use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class ListTabletsCommand method getMetadataInfo.
protected List<TabletRowInfo> getMetadataInfo(Shell shellState, TableInfo tableInfo) throws Exception {
List<TabletRowInfo> results = new ArrayList<>();
final ClientContext context = shellState.getContext();
Set<TServerInstance> liveTserverSet = TabletMetadata.getLiveTServers(context);
try (var tabletsMetadata = TabletsMetadata.builder(context).forTable( {
for (var md : tabletsMetadata) {
TabletRowInfo.Factory factory = new TabletRowInfo.Factory(, md.getExtent());
var fileMap = md.getFilesMap();
long entries = 0L;
long size = 0L;
for (DataFileValue dfv : fileMap.values()) {
entries += dfv.getNumEntries();
size += dfv.getSize();
return results;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class CreateUserCommand method execute.
public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException, IOException {
final String user = cl.getArgs()[0];
AuthenticationToken userToken = ((ClientContext) shellState.getAccumuloClient()).token();
PasswordToken passwordToken;
if (userToken instanceof KerberosToken) {
passwordToken = new PasswordToken();
} else {
final String password = shellState.readMaskedLine("Enter new password for '" + user + "': ", '*');
if (password == null) {
return 0;
// user canceled
String passwordConfirm = shellState.readMaskedLine("Please confirm new password for '" + user + "': ", '*');
if (passwordConfirm == null) {
return 0;
if (!password.equals(passwordConfirm)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passwords do not match");
passwordToken = new PasswordToken(password);
shellState.getAccumuloClient().securityOperations().createLocalUser(user, passwordToken);
Shell.log.debug("Created user {}", user);
return 0;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class ManagerRepairsDualAssignmentIT method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
// make some tablets, spread 'em around
try (AccumuloClient c = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProperties()).build()) {
ClientContext context = (ClientContext) c;
ServerContext serverContext = cluster.getServerContext();
String table = this.getUniqueNames(1)[0];
c.securityOperations().grantTablePermission("root", MetadataTable.NAME, TablePermission.WRITE);
c.securityOperations().grantTablePermission("root", RootTable.NAME, TablePermission.WRITE);
SortedSet<Text> partitions = new TreeSet<>();
for (String part : "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z".split(" ")) {
partitions.add(new Text(part));
NewTableConfiguration ntc = new NewTableConfiguration().withSplits(partitions);
c.tableOperations().create(table, ntc);
// scan the metadata table and get the two table location states
Set<TServerInstance> states = new HashSet<>();
Set<TabletLocationState> oldLocations = new HashSet<>();
TabletStateStore store = TabletStateStore.getStoreForLevel(DataLevel.USER, context);
while (states.size() < 2) {
for (TabletLocationState tls : store) {
if (tls.current != null) {
assertEquals(2, states.size());
// Kill a tablet server... we don't care which one... wait for everything to be reassigned
cluster.killProcess(ServerType.TABLET_SERVER, cluster.getProcesses().get(ServerType.TABLET_SERVER).iterator().next());
Set<TServerInstance> replStates = new HashSet<>();
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") TableId repTable = org.apache.accumulo.core.replication.ReplicationTable.ID;
// Find out which tablet server remains
while (true) {
boolean allAssigned = true;
for (TabletLocationState tls : store) {
if (tls != null && tls.current != null) {
} else if (tls != null && tls.extent.equals(new KeyExtent(repTable, null, null))) {
} else {
allAssigned = false;
System.out.println(states + " size " + states.size() + " allAssigned " + allAssigned);
if (states.size() != 2 && allAssigned)
assertEquals(1, replStates.size());
assertEquals(1, states.size());
// pick an assigned tablet and assign it to the old tablet
TabletLocationState moved = null;
for (TabletLocationState old : oldLocations) {
if (!states.contains(old.current)) {
moved = old;
assertNotEquals(null, moved);
// throw a mutation in as if we were the dying tablet
TabletMutator tabletMutator = serverContext.getAmple().mutateTablet(moved.extent);
tabletMutator.putLocation(moved.current, LocationType.CURRENT);
// wait for the manager to fix the problem
// now jam up the metadata table
tabletMutator = serverContext.getAmple().mutateTablet(new KeyExtent(MetadataTable.ID, null, null));
tabletMutator.putLocation(moved.current, LocationType.CURRENT);
waitForCleanStore(TabletStateStore.getStoreForLevel(DataLevel.METADATA, context));
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class TabletServerResource method getTserverDetails.
* Generates details for the selected tserver
* @param tserverAddress
* TServer name
* @return TServer details
public TabletServerSummary getTserverDetails(@PathParam("address") @NotNull @Pattern(regexp = HOSTNAME_PORT_REGEX) String tserverAddress) throws Exception {
ManagerMonitorInfo mmi = monitor.getMmi();
if (mmi == null)
return new TabletServerSummary();
boolean tserverExists = false;
for (TabletServerStatus ts : mmi.getTServerInfo()) {
if (tserverAddress.equals(ts.getName())) {
tserverExists = true;
if (!tserverExists) {
return null;
double splitStdDev = 0;
double minorStdDev = 0;
double minorQueueStdDev = 0;
double majorStdDev = 0;
double majorQueueStdDev = 0;
double currentMinorAvg = 0;
double currentMajorAvg = 0;
double currentMinorStdDev = 0;
double currentMajorStdDev = 0;
total = new TabletStats(null, new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
HostAndPort address = HostAndPort.fromString(tserverAddress);
historical = new TabletStats(null, new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
List<TabletStats> tsStats = new ArrayList<>();
try {
ClientContext context = monitor.getContext();
TabletClientService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClient(new TabletClientService.Client.Factory(), address, context);
try {
for (String tableId : mmi.tableMap.keySet()) {
tsStats.addAll(client.getTabletStats(TraceUtil.traceInfo(), context.rpcCreds(), tableId));
historical = client.getHistoricalStats(TraceUtil.traceInfo(), context.rpcCreds());
} finally {
ThriftUtil.returnClient(client, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
List<CurrentOperations> currentOps = doCurrentOperations(tsStats);
if (total.minors.num != 0) {
currentMinorAvg = (long) (total.minors.elapsed / total.minors.num);
if (total.minors.elapsed != 0 && total.minors.num != 0) {
currentMinorStdDev = stddev(total.minors.elapsed, total.minors.num, total.minors.sumDev);
if (total.majors.num != 0) {
currentMajorAvg = total.majors.elapsed / total.majors.num;
if (total.majors.elapsed != 0 && total.majors.num != 0 && total.majors.elapsed > total.majors.num) {
currentMajorStdDev = stddev(total.majors.elapsed, total.majors.num, total.majors.sumDev);
ActionStatsUpdator.update(total.minors, historical.minors);
ActionStatsUpdator.update(total.majors, historical.majors);
minorStdDev = stddev(total.minors.elapsed, total.minors.num, total.minors.sumDev);
minorQueueStdDev = stddev(total.minors.queueTime, total.minors.num, total.minors.queueSumDev);
majorStdDev = stddev(total.majors.elapsed, total.majors.num, total.majors.sumDev);
majorQueueStdDev = stddev(total.majors.queueTime, total.majors.num, total.majors.queueSumDev);
splitStdDev = stddev(historical.splits.elapsed, historical.splits.num, historical.splits.sumDev);
TabletServerDetailInformation details = doDetails(tsStats.size());
List<AllTimeTabletResults> allTime = doAllTimeResults(majorQueueStdDev, minorQueueStdDev, splitStdDev, majorStdDev, minorStdDev);
CurrentTabletResults currentRes = doCurrentTabletResults(currentMinorAvg, currentMinorStdDev, currentMajorAvg, currentMajorStdDev);
return new TabletServerSummary(details, allTime, currentRes, currentOps);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class AccumuloReplicaSystem method getContextForPeer.
protected ClientContext getContextForPeer(AccumuloConfiguration localConf, ReplicationTarget target, String principal, AuthenticationToken token) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.INSTANCE_NAME.getKey(), instanceName);
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.INSTANCE_ZOOKEEPERS.getKey(), zookeepers);
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_PRINCIPAL.getKey(), principal);
ClientProperty.setAuthenticationToken(properties, token);
return new ClientContext(SingletonReservation.noop(), ClientInfo.from(properties, token), localConf);