use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class QuickShareLinksImpl method readById.
* Returns limited metadata regarding the shared (content) link.
* <p>
* Note: does *not* require authenticated access for (public) shared link.
public QuickShareLink readById(final String sharedId, final Parameters parameters) {
try {
Pair<String, NodeRef> pair = quickShareService.getTenantNodeRefFromSharedId(sharedId);
String networkTenantDomain = pair.getFirst();
return TenantUtil.runAsSystemTenant(new TenantUtil.TenantRunAsWork<QuickShareLink>() {
public QuickShareLink doWork() throws Exception {
// note: assume noAuth here (rather than rely on getRunAsUser which will be null in non-MT)
return getQuickShareInfo(sharedId, true, parameters.getInclude());
}, networkTenantDomain);
} catch (InvalidSharedIdException ex) {
logger.warn("Unable to find: " + sharedId);
throw new EntityNotFoundException(sharedId);
use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class QuickShareLinksImpl method getQuickShareInfo.
private QuickShareLink getQuickShareInfo(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<String, Object> map, boolean noAuth, List<String> includeParam) {
String sharedId = (String) map.get("sharedId");
try {
Map<QName, Serializable> nodeProps = nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef);
ContentData cd = (ContentData) nodeProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
String mimeType = cd.getMimetype();
String mimeTypeName = mimeTypeService.getDisplaysByMimetype().get(mimeType);
ContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo(mimeType, mimeTypeName, cd.getSize(), cd.getEncoding());
Map<String, UserInfo> mapUserInfo = new HashMap<>(2);
// note: if noAuth mode then don't return userids (to limit disclosure and be consistent with v0 internal)
boolean displayNameOnly = noAuth;
UserInfo modifiedByUser = Node.lookupUserInfo((String) nodeProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIER), mapUserInfo, personService, displayNameOnly);
// TODO review - should we return sharedByUser for authenticated users only ?? (not exposed by V0 but needed for "find")
String sharedByUserId = (String) nodeProps.get(QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDBY);
UserInfo sharedByUser = Node.lookupUserInfo(sharedByUserId, mapUserInfo, personService, displayNameOnly);
QuickShareLink qs = new QuickShareLink(sharedId, nodeRef.getId());
qs.setName((String) map.get("name"));
qs.setTitle((String) map.get("title"));
qs.setDescription((String) map.get("description"));
qs.setModifiedAt((Date) map.get("modified"));
qs.setExpiresAt((Date) map.get("expiryDate"));
// note: if noAuth mode then do not return allowable operations (eg. but can be optionally returned when finding shared links)
if (!noAuth) {
if (quickShareService.canDeleteSharedLink(nodeRef, sharedByUserId)) {
// the allowable operations for the shared link
Node doc = nodes.getFolderOrDocument(nodeRef, null, null, includeParam, null);
List<String> allowableOps = doc.getAllowableOperations();
// the allowable operations for the actual file being shared
// in noAuth mode we don't return the path info
if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_PATH)) {
qs.setPath(nodes.lookupPathInfo(nodeRef, null));
return qs;
} catch (InvalidSharedIdException ex) {
logger.warn("Unable to find: " + sharedId);
throw new EntityNotFoundException(sharedId);
} catch (InvalidNodeRefException inre) {
logger.warn("Unable to find: " + sharedId + " [" + inre.getNodeRef() + "]");
throw new EntityNotFoundException(sharedId);
use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class QuickShareLinksImpl method findLinks.
public CollectionWithPagingInfo<QuickShareLink> findLinks(Parameters parameters) {
String queryString = "ASPECT:\"" + QuickShareModel.ASPECT_QSHARE.toString() + "\"";
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
// note: REST API query parameter (ie. where clause filter) - not to be confused with search query ;-)
Query q = parameters.getQuery();
if (q != null) {
// filtering via "where" clause
MapBasedQueryWalker propertyWalker = new MapBasedQueryWalker(FIND_SHARED_LINKS_QUERY_PROPERTIES, null);
QueryHelper.walk(q, propertyWalker);
String sharedByUserId = propertyWalker.getProperty(PARAM_SHAREDBY, WhereClauseParser.EQUALS, String.class);
if (sharedByUserId != null) {
if (People.DEFAULT_USER.equalsIgnoreCase(sharedByUserId)) {
sharedByUserId = AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser();
QueryParameterDefinition qpd = new QueryParameterDefImpl(QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDBY, dictionaryService.getDataType(DataTypeDefinition.TEXT), true, sharedByUserId);
String qsharedBy = QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDBY.toPrefixString(namespaceService);
queryString += " +@" + SearchLanguageConversion.escapeLuceneQuery(qsharedBy) + ":\"${" + qsharedBy + "}\"";
Paging paging = parameters.getPaging();
PagingRequest pagingRequest = Util.getPagingRequest(paging);
sp.addSort("@" + ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED, false);
ResultSet results = searchService.query(sp);
List<QuickShareLink> qsLinks = new ArrayList<>(results.length());
List<String> includeParam = parameters.getInclude();
for (ResultSetRow row : results) {
NodeRef nodeRef = row.getNodeRef();
qsLinks.add(getQuickShareInfo(nodeRef, false, includeParam));
return CollectionWithPagingInfo.asPaged(paging, qsLinks, results.hasMore(), Long.valueOf(results.getNumberFound()).intValue());