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Example 1 with Client

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestPeople method testResetPassword.

 * Tests reset password.
 * <p>POST:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li> {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/people/<userId>/request-password-reset} </li>
 * <li> {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/people/<userId>/reset-password} </li>
 * </ul>
public void testResetPassword() throws Exception {
    // As Admin, create a user
    setRequestContext(account1.getId(), account1Admin, "admin");
    Person person = new Person();
    person.setUserName("john.doe@" + account1.getId());
    // un-authenticated API
    setRequestContext(account1.getId(), null, null);
    // Just try to login, to test the new created user credential
    LoginTicket loginRequest = new LoginTicket();
    // Authenticate and create a ticket
    HttpResponse response = post("tickets", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(loginRequest), null, null, "authentication", 201);
    LoginTicketResponse loginResponse = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), LoginTicketResponse.class);
     * Reset Password
    // First make the service to send a synchronous email
    ResetPasswordServiceImpl passwordService = applicationContext.getBean("resetPasswordService", ResetPasswordServiceImpl.class);
    // Get the 'mail' bean in a test mode.
    EmailUtil emailUtil = new EmailUtil(applicationContext);
    try {
        // Un-authenticated API
        setRequestContext(account1.getId(), null, null);
        // Reset email (just in case other tests didn't clean up...)
        // Request reset password
        Client client = new Client().setClient("share");
        post(getRequestResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(client), 202);
        assertEquals("A reset password email should have been sent.", 1, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        MimeMessage msg = emailUtil.getLastEmail();
        assertNotNull("There should be an email.", msg);
        assertEquals("Should've been only one email recipient.", 1, msg.getAllRecipients().length);
        // Check the recipient is the person who requested the reset password
        assertEquals(person.getEmail(), msg.getAllRecipients()[0].toString());
        // There should be a subject
        assertNotNull("There should be a subject.", msg.getSubject());
        // Check the reset password url.
        String resetPasswordUrl = (String) emailUtil.getLastEmailTemplateModelValue("reset_password_url");
        assertNotNull("Wrong email is sent.", resetPasswordUrl);
        // Get the workflow id and key
        org.alfresco.util.Pair<String, String> pair = getWorkflowIdAndKeyFromUrl(resetPasswordUrl);
        assertNotNull("Workflow Id can't be null.", pair.getFirst());
        assertNotNull("Workflow Key can't be null.", pair.getSecond());
        // Reset the email helper, to get rid of the request reset password email
        // Un-authenticated APIs as we are still using the 'setRequestContext(account1.getId(), null, null)' set above.
        // Reset the password
        PasswordReset passwordReset = new PasswordReset().setPassword("changed").setId(pair.getFirst()).setKey(pair.getSecond());
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordReset), 202);
        assertEquals("A reset password confirmation email should have been sent.", 1, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        msg = emailUtil.getLastEmail();
        assertNotNull("There should be an email.", msg);
        assertEquals("Should've been only one email recipient.", 1, msg.getAllRecipients().length);
        assertEquals(person.getEmail(), msg.getAllRecipients()[0].toString());
        // There should be a subject
        assertNotNull("There should be a subject.", msg.getSubject());
        // Try to login with old credential
        post("tickets", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(loginRequest), null, null, "authentication", 403);
        // Set the new password
        response = post("tickets", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(loginRequest), null, null, "authentication", 201);
        loginResponse = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), LoginTicketResponse.class);
             * Negative tests
        // First, reset the email helper
        // Try reset with the used workflow
        // Note: we still return 202 response for security reasons
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordReset), 202);
        assertEquals("No email should have been sent.", 0, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        // Request reset password - Invalid user (user does not exist)
        post(getRequestResetPasswordUrl(System.currentTimeMillis() + "noUser"), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(client), 202);
        assertEquals("No email should have been sent.", 0, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        // As Admin disable the user
        setRequestContext(account1.getId(), account1Admin, "admin");
        Map<String, String> params = Collections.singletonMap("fields", "enabled");
        Person updatedPerson = people.update(person.getUserName(), qjson("{`enabled`:" + false + "}"), params, 200);
        // Un-authenticated API
        setRequestContext(account1.getId(), null, null);
        // Request reset password - Invalid user (user is disabled)
        post(getRequestResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(client), 202);
        assertEquals("No email should have been sent.", 0, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        // Client is not specified
        client = new Client();
        post(getRequestResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(client), 400);
        // Reset password
        // First, reset the email helper and enable the user
        // As Admin enable the user
        setRequestContext(account1.getId(), account1Admin, "admin");
        params = Collections.singletonMap("fields", "enabled");
        updatedPerson = people.update(person.getUserName(), qjson("{`enabled`:" + true + "}"), params, 200);
        // Un-authenticated API
        setRequestContext(account1.getId(), null, null);
        client = new Client().setClient("share");
        post(getRequestResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(client), 202);
        assertEquals("A reset password email should have been sent.", 1, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        resetPasswordUrl = (String) emailUtil.getLastEmailTemplateModelValue("reset_password_url");
        // Check the reset password url.
        assertNotNull("Wrong email is sent.", resetPasswordUrl);
        // Get the workflow id and key
        pair = getWorkflowIdAndKeyFromUrl(resetPasswordUrl);
        assertNotNull("Workflow Id can't be null.", pair.getFirst());
        assertNotNull("Workflow Key can't be null.", pair.getSecond());
        // Reset the email helper, to get rid of the request reset password email
        // Invalid request - password is not provided
        PasswordReset passwordResetInvalid = new PasswordReset().setId(pair.getFirst()).setKey(pair.getSecond());
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordResetInvalid), 400);
        // Invalid request - workflow id is not provided
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordResetInvalid), 400);
        // Invalid request - workflow key is not provided
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordResetInvalid), 400);
        // Invalid request - Invalid workflow id
        // Note: we still return 202 response for security reasons
        passwordResetInvalid = new PasswordReset().setPassword("changedAgain").setId(// Invalid Id
        "activiti$" + System.currentTimeMillis()).setKey(pair.getSecond());
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordResetInvalid), 202);
        assertEquals("No email should have been sent.", 0, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        // Invalid request - Invalid workflow key
        // Note: we still return 202 response for security reasons
        passwordResetInvalid = new PasswordReset().setPassword("changedAgain").setId(pair.getFirst()).setKey(// Invalid Key
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(person.getUserName()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordResetInvalid), 202);
        assertEquals("No email should have been sent.", 0, emailUtil.getSentCount());
        // Invalid request (not the same user) - The given user id 'user1' does not match the person's user id who requested the password reset.
        // Note: we still return 202 response for security reasons
        passwordResetInvalid = new PasswordReset().setPassword("changedAgain").setId(pair.getFirst()).setKey(pair.getSecond());
        post(getResetPasswordUrl(user1), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(passwordResetInvalid), 202);
        assertEquals("No email should have been sent.", 0, emailUtil.getSentCount());
    } finally {
Also used : HttpResponse( EmailUtil( ResetPasswordServiceImpl( LoginTicket( LoginTicketResponse( MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) PasswordReset( Client( PublicApiClient( Person( Test(org.junit.Test)


MimeMessage (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage)1 ResetPasswordServiceImpl ( Client ( LoginTicket ( LoginTicketResponse ( PasswordReset ( HttpResponse ( PublicApiClient ( Person ( EmailUtil ( Test (org.junit.Test)1