use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class SuspendedTabletsIT method suspensionTestBody.
* Main test body for suspension tests.
* @param serverStopper
* callback which shuts down some tablet servers.
private void suspensionTestBody(TServerKiller serverStopper) throws Exception {
try (AccumuloClient client = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProperties()).build()) {
ClientContext ctx = (ClientContext) client;
String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
SortedSet<Text> splitPoints = new TreeSet<>();
for (int i = 1; i < TABLETS; ++i) {
splitPoints.add(new Text("" + i));
}"Creating table " + tableName);
NewTableConfiguration ntc = new NewTableConfiguration().withSplits(splitPoints);
ctx.tableOperations().create(tableName, ntc);
// Wait for all of the tablets to hosted ..."Waiting on hosting and balance");
TabletLocations ds;
for (ds = TabletLocations.retrieve(ctx, tableName); ds.hostedCount != TABLETS; ds = TabletLocations.retrieve(ctx, tableName)) {
// ... and balanced.
do {
// Keep checking until all tablets are hosted and spread out across the tablet servers
ds = TabletLocations.retrieve(ctx, tableName);
} while (ds.hostedCount != TABLETS || ds.hosted.keySet().size() != (TSERVERS - 1));
// Given the loop exit condition above, at this point we're sure that all tablets are hosted
// and some are hosted on each of the tablet servers other than the one reserved for hosting
// the metadata table.
assertEquals(TSERVERS - 1, ds.hosted.keySet().size());
// Kill two tablet servers hosting our tablets. This should put tablets into suspended state,
// and thus halt balancing.
TabletLocations beforeDeathState = ds;"Eliminating tablet servers");
serverStopper.eliminateTabletServers(ctx, beforeDeathState, TSERVERS - 1);
// All tablets should be either hosted or suspended."Waiting on suspended tablets");
do {
ds = TabletLocations.retrieve(ctx, tableName);
} while (ds.suspended.keySet().size() != (TSERVERS - 1) || (ds.suspendedCount + ds.hostedCount) != TABLETS);
SetMultimap<HostAndPort, KeyExtent> deadTabletsByServer = ds.suspended;
// the same place as before any tserver death.
for (HostAndPort server : deadTabletsByServer.keySet()) {
// Comparing pre-death, hosted tablets to suspended tablets on a server
assertEquals(beforeDeathState.hosted.get(server), deadTabletsByServer.get(server));
assertEquals(TABLETS, ds.hostedCount + ds.suspendedCount);
// Restart the first tablet server, making sure it ends up on the same port
HostAndPort restartedServer = deadTabletsByServer.keySet().iterator().next();"Restarting " + restartedServer);
getCluster().getClusterControl().start(ServerType.TABLET_SERVER, Map.of(Property.TSERV_CLIENTPORT.getKey(), "" + restartedServer.getPort(), Property.TSERV_PORTSEARCH.getKey(), "false"), 1);
// Eventually, the suspended tablets should be reassigned to the newly alive tserver."Awaiting tablet unsuspension for tablets belonging to " + restartedServer);
while (ds.suspended.containsKey(restartedServer) || ds.assignedCount != 0) {
ds = TabletLocations.retrieve(ctx, tableName);
assertEquals(deadTabletsByServer.get(restartedServer), ds.hosted.get(restartedServer));
// Finally, after much longer, remaining suspended tablets should be reassigned."Awaiting tablet reassignment for remaining tablets");
while (ds.hostedCount != TABLETS) {
ds = TabletLocations.retrieve(ctx, tableName);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class TransportCachingIT method testCachedTransport.
public void testCachedTransport() throws InterruptedException {
try (AccumuloClient client = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProps()).build()) {
List<String> tservers;
while ((tservers = client.instanceOperations().getTabletServers()).isEmpty()) {
// sleep until a tablet server is up
ClientContext context = (ClientContext) client;
long rpcTimeout = ConfigurationTypeHelper.getTimeInMillis(Property.GENERAL_RPC_TIMEOUT.getDefaultValue());
List<ThriftTransportKey> servers = -> {
return new ThriftTransportKey(HostAndPort.fromString(serverStr), rpcTimeout, context);
// only want to use one server for all subsequent test
servers = servers.subList(0, 1);
ThriftTransportPool pool = context.getTransportPool();
TTransport first = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, true);
// Return it to unreserve it
TTransport second = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, true);
// We should get the same transport
assertSame("Expected the first and second to be the same instance", first, second);
// Ensure does not get cached connection just returned
TTransport third = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, false);
assertNotSame("Expected second and third transport to be different instances", second, third);
TTransport fourth = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, false);
assertNotSame("Expected third and fourth transport to be different instances", third, fourth);
// The following three asserts ensure the per server queue is LIFO
TTransport fifth = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, true);
assertSame("Expected fourth and fifth transport to be the same instance", fourth, fifth);
TTransport sixth = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, true);
assertSame("Expected third and sixth transport to be the same instance", third, sixth);
TTransport seventh = getAnyTransport(servers, pool, true);
assertSame("Expected second and seventh transport to be the same instance", second, seventh);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class VolumeIT method testReplaceVolume.
private void testReplaceVolume(AccumuloClient client, boolean cleanShutdown) throws Exception {
String[] tableNames = getUniqueNames(3);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[0], false, v1, v2);
// write to 2nd table, but do not flush data to disk before shutdown
try (AccumuloClient c2 = cluster.createAccumuloClient("root", new PasswordToken(ROOT_PASSWORD))) {
writeData(tableNames[1], c2);
if (cleanShutdown)
assertEquals(0, cluster.exec(Admin.class, "stopAll").getProcess().waitFor());
File v1f = new File(v1.toUri());
File v8f = new File(new File(v1.getParent().toUri()), "v8");
assertTrue("Failed to rename " + v1f + " to " + v8f, v1f.renameTo(v8f));
Path v8 = new Path(v8f.toURI());
File v2f = new File(v2.toUri());
File v9f = new File(new File(v2.getParent().toUri()), "v9");
assertTrue("Failed to rename " + v2f + " to " + v9f, v2f.renameTo(v9f));
Path v9 = new Path(v9f.toURI());
updateConfig(config -> {
config.setProperty(Property.INSTANCE_VOLUMES.getKey(), v8 + "," + v9);
config.setProperty(Property.INSTANCE_VOLUMES_REPLACEMENTS.getKey(), v1 + " " + v8 + "," + v2 + " " + v9);
// start cluster and verify that volumes were replaced
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[0], true, v8, v9);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[1], true, v8, v9);
// verify writes to new dir
client.tableOperations().compact(tableNames[0], null, null, true, true);
client.tableOperations().compact(tableNames[1], null, null, true, true);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[0], true, v8, v9);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[1], true, v8, v9);
client.tableOperations().compact(RootTable.NAME, new CompactionConfig().setWait(true));
// check that root tablet is not on volume 1 or 2
int count = 0;
for (StoredTabletFile file : ((ClientContext) client).getAmple().readTablet(RootTable.EXTENT).getFiles()) {
assertTrue(file.getMetaUpdateDelete().startsWith(v8.toString()) || file.getMetaUpdateDelete().startsWith(v9.toString()));
assertTrue(count > 0);
client.tableOperations().clone(tableNames[1], tableNames[2], true, new HashMap<>(), new HashSet<>());
client.tableOperations().flush(MetadataTable.NAME, null, null, true);
client.tableOperations().flush(RootTable.NAME, null, null, true);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[0], true, v8, v9);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[1], true, v8, v9);
verifyVolumesUsed(client, tableNames[2], true, v8, v9);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class TestIngest method ingest.
public static void ingest(AccumuloClient c, IngestParams params) throws MutationsRejectedException, IOException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, TableExistsException {
ClientContext cc = (ClientContext) c;
ingest(c, FileSystem.get(cc.getHadoopConf()), params);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.ClientContext in project accumulo by apache.
the class BalanceAfterCommsFailureIT method checkBalance.
private void checkBalance(AccumuloClient c) throws Exception {
ClientContext context = (ClientContext) c;
ManagerMonitorInfo stats = null;
int unassignedTablets = 1;
for (int i = 0; unassignedTablets > 0 && i < 10; i++) {
ManagerClientService.Iface client = null;
while (true) {
try {
client = ManagerClient.getConnectionWithRetry(context);
stats = client.getManagerStats(TraceUtil.traceInfo(), context.rpcCreds());
} catch (ThriftNotActiveServiceException e) {
// Let it loop, fetching a new location
log.debug("Contacted a Manager which is no longer active, retrying");
sleepUninterruptibly(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} finally {
if (client != null)
ManagerClient.close(client, context);
unassignedTablets = stats.getUnassignedTablets();
if (unassignedTablets > 0) {"Found {} unassigned tablets, sleeping 3 seconds for tablet assignment", unassignedTablets);
assertEquals("Unassigned tablets were not assigned within 30 seconds", 0, unassignedTablets);
List<Integer> counts = new ArrayList<>();
for (TabletServerStatus server : stats.tServerInfo) {
int count = 0;
for (TableInfo table : server.tableMap.values()) {
count += table.onlineTablets;
assertTrue("Expected to have at least two TabletServers", counts.size() > 1);
for (int i = 1; i < counts.size(); i++) {
int diff = Math.abs(counts.get(0) - counts.get(i));
assertTrue("Expected difference in tablets to be less than or equal to " + counts.size() + " but was " + diff + ". Counts " + counts, diff <= counts.size());