use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property in project accumulo by apache.
the class IteratorUtil method parseIterConf.
public static void parseIterConf(IteratorScope scope, List<IterInfo> iters, Map<String, Map<String, String>> allOptions, AccumuloConfiguration conf) {
final Property scopeProperty = getProperty(scope);
final String scopePropertyKey = scopeProperty.getKey();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : conf.getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(scopeProperty).entrySet()) {
String suffix = entry.getKey().substring(scopePropertyKey.length());
String[] suffixSplit = suffix.split("\\.", 3);
if (suffixSplit.length == 1) {
String[] sa = entry.getValue().split(",");
int prio = Integer.parseInt(sa[0]);
String className = sa[1];
iters.add(new IterInfo(prio, className, suffixSplit[0]));
} else if (suffixSplit.length == 3 && suffixSplit[1].equals("opt")) {
String iterName = suffixSplit[0];
String optName = suffixSplit[2];
Map<String, String> options = allOptions.get(iterName);
if (options == null) {
options = new HashMap<>();
allOptions.put(iterName, options);
options.put(optName, entry.getValue());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid iterator format: " + entry.getKey());
Collections.sort(iters, new IterInfoComparator());
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property in project accumulo by apache.
the class Accumulo method init.
public static void init(VolumeManager fs, Instance instance, ServerConfigurationFactory serverConfig, String application) throws IOException {
final AccumuloConfiguration conf = serverConfig.getSystemConfiguration();"{} starting", application);"Instance {}", instance.getInstanceID());
int dataVersion = Accumulo.getAccumuloPersistentVersion(fs);"Data Version {}", dataVersion);
if (!(canUpgradeFromDataVersion(dataVersion))) {
throw new RuntimeException("This version of accumulo (" + Constants.VERSION + ") is not compatible with files stored using data version " + dataVersion);
TreeMap<String, String> sortedProps = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : conf) sortedProps.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for (Entry<String, String> entry : sortedProps.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();"{} = {}", key, (Property.isSensitive(key) ? "<hidden>" : entry.getValue()));
// Encourage users to configure TLS
final String SSL = "SSL";
for (Property sslProtocolProperty : Arrays.asList(Property.RPC_SSL_CLIENT_PROTOCOL, Property.RPC_SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS, Property.MONITOR_SSL_INCLUDE_PROTOCOLS)) {
String value = conf.get(sslProtocolProperty);
if (value.contains(SSL)) {
log.warn("It is recommended that {} only allow TLS", sslProtocolProperty);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property in project accumulo by apache.
the class FileUtilTest method testCleanupIndexOpWithoutCommonParentVolumeWithDepth.
public void testCleanupIndexOpWithoutCommonParentVolumeWithDepth() throws IOException {
// Make some directories to simulate multiple volumes
File v1 = new File(accumuloDir, "v1"), v2 = new File(accumuloDir, "v2");
assertTrue(v1.mkdirs() || v1.isDirectory());
assertTrue(v2.mkdirs() || v2.isDirectory());
// And a "unique" tmp directory for each volume
// Make sure we can handle nested directories (a single tmpdir with potentially multiple unique dirs)
File tmp1 = new File(new File(v1, "tmp"), "tmp_1"), tmp2 = new File(new File(v2, "tmp"), "tmp_1");
assertTrue(tmp1.mkdirs() || tmp1.isDirectory());
assertTrue(tmp2.mkdirs() || tmp2.isDirectory());
Path tmpPath1 = new Path(tmp1.toURI()), tmpPath2 = new Path(tmp2.toURI());
HashMap<Property, String> testProps = new HashMap<>();
testProps.put(Property.INSTANCE_VOLUMES, v1.toURI().toString() + "," + v2.toURI().toString());
VolumeManager fs = VolumeManagerImpl.getLocal(accumuloDir.getAbsolutePath());
FileUtil.cleanupIndexOp(tmpPath1, fs, new ArrayList<>());
Assert.assertFalse("Expected " + tmp1 + " to be cleaned up but it wasn't", tmp1.exists());
FileUtil.cleanupIndexOp(tmpPath2, fs, new ArrayList<>());
Assert.assertFalse("Expected " + tmp2 + " to be cleaned up but it wasn't", tmp2.exists());
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property in project accumulo by apache.
the class FileUtilTest method testCleanupIndexOpWithCommonParentVolumeWithDepth.
public void testCleanupIndexOpWithCommonParentVolumeWithDepth() throws IOException {
File volumeDir = new File(accumuloDir, "volumes");
assertTrue(volumeDir.mkdirs() || volumeDir.isDirectory());
// Make some directories to simulate multiple volumes
File v1 = new File(volumeDir, "v1"), v2 = new File(volumeDir, "v2");
assertTrue(v1.mkdirs() || v1.isDirectory());
assertTrue(v2.mkdirs() || v2.isDirectory());
// And a "unique" tmp directory for each volume
// Make sure we can handle nested directories (a single tmpdir with potentially multiple unique dirs)
File tmp1 = new File(new File(v1, "tmp"), "tmp_1"), tmp2 = new File(new File(v2, "tmp"), "tmp_1");
assertTrue(tmp1.mkdirs() || tmp1.isDirectory());
assertTrue(tmp2.mkdirs() || tmp2.isDirectory());
Path tmpPath1 = new Path(tmp1.toURI()), tmpPath2 = new Path(tmp2.toURI());
HashMap<Property, String> testProps = new HashMap<>();
testProps.put(Property.INSTANCE_VOLUMES, v1.toURI().toString() + "," + v2.toURI().toString());
VolumeManager fs = VolumeManagerImpl.getLocal(accumuloDir.getAbsolutePath());
FileUtil.cleanupIndexOp(tmpPath1, fs, new ArrayList<>());
Assert.assertFalse("Expected " + tmp1 + " to be cleaned up but it wasn't", tmp1.exists());
FileUtil.cleanupIndexOp(tmpPath2, fs, new ArrayList<>());
Assert.assertFalse("Expected " + tmp2 + " to be cleaned up but it wasn't", tmp2.exists());
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property in project accumulo by apache.
the class FileUtilTest method testCleanupIndexOpWithoutCommonParentVolume.
public void testCleanupIndexOpWithoutCommonParentVolume() throws IOException {
// Make some directories to simulate multiple volumes
File v1 = new File(accumuloDir, "v1"), v2 = new File(accumuloDir, "v2");
assertTrue(v1.mkdirs() || v1.isDirectory());
assertTrue(v2.mkdirs() || v2.isDirectory());
// And a "unique" tmp directory for each volume
File tmp1 = new File(v1, "tmp"), tmp2 = new File(v2, "tmp");
assertTrue(tmp1.mkdirs() || tmp1.isDirectory());
assertTrue(tmp2.mkdirs() || tmp2.isDirectory());
Path tmpPath1 = new Path(tmp1.toURI()), tmpPath2 = new Path(tmp2.toURI());
HashMap<Property, String> testProps = new HashMap<>();
testProps.put(Property.INSTANCE_VOLUMES, v1.toURI().toString() + "," + v2.toURI().toString());
VolumeManager fs = VolumeManagerImpl.getLocal(accumuloDir.getAbsolutePath());
FileUtil.cleanupIndexOp(tmpPath1, fs, new ArrayList<>());
Assert.assertFalse("Expected " + tmp1 + " to be cleaned up but it wasn't", tmp1.exists());
FileUtil.cleanupIndexOp(tmpPath2, fs, new ArrayList<>());
Assert.assertFalse("Expected " + tmp2 + " to be cleaned up but it wasn't", tmp2.exists());