use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method tokenRef.
* From label {@code A} build graph {@code o-A->o}.
public Handle tokenRef(@NotNull TerminalAST node) {
ATNState left = newState(node);
ATNState right = newState(node);
int ttype = g.getTokenType(node.getText());
left.addTransition(new AtomTransition(right, ttype));
node.atnState = left;
return new Handle(left, right);
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method action.
* Build what amounts to an epsilon transition with an action.
* The action goes into ATN though it is ignored during prediction
* if {@link ActionTransition#actionIndex actionIndex}{@code <0}.
public Handle action(@NotNull ActionAST action) {
// System.out.println("action: "+action);
ATNState left = newState(action);
ATNState right = newState(action);
ActionTransition a = new ActionTransition(right, currentRule.index);
action.atnState = left;
return new Handle(left, right);
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method _ruleRef.
public Handle _ruleRef(@NotNull GrammarAST node) {
Rule r = g.getRule(node.getText());
if (r == null) {
g.tool.errMgr.grammarError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, g.fileName, node.getToken(), "Rule " + node.getText() + " undefined");
return null;
RuleStartState start = atn.ruleToStartState[r.index];
ATNState left = newState(node);
ATNState right = newState(node);
int precedence = 0;
if (((GrammarASTWithOptions) node).getOptionString(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME) != null) {
precedence = Integer.parseInt(((GrammarASTWithOptions) node).getOptionString(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.PRECEDENCE_OPTION_NAME));
RuleTransition call = new RuleTransition(start, r.index, precedence, right);
node.atnState = left;
return new Handle(left, right);
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method optional.
* From {@code (A)?} build either:
* <pre>
* o--A->o
* | ^
* o---->|
* </pre>
* or, if {@code A} is a block, just add an empty alt to the end of the
* block
public Handle optional(@NotNull GrammarAST optAST, @NotNull Handle blk) {
BlockStartState blkStart = (BlockStartState) blk.left;
ATNState blkEnd = blk.right;
preventEpsilonOptionalBlocks.add(Tuple.create(currentRule, blkStart, blkEnd));
boolean greedy = ((QuantifierAST) optAST).isGreedy();
// no way to express SLL restriction
blkStart.sll = false;
blkStart.nonGreedy = !greedy;
epsilon(blkStart, blk.right, !greedy);
optAST.atnState = blk.left;
return blk;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method newState.
public <T extends ATNState> T newState(@NotNull Class<T> nodeType, GrammarAST node) {
Exception cause;
try {
Constructor<T> ctor = nodeType.getConstructor();
T s = ctor.newInstance();
if (currentRule == null)
return s;
} catch (InstantiationException ex) {
cause = ex;
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
cause = ex;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
cause = ex;
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
cause = ex;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
cause = ex;
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
cause = ex;
String message = String.format("Could not create %s of type %s.", ATNState.class.getName(), nodeType.getName());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message, cause);