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Example 1 with ATEGutterItem

use of in project antlrworks by antlr.

the class ATEGutter method paintItems.

private void paintItems(Graphics2D g, Rectangle clip) {
    g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    for (ItemInfo info : items) {
        Rectangle r = info.r;
        if (clip.intersects(r)) {
            ATEGutterItem item = info.item;
            int x = r.x;
            for (int t : item.getItemTypes()) {
                ImageIcon i = item.getItemIcon(t);
                g.drawImage(i.getImage(), x, r.y, null);
                x += i.getIconWidth();
Also used : ATEGutterItem(

Example 2 with ATEGutterItem

use of in project antlrworks by antlr.

the class ATEGutter method updateInfo.

public void updateInfo(Rectangle clip) {
    /** Make sure we are only updating objects in the current visible range
    int startIndex = textEditor.textPane.viewToModel(new Point(clip.x, clip.y));
    int endIndex = textEditor.textPane.viewToModel(new Point(clip.x + clip.width, clip.y + clip.height));
    if (textEditor.gutterColumnsManager != null) {
        ATEGutterColumnManager manager = textEditor.gutterColumnsManager;
        int offsetX = offsetForLineNumber;
        for (String column : manager.getColumns()) {
            for (ATEGutterItem item : manager.getGutterItems(column)) {
                int index = item.getItemIndex();
                if (index >= startIndex && index <= endIndex) {
                    int y = getLineYPixelPosition(item.getItemIndex());
                    int width = item.getItemWidth();
                    int height = item.getItemHeight();
                    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(offsetX, y - height / 2, width, height);
                    this.items.add(new ItemInfo(item, r));
            offsetX += manager.getColumnWidth(column);
    if (textEditor.foldingManager != null) {
        List<ATEFoldingEntity> entities = textEditor.foldingManager.getFoldingEntities();
        for (ATEFoldingEntity entity : entities) {
            int entityStartIndex = entity.foldingEntityGetStartIndex();
            int entityEndIndex = entity.foldingEntityGetEndIndex();
            if (!(entityStartIndex > endIndex || entityEndIndex < startIndex)) {
                int top_y = getLineYPixelPosition(entity.foldingEntityGetStartIndex());
                int bottom_y = getLineYPixelPosition(entity.foldingEntityGetEndIndex());
                Point top = new Point(getWidth() - getOffsetFromText(), top_y);
                Point bottom = new Point(getWidth() - getOffsetFromText(), bottom_y);
                foldingInfos.add(new FoldingInfo(entity, top, bottom));
Also used : ATEGutterColumnManager( ATEGutterItem( ATEFoldingEntity(

Example 3 with ATEGutterItem

use of in project antlrworks by antlr.

the class ATEGutter method getItemTypeAtLocation.

private int getItemTypeAtLocation(ItemInfo ii, Point location) {
    ATEGutterItem item = ii.item;
    int width = item.getItemWidth();
    for (int i = item.getItemTypes().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int t = item.getItemTypes().get(i);
        width -= item.getItemIcon(t).getIconWidth();
        if (location.x > ii.r.x + width) {
            return t;
    return -1;
Also used : ATEGutterItem(

Example 4 with ATEGutterItem

use of in project antlrworks by antlr.

the class EditorGutterColumnManager method getGutterItems.

public List<ATEGutterItem> getGutterItems(String column) {
    if (column.equals(RULES)) {
        List<ATEGutterItem> items = new ArrayList<ATEGutterItem>();
        List<ElementRule> rules = window.getGrammarEngine().getRules();
        if (rules != null) {
            for (ElementRule r : rules) {
        return items;
    } else {
        List<Integer> sortedKeys = new ArrayList<Integer>(breakpoints.keySet());
        List<ATEGutterItem> sortedItems = new ArrayList<ATEGutterItem>();
        for (Integer k : sortedKeys) {
        return sortedItems;
Also used : ATEGutterItem( ElementRule(

Example 5 with ATEGutterItem

use of in project antlrworks by antlr.

the class EditorGutterColumnManager method getColumnWidth.

public int getColumnWidth(String column) {
    int width = 0;
    if (column.equals(BREAKPOINTS) && breakpoints.isEmpty()) {
    List<ATEGutterItem> items = getGutterItems(column);
    for (ATEGutterItem item : items) {
        width = Math.max(width, item.getItemWidth());
    return width;
Also used : ATEGutterItem(


ATEGutterItem ( ATEFoldingEntity ( ATEGutterColumnManager ( ElementRule (