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Example 6 with QuickShareLink

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class SharedLinkApiTest method testSharedLinkWithExpiryDate.

 * Tests shared links to file with expiry date.
 * <p>POST:</p>
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links}
public void testSharedLinkWithExpiryDate() throws Exception {
    // Clear any hanging security context from other tests.
    // We add it here as getSchedules method will throw an exception.
    final int numOfSchedules = getSchedules();
    // Create plain text document
    String myFolderNodeId = getMyNodeId();
    String contentText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
    String fileName = "file-" + RUNID + ".txt";
    String docId = createTextFile(myFolderNodeId, fileName, contentText).getId();
    // Create shared link to document
    QuickShareLink body = new QuickShareLink();
    // Invalid time - passed time
    post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(body), 400);
    // The default expiryDate period is DAYS (see: 'system.quickshare.expiry_date.enforce.minimum.period' property),
    // so the expiry date must be at least 1 day from now
    post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(body), 400);
    // Set the expiry date to be in the next 2 days
    Date time =;
    // Post the share request
    HttpResponse response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(body), 201);
    QuickShareLink resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(fileName, resp.getName());
    assertEquals(time, resp.getExpiresAt());
    // Check that the schedule is persisted
    // Note: No need to check for expiry actions here, as the scheduledPersistedActionService
    // checks that the expiry action is persisted first and if it wasn't will throw an exception.
    assertEquals(numOfSchedules + 1, getSchedules());
    // Delete the shared link
    // Check the shred link has been deleted
    getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, resp.getId(), null, 404);
    // As we deleted the shared link, the expiry action and its related schedule should have been removed as well.
    // Check that the schedule is deleted
    assertEquals(numOfSchedules, getSchedules());
    // Set the expiry date to be in the next 24 hours
    time =;
    // Post the share request
    response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(body), 201);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    // Check that the schedule is persisted
    assertEquals(numOfSchedules + 1, getSchedules());
    // Get the shared link info
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, resp.getId(), null, 200);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(fileName, resp.getName());
    assertEquals(time, resp.getExpiresAt());
    // Change the expiry time to be in the next 6 seconds.
    // Here we'll bypass the QuickShareService in order to force the new time.
    // As the QuickShareService by default will enforce the expiry date to not be less than 24 hours.
    // Wait for 10 seconds - the expiry action should be triggered in the next 6 seconds.
    // Check that the expiry action unshared the link
    getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, resp.getId(), null, 404);
    // The expiry action and its related schedule should have been removed after the link unshared by the action executor.
    // Check that the schedule is deleted
    assertEquals(numOfSchedules, getSchedules());
    // Create a shared link without an expiry date
    response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(body), 201);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertNull("The 'expiryDate' property should have benn null.", resp.getExpiresAt());
    assertEquals(numOfSchedules, getSchedules());
    // Delete the share link that hasn't got an expiry date
Also used : HttpResponse( QuickShareLink( Date(java.util.Date) QuickShareLinkEntityResource( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with QuickShareLink

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class SharedLinkApiTest method testSharedLinkCreateGetDelete.

 * Tests shared links to file (content)
 * <p>POST:</p>
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links}
 * <p>DELETE:</p>
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>}
 * <p>GET:</p>
 * The following do not require authentication
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>}
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>/content}
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>/renditions}
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>/renditions/<renditionId>}
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>/renditions/<renditionId>/content}
public void testSharedLinkCreateGetDelete() throws Exception {
    // As user 1 ...
    // create doc d1 - pdf
    String sharedFolderNodeId = getSharedNodeId();
    String fileName1 = "quick" + RUNID + "_1.pdf";
    File file1 = getResourceFile("quick.pdf");
    byte[] file1_originalBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file1.getAbsolutePath()));
    String file1_MimeType = MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_PDF;
    MultiPartBuilder multiPartBuilder = MultiPartBuilder.create().setFileData(new MultiPartBuilder.FileData(fileName1, file1, file1_MimeType));
    MultiPartBuilder.MultiPartRequest reqBody =;
    HttpResponse response = post(getNodeChildrenUrl(sharedFolderNodeId), reqBody.getBody(), null, reqBody.getContentType(), 201);
    Document doc1 = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
    String d1Id = doc1.getId();
    // create doc d2 - plain text
    String myFolderNodeId = getMyNodeId();
    String content2Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 2.";
    String fileName2 = "content" + RUNID + "_2.txt";
    Document doc2 = createTextFile(myFolderNodeId, fileName2, content2Text);
    String d2Id = doc2.getId();
    String file2_MimeType = MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN;
    // As user 2 ...
    response = getSingle(NodesEntityResource.class, d1Id, null, 200);
    Node nodeResp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Node.class);
    Date docModifiedAt = nodeResp.getModifiedAt();
    String docModifiedBy = nodeResp.getModifiedByUser().getId();
    assertEquals(user1, docModifiedBy);
    // create shared link to document 1
    Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
    body.put("nodeId", d1Id);
    response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 201);
    QuickShareLink resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    String shared1Id = resp.getId();
    assertEquals(d1Id, resp.getNodeId());
    assertEquals(fileName1, resp.getName());
    assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", resp.getTitle());
    assertEquals("Gym class featuring a brown fox and lazy dog", resp.getDescription());
    assertEquals(file1_MimeType, resp.getContent().getMimeType());
    assertEquals("Adobe PDF Document", resp.getContent().getMimeTypeName());
    assertEquals(new Long(file1_originalBytes.length), resp.getContent().getSizeInBytes());
    assertEquals("UTF-8", resp.getContent().getEncoding());
    // not changed
    assertEquals(docModifiedAt.getTime(), resp.getModifiedAt().getTime());
    // not changed (ie. not user2)
    assertEquals(docModifiedBy, resp.getModifiedByUser().getId());
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(docModifiedBy), resp.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName());
    assertEquals(user2, resp.getSharedByUser().getId());
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user2), resp.getSharedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // -ve test - try to create again (same user) - already exists
    post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 409);
    // As user 1 ...
    // create shared link to document 2
    body = new HashMap<>();
    body.put("nodeId", d2Id);
    response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 201);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    String shared2Id = resp.getId();
    // currently passing auth should make no difference (irrespective of MT vs non-MY enb)
    // access to get shared link info - pass user1 (but ignore in non-MT)
    Map<String, String> params = Collections.singletonMap("include", "allowableOperations");
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id, params, 200);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(shared1Id, resp.getId());
    assertEquals(fileName1, resp.getName());
    assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", resp.getTitle());
    assertEquals("Gym class featuring a brown fox and lazy dog", resp.getDescription());
    assertEquals(d1Id, resp.getNodeId());
    // include is ignored
    // include is ignored
    // userId not returned
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user1), resp.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // userId not returned
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user2), resp.getSharedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // access to get shared link info - pass user2 (but ignore in non-MT)
    params = Collections.singletonMap("include", "allowableOperations");
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id, params, 200);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(shared1Id, resp.getId());
    assertEquals(fileName1, resp.getName());
    assertEquals(d1Id, resp.getNodeId());
    // include is ignored
    // include is ignored
    // userId not returned
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user1), resp.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // userId not returned
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user2), resp.getSharedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // allowable operations not included - no params
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id, null, 200);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    // unauth access to get shared link info
    // note: this will be ignore for unauth access
    params = Collections.singletonMap("include", "allowableOperations");
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id, params, 200);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(shared1Id, resp.getId());
    assertEquals(fileName1, resp.getName());
    assertEquals(d1Id, resp.getNodeId());
    // include is ignored
    // include is ignored
    // userId not returned
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user1), resp.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // userId not returned
    assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user2), resp.getSharedByUser().getDisplayName());
    // unauth access to file 1 content (via shared link)
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/content", null, 200);
    assertArrayEquals(file1_originalBytes, response.getResponseAsBytes());
    Map<String, String> responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
    assertEquals(file1_MimeType + ";charset=UTF-8", responseHeaders.get("Content-Type"));
    assertEquals("attachment; filename=\"" + fileName1 + "\"; filename*=UTF-8''" + fileName1 + "", responseHeaders.get("Content-Disposition"));
    String lastModifiedHeader = responseHeaders.get(LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER);
    // Test 304 response
    Map<String, String> headers = Collections.singletonMap(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER, lastModifiedHeader);
    getSingle(URL_SHARED_LINKS, shared1Id + "/content", null, headers, 304);
    // unauth access to file 1 content (via shared link) - without Content-Disposition header (attachment=false)
    params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("attachment", "false");
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/content", params, 200);
    assertArrayEquals(file1_originalBytes, response.getResponseAsBytes());
    responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
    assertEquals(file1_MimeType + ";charset=UTF-8", responseHeaders.get("Content-Type"));
    // unauth access to file 2 content (via shared link)
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared2Id + "/content", null, 200);
    assertArrayEquals(content2Text.getBytes(), response.getResponseAsBytes());
    responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
    assertEquals(file2_MimeType + ";charset=ISO-8859-1", responseHeaders.get("Content-Type"));
    assertEquals("attachment; filename=\"" + fileName2 + "\"; filename*=UTF-8''" + fileName2 + "", responseHeaders.get("Content-Disposition"));
    // -ve test - unauth access to get shared link file content - without Content-Disposition header (attachment=false) - header ignored (plain text is not in white list)
    params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("attachment", "false");
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared2Id + "/content", params, 200);
    assertEquals("attachment; filename=\"" + fileName2 + "\"; filename*=UTF-8''" + fileName2 + "", response.getHeaders().get("Content-Disposition"));
    // -ve shared link rendition tests
        // -ve test - try to get non-existent rendition content
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/doclib/content", null, 404);
        // -ve test - try to get unregistered rendition content
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/dummy/content", null, 404);
    // unauth access to get rendition info for a shared link (available => CREATED rendition only)
    // -ve shared link rendition tests
        // -ve test - try to get not created rendition for the given shared link
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/doclib", null, 404);
        // -ve test - try to get unregistered rendition
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/dummy", null, 404);
    // unauth access to get shared link renditions info (available => CREATED renditions only)
    response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS + "/" + shared1Id + "/renditions", null, 200);
    List<Rendition> renditions = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Rendition.class);
    assertEquals(0, renditions.size());
    // create rendition of pdf doc - note: for some reason create rendition of txt doc fail on build m/c (TBC) ?
    Rendition rendition = createAndGetRendition(d1Id, "doclib");
    assertEquals(Rendition.RenditionStatus.CREATED, rendition.getStatus());
    // unauth access to get shared link renditions info (available => CREATED renditions only)
    response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS + "/" + shared1Id + "/renditions", null, 200);
    renditions = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Rendition.class);
    assertEquals(1, renditions.size());
    assertEquals(Rendition.RenditionStatus.CREATED, renditions.get(0).getStatus());
    assertEquals("doclib", renditions.get(0).getId());
        // try to get a created rendition for the given shared link
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/doclib", null, 200);
    // unauth access to get shared link file rendition content
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/doclib/content", null, 200);
    assertTrue(response.getResponseAsBytes().length > 0);
    responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
    assertEquals(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_PNG + ";charset=UTF-8", responseHeaders.get("Content-Type"));
    String docName = "doclib";
    assertEquals("attachment; filename=\"" + docName + "\"; filename*=UTF-8''" + docName + "", responseHeaders.get("Content-Disposition"));
    // unauth access to get shared link file rendition content - without Content-Disposition header (attachment=false)
    params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("attachment", "false");
    response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/renditions/doclib/content", params, 200);
    assertTrue(response.getResponseAsBytes().length > 0);
    responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
    assertEquals(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_PNG + ";charset=UTF-8", responseHeaders.get("Content-Type"));
    lastModifiedHeader = responseHeaders.get(LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER);
    // Test 304 response
    headers = Collections.singletonMap(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER, lastModifiedHeader);
    getSingle(URL_SHARED_LINKS, shared1Id + "/renditions/doclib/content", null, headers, 304);
    // -ve delete tests
        // -ve test - unauthenticated
        deleteSharedLink(shared1Id, 401);
        // -ve test - user1 cannot delete shared link
        deleteSharedLink(shared1Id, 403);
        // -ve test - delete - cannot delete non-existent link
        deleteSharedLink("dummy", 404);
    // -ve create tests
        // As user 1 ...
        // -ve test - try to create again (different user, that has read permission) - already exists
        body = new HashMap<>();
        body.put("nodeId", d1Id);
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 409);
        // -ve - create - missing nodeId
        body = new HashMap<>();
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 400);
        // -ve - create - unknown nodeId
        body = new HashMap<>();
        body.put("nodeId", "dummy");
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 404);
        // -ve - create - try to link to folder (ie. not a file)
        String f1Id = createFolder(myFolderNodeId, "f1 " + RUNID).getId();
        body = new HashMap<>();
        body.put("nodeId", f1Id);
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 400);
        // -ve test - cannot create if user does not have permission to read
        body = new HashMap<>();
        body.put("nodeId", d2Id);
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 403);
        // -ve test - unauthenticated
        body = new HashMap<>();
        body.put("nodeId", d1Id);
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 401);
    // delete shared link
    // -ve test - delete - cannot delete non-existent link
    deleteSharedLink(shared1Id, 404);
    response = getSingle(NodesEntityResource.class, d1Id, null, 200);
    nodeResp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Node.class);
    // not changed
    assertEquals(docModifiedAt.getTime(), nodeResp.getModifiedAt().getTime());
    // not changed (ie. not user2)
    assertEquals(docModifiedBy, nodeResp.getModifiedByUser().getId());
    // -ve get tests
        // try to get link that has been deleted (see above)
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id, null, 404);
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, shared1Id + "/content", null, 404);
        // try to get non-existent link
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, "dummy", null, 404);
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, "dummy/content", null, 404);
    // TODO if and when these tests are optionally runnable via remote env then we could skip this part of the test
    // (else need to verify test mechanism for enterprise admin via jmx ... etc)
    QuickShareLinksImpl quickShareLinks = applicationContext.getBean("quickShareLinks", QuickShareLinksImpl.class);
    try {
        // -ve - disabled service tests
        body.put("nodeId", "dummy");
        post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 501);
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, "dummy", null, 501);
        getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, "dummy/content", null, 501);
        deleteSharedLink("dummy", 501);
    } finally {
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Rendition( Node( HttpResponse( NodesEntityResource( Document( QuickShareLinksImpl( Date(java.util.Date) QuickShareLinkEntityResource( MultiPartBuilder( File( QuickShareLink( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with QuickShareLink

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class SharedLinkApiTest method testSharedLinkFind.

 * Tests find shared links to file (content)
 * Note: relies on search service
 * <p>GET:</p>
 * {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links}
@Category({ LuceneTests.class, RedundantTests.class })
public void testSharedLinkFind() throws Exception {
    // As user 1 ...
    Paging paging = getPaging(0, 100);
    // Get all shared links visible to user 1 (note: for now assumes clean repo)
    HttpResponse response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 200);
    List<QuickShareLink> sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(0, sharedLinks.size());
    // create doc d1 - in "My" folder
    String myFolderNodeId = getMyNodeId();
    String content1Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1.";
    String docName1 = "content" + RUNID + "_1.txt";
    Document doc1 = createTextFile(myFolderNodeId, docName1, content1Text);
    String d1Id = doc1.getId();
    // create doc2 - in "Shared" folder
    String sharedFolderNodeId = getSharedNodeId();
    String docName2 = "content" + RUNID + "_2.txt";
    Document doc2 = createTextFile(sharedFolderNodeId, docName2, content1Text);
    String d2Id = doc2.getId();
    // create shared link to doc 1
    Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
    body.put("nodeId", d1Id);
    response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 201);
    QuickShareLink resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    String shared1Id = resp.getId();
    // As user 2 ...
    // create shared link to doc 2
    body = new HashMap<>();
    body.put("nodeId", d2Id);
    response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 201);
    resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    String shared2Id = resp.getId();
    // find links
    response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 200);
    sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(2, sharedLinks.size());
    assertEquals(shared2Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getId());
    assertEquals(d2Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getNodeId());
    assertEquals(shared1Id, sharedLinks.get(1).getId());
    assertEquals(d1Id, sharedLinks.get(1).getNodeId());
    response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 200);
    sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(1, sharedLinks.size());
    assertEquals(shared2Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getId());
    assertEquals(d2Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getNodeId());
    // find my links
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("where", "(" + QuickShareLinks.PARAM_SHAREDBY + "='" + People.DEFAULT_USER + "')");
    response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, params, 200);
    sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(1, sharedLinks.size());
    assertEquals(shared1Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getId());
    assertEquals(d1Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getNodeId());
    // find links shared by a given user
    params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("where", "(" + QuickShareLinks.PARAM_SHAREDBY + "='" + user2 + "')");
    response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, params, 200);
    sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
    assertEquals(1, sharedLinks.size());
    assertEquals(shared2Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getId());
    assertEquals(d2Id, sharedLinks.get(0).getNodeId());
    // -ve test - unauthenticated
    getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, params, 401);
    // delete the shared links
    // TODO if and when these tests are optionally runnable via remote env then we could skip this part of the test
    // (else need to verify test mechanism for enterprise admin via jmx ... etc)
    QuickShareLinksImpl quickShareLinks = applicationContext.getBean("quickShareLinks", QuickShareLinksImpl.class);
    try {
        // -ve - disabled service tests
        getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 501);
    } finally {
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Paging( HttpResponse( Document( QuickShareLinksImpl( QuickShareLink( Category(org.junit.experimental.categories.Category) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with QuickShareLink

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class NodesImpl method updateCustomAspects.

public void updateCustomAspects(NodeRef nodeRef, List<String> aspectNames, List<QName> excludedAspects) {
    if (aspectNames != null) {
        // update aspects - note: can be empty (eg. to remove existing aspects+properties) but not cm:auditable, sys:referencable, sys:localized
        Set<QName> aspectQNames = mapToNodeAspects(aspectNames);
        Set<QName> existingAspects = nodeService.getAspects(nodeRef);
        Set<QName> aspectsToAdd = new HashSet<>(3);
        Set<QName> aspectsToRemove = new HashSet<>(3);
        for (QName aspectQName : aspectQNames) {
            if (EXCLUDED_NS.contains(aspectQName.getNamespaceURI()) || excludedAspects.contains(aspectQName) || aspectQName.equals(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) {
                // ignore
            if (!existingAspects.contains(aspectQName)) {
        for (QName existingAspect : existingAspects) {
            if (EXCLUDED_NS.contains(existingAspect.getNamespaceURI()) || excludedAspects.contains(existingAspect) || existingAspect.equals(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE)) {
                // ignore
            if (!aspectQNames.contains(existingAspect)) {
        // TODO: optional PATCH mechanism to add one new new aspect (with some related aspect properties) without affecting existing aspects/properties
        for (QName aQName : aspectsToRemove) {
            if (aQName.equals(QuickShareModel.ASPECT_QSHARE)) {
                String qSharedId = (String) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDID);
                if (qSharedId != null) {
                    // note: for now, go via QuickShareLinks (rather than QuickShareService) to ensure consistent permission checks
                    // alternatively we could disallow (or ignore) "qshare:shared" aspect removal
                    quickShareLinks.delete(qSharedId, null);
            nodeService.removeAspect(nodeRef, aQName);
        for (QName aQName : aspectsToAdd) {
            if (aQName.equals(QuickShareModel.ASPECT_QSHARE)) {
                // note: for now, go via QuickShareLinks (rather than QuickShareService) to ensure consistent permission checks
                // alternatively we could disallow (or ignore) "qshare:shared" aspect addition
                QuickShareLink qs = new QuickShareLink();
                quickShareLinks.create(Collections.singletonList(qs), null);
            nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, aQName, null);
Also used : QName(org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName) QuickShareLink( LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 10 with QuickShareLink

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class QuickShareLinksImpl method create.

 * Create quick share.
 * <p>
 * Requires authenticated access.
 * @param nodeIds
 * @param parameters
 * @return
public List<QuickShareLink> create(List<QuickShareLink> nodeIds, Parameters parameters) {
    List<QuickShareLink> result = new ArrayList<>(nodeIds.size());
    List<String> includeParam = parameters != null ? parameters.getInclude() : Collections.<String>emptyList();
    for (QuickShareLink qs : nodeIds) {
        String nodeId = qs.getNodeId();
        if (nodeId == null) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("A valid nodeId must be specified !");
        NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(StoreRef.STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE, nodeId);
        try {
            // Note: will throw InvalidNodeRefException (=> 404) if node does not exist
            String sharedId = (String) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDID);
            if (sharedId != null) {
                throw new ConstraintViolatedException("sharedId already exists: " + nodeId + " [" + sharedId + "]");
            // Note: since we already check node exists above, we can assume that InvalidNodeRefException (=> 404) here means not content (see type check)
            try {
                QuickShareDTO qsDto = quickShareService.shareContent(nodeRef, qs.getExpiresAt());
                result.add(getQuickShareInfo(qsDto.getId(), false, includeParam));
            } catch (InvalidNodeRefException inre) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to create shared link to non-file content: " + nodeId);
            } catch (QuickShareLinkExpiryActionException ex) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(ex.getMessage());
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            throw new PermissionDeniedException("Unable to create shared link to node that does not exist: " + nodeId);
        } catch (InvalidNodeRefException inre) {
            logger.warn("Unable to create shared link: [" + nodeRef + "]");
            throw new EntityNotFoundException(nodeId);
    return result;
Also used : AccessDeniedException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) QuickShareLinkExpiryActionException(org.alfresco.repo.quickshare.QuickShareLinkExpiryActionException) EntityNotFoundException( ConstraintViolatedException( NodeRef(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef) InvalidArgumentException( QuickShareDTO(org.alfresco.service.cmr.quickshare.QuickShareDTO) InvalidNodeRefException(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.InvalidNodeRefException) PermissionDeniedException( QuickShareLink(


QuickShareLink ( HttpResponse ( Test (org.junit.Test)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 Document ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 QuickShareLinkEntityResource ( QuickShareLinksImpl ( Paging ( EntityNotFoundException ( InvalidNodeRefException (org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.InvalidNodeRefException)3 NodeRef (org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef)3 Category (org.junit.experimental.categories.Category)3 File ( Date (java.util.Date)2 QuickShareLinkExpiryActionException (org.alfresco.repo.quickshare.QuickShareLinkExpiryActionException)2 AccessDeniedException ( PathInfo ( Rendition ( MultiPartBuilder (