use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.SiteConfiguration in project accumulo by apache.
the class ServerConfigurationFactoryTest method testGetSiteConfiguration.
public void testGetSiteConfiguration() {
SiteConfiguration c = scf.getSiteConfiguration();
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.SiteConfiguration in project accumulo by apache.
the class CloseWriteAheadLogReferencesIT method setupEasyMockStuff.
public void setupEasyMockStuff() {
Instance mockInst = createMock(Instance.class);
SiteConfiguration siteConfig = EasyMock.createMock(SiteConfiguration.class);
final AccumuloConfiguration systemConf = new ConfigurationCopy(new HashMap<>());
ServerConfigurationFactory factory = createMock(ServerConfigurationFactory.class);
// Just make the SiteConfiguration delegate to our AccumuloConfiguration
// Presently, we only need get(Property) and iterator().
EasyMock.expect(siteConfig.get(EasyMock.anyObject(Property.class))).andAnswer(new IAnswer<String>() {
public String answer() {
Object[] args = EasyMock.getCurrentArguments();
return systemConf.get((Property) args[0]);
EasyMock.expect(siteConfig.getBoolean(EasyMock.anyObject(Property.class))).andAnswer(new IAnswer<Boolean>() {
public Boolean answer() {
Object[] args = EasyMock.getCurrentArguments();
return systemConf.getBoolean((Property) args[0]);
EasyMock.expect(siteConfig.iterator()).andAnswer(new IAnswer<Iterator<Entry<String, String>>>() {
public Iterator<Entry<String, String>> answer() {
return systemConf.iterator();
replay(mockInst, factory, siteConfig);
refs = new WrappedCloseWriteAheadLogReferences(new AccumuloServerContext(mockInst, factory));
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.SiteConfiguration in project accumulo by apache.
the class SimpleGarbageCollectorTest method setUp.
public void setUp() {
volMgr = createMock(VolumeManager.class);
instance = createMock(Instance.class);
SiteConfiguration siteConfig = EasyMock.createMock(SiteConfiguration.class);
opts = new Opts();
systemConfig = createSystemConfig();
ServerConfigurationFactory factory = createMock(ServerConfigurationFactory.class);
// Just make the SiteConfiguration delegate to our AccumuloConfiguration
// Presently, we only need get(Property) and iterator().
EasyMock.expect(siteConfig.get(EasyMock.anyObject(Property.class))).andAnswer(new IAnswer<String>() {
public String answer() {
Object[] args = EasyMock.getCurrentArguments();
return systemConfig.get((Property) args[0]);
EasyMock.expect(siteConfig.getBoolean(EasyMock.anyObject(Property.class))).andAnswer(new IAnswer<Boolean>() {
public Boolean answer() {
Object[] args = EasyMock.getCurrentArguments();
return systemConfig.getBoolean((Property) args[0]);
EasyMock.expect(siteConfig.iterator()).andAnswer(new IAnswer<Iterator<Entry<String, String>>>() {
public Iterator<Entry<String, String>> answer() {
return systemConfig.iterator();
replay(instance, factory, siteConfig);
credentials = SystemCredentials.get(instance);
gc = new SimpleGarbageCollector(opts, instance, volMgr, factory);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.SiteConfiguration in project accumulo by apache.
the class LargestFirstMemoryManagerTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
ServerConfiguration config = new ServerConfiguration() {
ServerConfigurationFactory delegate = new ServerConfigurationFactory(inst);
public AccumuloConfiguration getSystemConfiguration() {
SiteConfiguration conf = SiteConfiguration.getInstance();
conf.set(Property.TSERV_MAXMEM, "1g");
return conf;
public TableConfiguration getTableConfiguration(Table.ID tableId) {
return delegate.getTableConfiguration(tableId);
public NamespaceConfiguration getNamespaceConfiguration(Namespace.ID namespaceId) {
return delegate.getNamespaceConfiguration(namespaceId);
MemoryManagementActions result;
// nothing to do
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, 1000, 0), t(k("y"), ZERO, 2000, 0)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// one tablet is really big
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("y"), ZERO, 2000, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("x"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// one tablet is idle
mgr.currentTime = LATER;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, 1001, 0), t(k("y"), LATER, 2000, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("x"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// one tablet is idle, but one is really big
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, 1001, 0), t(k("y"), LATER, ONE_GIG, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("y"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// lots of work to do
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 5, 0), t(k("g"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 6, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 7, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 8, 0)));
assertEquals(2, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("i"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
assertEquals(k("h"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(1));
// one finished, one in progress, one filled up
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 5, 0), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG + 7), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("g"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// memory is very full, lots of candidates
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 5, 0), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 6, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(2, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("g"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
assertEquals(k("f"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(1));
// only have two compactors, still busy
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, ONE_GIG + 5), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, ONE_GIG + 6), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// finished one
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, ONE_GIG + 5), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("e"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// many are running: do nothing
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("e"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("f"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("g"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("j"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("k"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("l"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("m"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// observe adjustment:
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
// compact the largest
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, QGIG + 2, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("c"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// show that it is compacting... do nothing
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, QGIG + 2)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// not going to bother compacting any more
mgr.currentTime += ONE_MINUTE;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, QGIG + 2)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// now do nothing
mgr.currentTime += ONE_MINUTE;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// on no! more data, this time we compact because we've adjusted
mgr.currentTime += ONE_MINUTE;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("b"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.SiteConfiguration in project accumulo by apache.
the class Initialize method initialize.
private boolean initialize(Opts opts, String instanceNamePath, VolumeManager fs, String rootUser) {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
// the actual disk locations of the root table and tablets
String[] configuredVolumes = VolumeConfiguration.getVolumeUris(SiteConfiguration.getInstance());
VolumeChooserEnvironment chooserEnv = new VolumeChooserEnvironment(ChooserScope.INIT);
final String rootTabletDir = new Path(fs.choose(chooserEnv, configuredVolumes) + Path.SEPARATOR + ServerConstants.TABLE_DIR + Path.SEPARATOR + RootTable.ID + RootTable.ROOT_TABLET_LOCATION).toString();
try {
initZooKeeper(opts, uuid.toString(), instanceNamePath, rootTabletDir);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("FATAL: Failed to initialize zookeeper", e);
return false;
try {
initFileSystem(opts, fs, uuid, rootTabletDir);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("FATAL Failed to initialize filesystem", e);
if (SiteConfiguration.getInstance().get(Property.INSTANCE_VOLUMES).trim().equals("")) {
Configuration fsConf = CachedConfiguration.getInstance();
final String defaultFsUri = "file:///";
String fsDefaultName = fsConf.get("", defaultFsUri), fsDefaultFS = fsConf.get("fs.defaultFS", defaultFsUri);
// Try to determine when we couldn't find an appropriate core-site.xml on the classpath
if (defaultFsUri.equals(fsDefaultName) && defaultFsUri.equals(fsDefaultFS)) {
log.error("FATAL: Default filesystem value ('fs.defaultFS' or '') of '{}' was found in the Hadoop configuration", defaultFsUri);
log.error("FATAL: Please ensure that the Hadoop core-site.xml is on the classpath using 'general.classpaths' in accumulo-site.xml");
return false;
final Instance instance = HdfsZooInstance.getInstance();
final ServerConfigurationFactory confFactory = new ServerConfigurationFactory(instance);
// If they did not, fall back to the credentials present in accumulo-site.xml that the servers will use themselves.
try {
final SiteConfiguration siteConf = confFactory.getSiteConfiguration();
if (siteConf.getBoolean(Property.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_ENABLED)) {
final UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
// We don't have any valid creds to talk to HDFS
if (!ugi.hasKerberosCredentials()) {
final String accumuloKeytab = siteConf.get(Property.GENERAL_KERBEROS_KEYTAB), accumuloPrincipal = siteConf.get(Property.GENERAL_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL);
// Fail if the site configuration doesn't contain appropriate credentials to login as servers
if (StringUtils.isBlank(accumuloKeytab) || StringUtils.isBlank(accumuloPrincipal)) {
log.error("FATAL: No Kerberos credentials provided, and Accumulo is not properly configured for server login");
return false;
}"Logging in as {} with {}", accumuloPrincipal, accumuloKeytab);
// Login using the keytab as the 'accumulo' user
UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(accumuloPrincipal, accumuloKeytab);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("FATAL: Failed to get the Kerberos user", e);
return false;
try {
AccumuloServerContext context = new AccumuloServerContext(instance, confFactory);
initSecurity(context, opts, uuid.toString(), rootUser);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("FATAL: Failed to initialize security", e);
return false;
if (opts.uploadAccumuloSite) {
try {"Uploading properties in accumulo-site.xml to Zookeeper. Properties that cannot be set in Zookeeper will be skipped:");
Map<String, String> entries = new TreeMap<>();
SiteConfiguration.getInstance().getProperties(entries, x -> true, false);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (Property.isValidZooPropertyKey(key)) {
SystemPropUtil.setSystemProperty(key, value);"Uploaded - {} = {}", key, Property.isSensitive(key) ? "<hidden>" : value);
} else {"Skipped - {} = {}", key, Property.isSensitive(key) ? "<hidden>" : value);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("FATAL: Failed to upload accumulo-site.xml to Zookeeper", e);
return false;
return true;