use of org.alfresco.repo.rendition2.RenditionDefinition2.TIMEOUT in project hono by eclipse.
the class ConnectionFactoryImplTest method testConnectIgnoresSuccessfulOpenAfterTimeout.
* Verifies that a connection attempt is failed if there is a timeout opening the connection
* and verifies that a subsequently received 'open' frame is ignored.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
@Timeout(value = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void testConnectIgnoresSuccessfulOpenAfterTimeout(final VertxTestContext ctx) {
final long connectTimeout = 200L;
// GIVEN a factory configured to connect to a server with a mocked ProtonClient that won't actually try to connect
props.setConnectTimeout((int) connectTimeout);
final AtomicReference<Handler<Long>> timeoutHandlerRef = new AtomicReference<>();
when(vertx.setTimer(eq(connectTimeout), VertxMockSupport.anyHandler())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
return 1L;
final ConnectionFactoryImpl factory = new ConnectionFactoryImpl(vertx, props);
final ProtonClient protonClientMock = mock(ProtonClient.class);
final ProtonConnection protonConnectionMock = mock(ProtonConnection.class, Mockito.RETURNS_SELF);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
final Handler<AsyncResult<ProtonConnection>> resultHandler = invocation.getArgument(5);
return null;
}).when(protonClientMock).connect(any(ProtonClientOptions.class), any(), anyInt(), any(), any(), VertxMockSupport.anyHandler());
// WHEN trying to connect to the server
factory.connect(null, null, null, ctx.failing(t -> {
// THEN the connection attempt fails with a TimeoutException and the given handler is invoked
ctx.verify(() -> assertTrue(t instanceof ConnectTimeoutException));
final ArgumentCaptor<Handler<AsyncResult<ProtonConnection>>> openHandlerCaptor = VertxMockSupport.argumentCaptorHandler();
// trigger timeout
// call openHandler - that will be too late for the connect invocation to succeed
// and the connection will be disconnected
use of org.alfresco.repo.rendition2.RenditionDefinition2.TIMEOUT in project hono by eclipse.
the class ConnectionFactoryImplTest method testConnectIgnoresFailedOpenAfterTimeout.
* Verifies that a connection attempt is failed if there is a timeout opening the connection
* and verifies that a subsequently triggered failed open handler is ignored.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
@Timeout(value = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void testConnectIgnoresFailedOpenAfterTimeout(final VertxTestContext ctx) {
final long connectTimeout = 200L;
// GIVEN a factory configured to connect to a server with a mocked ProtonClient that won't actually try to connect
props.setConnectTimeout((int) connectTimeout);
final AtomicReference<Handler<Long>> timeoutHandlerRef = new AtomicReference<>();
when(vertx.setTimer(eq(connectTimeout), VertxMockSupport.anyHandler())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
return 1L;
final ConnectionFactoryImpl factory = new ConnectionFactoryImpl(vertx, props);
final ProtonClient protonClientMock = mock(ProtonClient.class);
final ProtonConnection protonConnectionMock = mock(ProtonConnection.class, Mockito.RETURNS_SELF);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
final Handler<AsyncResult<ProtonConnection>> resultHandler = invocation.getArgument(5);
return null;
}).when(protonClientMock).connect(any(ProtonClientOptions.class), any(), anyInt(), any(), any(), VertxMockSupport.anyHandler());
// WHEN trying to connect to the server
factory.connect(null, null, null, ctx.failing(t -> {
// THEN the connection attempt fails with a TimeoutException and the given handler is invoked
ctx.verify(() -> assertTrue(t instanceof ConnectTimeoutException));
final ArgumentCaptor<Handler<AsyncResult<ProtonConnection>>> openHandlerCaptor = VertxMockSupport.argumentCaptorHandler();
// trigger timeout
// call openHandler - that will be too late for the connect invocation to succeed
openHandlerCaptor.getValue().handle(Future.failedFuture("amqp:resource-limit-exceeded -connection disallowed by local policy"));
// and the connection will be disconnected
use of org.alfresco.repo.rendition2.RenditionDefinition2.TIMEOUT in project hono by eclipse.
the class HonoProtonHelperTest method testExecuteOnContextRunsOnGivenContext.
* Verifies that code is scheduled to be executed on a given Context
* other than the current Context.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
@Timeout(value = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void testExecuteOnContextRunsOnGivenContext(final VertxTestContext ctx) {
final Context mockContext = mock(Context.class);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
final Handler<Void> codeToRun = invocation.getArgument(0);
return null;
HonoProtonHelper.executeOnContext(mockContext, result -> result.complete("done")).onComplete(ctx.succeeding(s -> {
ctx.verify(() -> {
use of org.alfresco.repo.rendition2.RenditionDefinition2.TIMEOUT in project hono by eclipse.
the class CommandAndControlAmqpIT method testSendCommandFailsForCommandRejectedByDevice.
* Verifies that the adapter forwards the <em>rejected</em> disposition, received from a device, back to the
* application.
* <p>
* If Kafka is used, this means a corresponding error command response is published.
* @param endpointConfig The endpoints to use for sending/receiving commands.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
* @throws InterruptedException if not all commands and responses are exchanged in time.
@ParameterizedTest(name = IntegrationTestSupport.PARAMETERIZED_TEST_NAME_PATTERN)
@Timeout(timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS, value = 10)
public void testSendCommandFailsForCommandRejectedByDevice(final AmqpCommandEndpointConfiguration endpointConfig, final VertxTestContext ctx) throws InterruptedException {
final String commandTargetDeviceId = endpointConfig.isSubscribeAsGateway() ? helper.setupGatewayDeviceBlocking(tenantId, deviceId, 5) : deviceId;
final int totalNoOfCommandsToSend = 3;
connectAndSubscribe(ctx, commandTargetDeviceId, endpointConfig, (cmdReceiver, cmdResponseSender) -> createRejectingCommandConsumer(ctx, cmdReceiver), totalNoOfCommandsToSend);
if (ctx.failed()) {
final String replyId = "reply-id";
final CountDownLatch commandsFailed = new CountDownLatch(totalNoOfCommandsToSend);
final AtomicInteger commandsSent = new AtomicInteger(0);
final AtomicLong lastReceivedTimestamp = new AtomicLong();
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long commandTimeout = IntegrationTestSupport.getSendCommandTimeout();
final Handler<Void> failureNotificationReceivedHandler = v -> {
final VertxTestContext setup = new VertxTestContext();
final Future<MessageConsumer> kafkaAsyncErrorResponseConsumer = IntegrationTestSupport.isUsingKafkaMessaging() ? helper.createDeliveryFailureCommandResponseConsumer(ctx, tenantId, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, response -> {
ctx.verify(() -> {
DownstreamMessageAssertions.assertMessageContainsTimeToLive(response, TTL_COMMAND_RESPONSE);
}, REJECTED_COMMAND_ERROR_MESSAGE::equals) : Future.succeededFuture(null);
assertWithMessage("setup of command response consumer finished within %s seconds", IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout()).that(setup.awaitCompletion(IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();
if (setup.failed()) {
while (commandsSent.get() < totalNoOfCommandsToSend) {
final CountDownLatch commandSent = new CountDownLatch(1);
context.runOnContext(go -> {
final String correlationId = String.valueOf(commandsSent.getAndIncrement());
final Buffer msg = Buffer.buffer("value: " + commandsSent.get());
helper.applicationClient.sendAsyncCommand(tenantId, commandTargetDeviceId, "setValue", "text/plain", msg, correlationId, replyId, null).onComplete(sendAttempt -> {
if (IntegrationTestSupport.isUsingAmqpMessaging()) {
if (sendAttempt.succeeded()) {"sending command {} via AMQP succeeded unexpectedly", commandsSent.get());
} else {
if (sendAttempt.cause() instanceof ClientErrorException && ((ClientErrorException) sendAttempt.cause()).getErrorCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST && REJECTED_COMMAND_ERROR_MESSAGE.equals(sendAttempt.cause().getMessage())) {
log.debug("sending command {} failed as expected: {}", commandsSent.get(), sendAttempt.cause().toString());
} else {"sending command {} failed with an unexpected error", commandsSent.get(), sendAttempt.cause());
} else if (sendAttempt.failed()) {
log.debug("sending command {} via Kafka failed unexpectedly", commandsSent.get(), sendAttempt.cause());
final long timeToWait = 300 + (totalNoOfCommandsToSend * commandTimeout);
if (!commandsFailed.await(timeToWait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {"Timeout of {} milliseconds reached, stop waiting for commands", timeToWait);
final long commandsCompleted = totalNoOfCommandsToSend - commandsFailed.getCount();"commands sent: {}, commands failed: {} after {} milliseconds", commandsSent.get(), commandsCompleted, lastReceivedTimestamp.get() - start);
Optional.ofNullable(kafkaAsyncErrorResponseConsumer.result()).map(MessageConsumer::close).orElseGet(Future::succeededFuture).onComplete(ar -> {
if (commandsCompleted == commandsSent.get()) {
} else {
ctx.failNow(new IllegalStateException("did not complete all commands sent"));
use of org.alfresco.repo.rendition2.RenditionDefinition2.TIMEOUT in project hono by eclipse.
the class CommandAndControlAmqpIT method testSendCommandFailsForNoConsumer.
* Verifies that the adapter immediately forwards the <em>released</em> disposition
* if there is no consumer for a sent command.
* <p>
* If Kafka is used, this means a corresponding error command response is published.
* @param endpointConfig The endpoints to use for sending/receiving commands.
* @param ctx The vert.x test context.
* @throws InterruptedException if not all commands and responses are exchanged in time.
@ParameterizedTest(name = IntegrationTestSupport.PARAMETERIZED_TEST_NAME_PATTERN)
@Timeout(timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS, value = 10)
public void testSendCommandFailsForNoConsumer(final AmqpCommandEndpointConfiguration endpointConfig, final VertxTestContext ctx) throws InterruptedException {
final String commandTargetDeviceId = endpointConfig.isSubscribeAsGateway() ? helper.setupGatewayDeviceBlocking(tenantId, deviceId, 5) : deviceId;
final String otherDeviceId = helper.getRandomDeviceId(tenantId);
final VertxTestContext setup = new VertxTestContext();
connectToAdapter(tenantId, otherDeviceId, password, (Supplier<Future<MessageConsumer>>) null).compose(v -> helper.registry.addDeviceToTenant(tenantId, deviceId, password)).compose(con -> subscribeToCommands(endpointConfig, tenantId, otherDeviceId).map(recv -> {
recv.handler((delivery, msg) -> ctx.failNow(new IllegalStateException("should not have received command")));
return null;
assertWithMessage("setup of adapter finished within %s seconds", IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout()).that(setup.awaitCompletion(IntegrationTestSupport.getTestSetupTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)).isTrue();
if (setup.failed()) {
helper.sendCommand(tenantId, commandTargetDeviceId, "setValue", "text/plain", Buffer.buffer("cmd"), helper.getSendCommandTimeout(true)).onComplete(ctx.failing(t -> {
ctx.verify(() -> {
assertThat(((ServerErrorException) t).getErrorCode()).isEqualTo(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE);