use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class ParseTreePatternMatcher method match.
* Compare {@code pattern} matched against {@code tree} and return a
* {@link ParseTreeMatch} object that contains the matched elements, or the
* node at which the match failed. Pass in a compiled pattern instead of a
* string representation of a tree pattern.
public ParseTreeMatch match(ParseTree tree, ParseTreePattern pattern) {
MultiMap<String, ParseTree> labels = new MultiMap<String, ParseTree>();
ParseTree mismatchedNode = matchImpl(tree, pattern.getPatternTree(), labels);
return new ParseTreeMatch(tree, pattern, labels, mismatchedNode);
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class ParseTreePatternMatcher method compile.
* For repeated use of a tree pattern, compile it to a
* {@link ParseTreePattern} using this method.
public ParseTreePattern compile(String pattern, int patternRuleIndex) {
List<? extends Token> tokenList = tokenize(pattern);
ListTokenSource tokenSrc = new ListTokenSource(tokenList);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(tokenSrc);
ParserInterpreter parserInterp = new ParserInterpreter(parser.getGrammarFileName(), parser.getVocabulary(), Arrays.asList(parser.getRuleNames()), parser.getATNWithBypassAlts(), tokens);
ParseTree tree = null;
try {
parserInterp.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());
tree = parserInterp.parse(patternRuleIndex);
// System.out.println("pattern tree = "+tree.toStringTree(parserInterp));
} catch (ParseCancellationException e) {
throw (RecognitionException) e.getCause();
} catch (RecognitionException re) {
throw re;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CannotInvokeStartRule(e);
// Make sure tree pattern compilation checks for a complete parse
if (tokens.LA(1) != Token.EOF) {
throw new StartRuleDoesNotConsumeFullPattern();
return new ParseTreePattern(this, pattern, patternRuleIndex, tree);
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class TestParseTreeMatcher method checkPatternMatch.
public ParseTreeMatch checkPatternMatch(String grammar, String startRule, String input, String pattern, String grammarName, boolean invertMatch) throws Exception {
String grammarFileName = grammarName + ".g4";
String parserName = grammarName + "Parser";
String lexerName = grammarName + "Lexer";
boolean ok = rawGenerateAndBuildRecognizer(grammarFileName, grammar, parserName, lexerName, false);
ParseTree result = execParser(startRule, input, parserName, lexerName);
ParseTreePattern p = getPattern(grammarName, pattern, startRule);
ParseTreeMatch match = p.match(result);
boolean matched = match.succeeded();
if (invertMatch)
return match;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class ParseTreePatternMatcher method matches.
/** Does {@code pattern} matched as rule patternRuleIndex match tree? Pass in a
* compiled pattern instead of a string representation of a tree pattern.
public boolean matches(ParseTree tree, ParseTreePattern pattern) {
MultiMap<String, ParseTree> labels = new MultiMap<String, ParseTree>();
ParseTree mismatchedNode = matchImpl(tree, pattern.getPatternTree(), labels);
return mismatchedNode == null;
use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.pattern.ParseTreePattern in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class TestParseTreeMatcher method testCompilingPattern.
public void testCompilingPattern() throws Exception {
String grammar = "grammar X2;\n" + "s : ID '=' expr ';' ;\n" + "expr : ID | INT ;\n" + "ID : [a-z]+ ;\n" + "INT : [0-9]+ ;\n" + "WS : [ \\r\\n\\t]+ -> skip ;\n";
boolean ok = rawGenerateAndBuildRecognizer("X2.g4", grammar, "X2Parser", "X2Lexer", false);
ParseTreePatternMatcher m = getPatternMatcher("X2");
ParseTreePattern t = m.compile("<ID> = <expr> ;", m.getParser().getRuleIndex("s"));
String results = t.getPatternTree().toStringTree(m.getParser());
String expected = "(s <ID> = (expr <expr>) ;)";
assertEquals(expected, results);