvSession(666, testServer, "test", "remoteName");
DiskSharedDevice share = getDiskSharedDevice();
final TreeConnection testConnection = testServer.getTreeConnection(share);
final RetryingTransactionHelper tran = transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper();
class TestContext {
NodeRef testNodeRef;
final TestContext testContext = new TestContext();
* Step 1 : Create a new file in read/write mode and add some content.
int openAction = FileAction.CreateNotExist;
final String FILE_NAME = "";
final String FILE_PATH = "\\" + FILE_NAME;
FileOpenParams params = new FileOpenParams(FILE_PATH, openAction, AccessMode.ReadWrite, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
final NetworkFile file = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, params);
assertNotNull("file is null", file);
assertFalse("file is read only, should be read-write", file.isReadOnly());
assertFalse("file is not closed ", file.isClosed());
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> writeStuffCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
byte[] stuff = "Hello World".getBytes();
driver.writeFile(testSession, testConnection, file, stuff, 0, stuff.length, 0);
driver.closeFile(testSession, testConnection, file);
return null;
RetryingTransactionCallback<Void> validateCB = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Void>() {
public Void execute() throws Throwable {
NodeRef companyHome = repositoryHelper.getCompanyHome();
NodeRef newNode = nodeService.getChildByName(companyHome, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, FILE_NAME);
testContext.testNodeRef = newNode;
assertNotNull("can't find new node", newNode);
Serializable content = nodeService.getProperty(newNode, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
assertNotNull("content is null", content);
return null;
// now validate that the new node is in the correct location and has the correct name
FileInfo info = driver.getFileInformation(testSession, testConnection, FILE_PATH);
assertNotNull("info is null", info);
NodeRef n2 = getNodeForPath(testConnection, FILE_PATH);
assertEquals("get Node For Path returned different node", testContext.testNodeRef, n2);
* Step 2 : Negative Test Attempt to create the same file again
try {
driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, params);
fail("File exists not detected");
} catch (FileExistsException fe) {
// expect to go here
// Clean up so we could run the test again
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, FILE_PATH);
* Step 3 : create a file in a new directory in read only mode
FileOpenParams dirParams = new FileOpenParams(TEST_ROOT_DOS_PATH, openAction, AccessMode.ReadOnly, FileAttribute.NTDirectory, 0);
driver.createDirectory(testSession, testConnection, dirParams);
FileOpenParams file2Params = new FileOpenParams(FILE2_PATH, openAction, AccessMode.ReadOnly, FileAttribute.NTNormal, 0);
NetworkFile file2 = driver.createFile(testSession, testConnection, file2Params);
// clean up so we could run the test again
driver.deleteFile(testSession, testConnection, FILE2_PATH);