use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStopState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method rule.
/* start->ruleblock->end */
public Handle rule(@NotNull GrammarAST ruleAST, @NotNull String name, @NotNull Handle blk) {
Rule r = g.getRule(name);
RuleStartState start = atn.ruleToStartState[r.index];
epsilon(start, blk.left);
RuleStopState stop = atn.ruleToStopState[r.index];
epsilon(blk.right, stop);
Handle h = new Handle(start, stop);
// ATNPrinter ser = new ATNPrinter(g, h.left);
// System.out.println(ruleAST.toStringTree()+":\n"+ser.asString());
ruleAST.atnState = start;
return h;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStopState in project antlr4 by tunnelvisionlabs.
the class ParserATNFactory method createRuleStartAndStopATNStates.
* Define all the rule begin/end ATNStates to solve forward reference
* issues.
void createRuleStartAndStopATNStates() {
atn.ruleToStartState = new RuleStartState[g.rules.size()];
atn.ruleToStopState = new RuleStopState[g.rules.size()];
for (Rule r : g.rules.values()) {
RuleStartState start = newState(RuleStartState.class, r.ast);
RuleStopState stop = newState(RuleStopState.class, r.ast);
start.stopState = stop;
start.isPrecedenceRule = r instanceof LeftRecursiveRule;
atn.ruleToStartState[r.index] = start;
atn.ruleToStopState[r.index] = stop;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStopState in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class LexerATNSimulator method addDFAState.
* Add a new DFA state if there isn't one with this set of
* configurations already. This method also detects the first
* configuration containing an ATN rule stop state. Later, when
* traversing the DFA, we will know which rule to accept.
protected DFAState addDFAState(ATNConfigSet configs) {
/* the lexer evaluates predicates on-the-fly; by this point configs
* should not contain any configurations with unevaluated predicates.
assert !configs.hasSemanticContext;
DFAState proposed = new DFAState(configs);
ATNConfig firstConfigWithRuleStopState = null;
for (ATNConfig c : configs) {
if (c.state instanceof RuleStopState) {
firstConfigWithRuleStopState = c;
if (firstConfigWithRuleStopState != null) {
proposed.isAcceptState = true;
proposed.lexerActionExecutor = ((LexerATNConfig) firstConfigWithRuleStopState).getLexerActionExecutor();
proposed.prediction = atn.ruleToTokenType[firstConfigWithRuleStopState.state.ruleIndex];
DFA dfa = decisionToDFA[mode];
synchronized (dfa.states) {
DFAState existing = dfa.states.get(proposed);
if (existing != null)
return existing;
DFAState newState = proposed;
newState.stateNumber = dfa.states.size();
newState.configs = configs;
dfa.states.put(newState, newState);
return newState;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStopState in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class ATN method getExpectedTokens.
* Computes the set of input symbols which could follow ATN state number
* {@code stateNumber} in the specified full {@code context}. This method
* considers the complete parser context, but does not evaluate semantic
* predicates (i.e. all predicates encountered during the calculation are
* assumed true). If a path in the ATN exists from the starting state to the
* {@link RuleStopState} of the outermost context without matching any
* symbols, {@link Token#EOF} is added to the returned set.
* <p>If {@code context} is {@code null}, it is treated as {@link ParserRuleContext#EMPTY}.</p>
* Note that this does NOT give you the set of all tokens that could
* appear at a given token position in the input phrase. In other words,
* it does not answer:
* "Given a specific partial input phrase, return the set of all tokens
* that can follow the last token in the input phrase."
* The big difference is that with just the input, the parser could
* land right in the middle of a lookahead decision. Getting
* all *possible* tokens given a partial input stream is a separate
* computation. See
* For this function, we are specifying an ATN state and call stack to compute
* what token(s) can come next and specifically: outside of a lookahead decision.
* That is what you want for error reporting and recovery upon parse error.
* @param stateNumber the ATN state number
* @param context the full parse context
* @return The set of potentially valid input symbols which could follow the
* specified state in the specified context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the ATN does not contain a state with
* number {@code stateNumber}
public IntervalSet getExpectedTokens(int stateNumber, RuleContext context) {
if (stateNumber < 0 || stateNumber >= states.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid state number.");
RuleContext ctx = context;
ATNState s = states.get(stateNumber);
IntervalSet following = nextTokens(s);
if (!following.contains(Token.EPSILON)) {
return following;
IntervalSet expected = new IntervalSet();
while (ctx != null && ctx.invokingState >= 0 && following.contains(Token.EPSILON)) {
ATNState invokingState = states.get(ctx.invokingState);
RuleTransition rt = (RuleTransition) invokingState.transition(0);
following = nextTokens(rt.followState);
ctx = ctx.parent;
if (following.contains(Token.EPSILON)) {
return expected;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStopState in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class LeftRecursionDetector method check.
* From state s, look for any transition to a rule that is currently
* being traced. When tracing r, visitedPerRuleCheck has r
* initially. If you reach a rule stop state, return but notify the
* invoking rule that the called rule is nullable. This implies that
* invoking rule must look at follow transition for that invoking state.
* The visitedStates tracks visited states within a single rule so
* we can avoid epsilon-loop-induced infinite recursion here. Keep
* filling the cycles in listOfRecursiveCycles and also, as a
* side-effect, set leftRecursiveRules.
public boolean check(Rule enclosingRule, ATNState s, Set<ATNState> visitedStates) {
if (s instanceof RuleStopState)
return true;
if (visitedStates.contains(s))
return false;
// System.out.println("visit "+s);
int n = s.getNumberOfTransitions();
boolean stateReachesStopState = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Transition t = s.transition(i);
if (t instanceof RuleTransition) {
RuleTransition rt = (RuleTransition) t;
Rule r = g.getRule(rt.ruleIndex);
if (rulesVisitedPerRuleCheck.contains((RuleStartState) {
addRulesToCycle(enclosingRule, r);
} else {
// must visit if not already visited; mark target, pop when done
// send new visitedStates set per rule invocation
boolean nullable = check(r,, new HashSet<ATNState>());
// we're back from visiting that rule
if (nullable) {
stateReachesStopState |= check(enclosingRule, rt.followState, visitedStates);
} else if (t.isEpsilon()) {
stateReachesStopState |= check(enclosingRule,, visitedStates);
// else ignore non-epsilon transitions
return stateReachesStopState;