use of org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.MultiLevelIndex.IndexEntry in project accumulo by apache.
the class MultiLevelIndexTest method runTest.
private void runTest(int maxBlockSize, int num) throws IOException {
AccumuloConfiguration aconf = DefaultConfiguration.getInstance();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
FSDataOutputStream dos = new FSDataOutputStream(baos, new FileSystem.Statistics("a"));
BCFile.Writer _cbw = new BCFile.Writer(dos, null, "gz", hadoopConf, CryptoServiceFactory.newInstance(aconf, JAVA));
BufferedWriter mliw = new BufferedWriter(new Writer(_cbw, maxBlockSize));
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) mliw.add(new Key(String.format("%05d000", i)), i, 0, 0, 0);
mliw.addLast(new Key(String.format("%05d000", num)), num, 0, 0, 0);
BCFile.Writer.BlockAppender root = _cbw.prepareMetaBlock("root");
byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
SeekableByteArrayInputStream bais = new SeekableByteArrayInputStream(data);
FSDataInputStream in = new FSDataInputStream(bais);
CachableBuilder cb = new CachableBuilder().input(in, "source-1").length(data.length).conf(hadoopConf).cryptoService(CryptoServiceFactory.newInstance(aconf, JAVA));
CachableBlockFile.Reader _cbr = new CachableBlockFile.Reader(cb);
Reader reader = new Reader(_cbr, RFile.RINDEX_VER_8);
CachableBlockFile.CachedBlockRead rootIn = _cbr.getMetaBlock("root");
IndexIterator liter = reader.lookup(new Key("000000"));
int count = 0;
while (liter.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(count, liter.nextIndex());
assertEquals(count, liter.peek().getNumEntries());
assertEquals(num + 1, count);
while (liter.hasPrevious()) {
assertEquals(count, liter.previousIndex());
assertEquals(count, liter.peekPrevious().getNumEntries());
assertEquals(count, liter.previous().getNumEntries());
assertEquals(0, count);
// go past the end
liter = reader.lookup(new Key(String.format("%05d000", num + 1)));
random.ints(100, 0, num * 1_000).forEach(k -> {
int expected;
if (k % 1000 == 0)
// end key is inclusive
expected = k / 1000;
expected = k / 1000 + 1;
try {
IndexEntry ie = reader.lookup(new Key(String.format("%08d", k))).next();
assertEquals(expected, ie.getNumEntries());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.MultiLevelIndex.IndexEntry in project accumulo by apache.
the class BlockIndexTest method test1.
public void test1() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(baos);
Key prevKey = null;
int num = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
Key key = new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", i), "cf1", "cq1");
new RelativeKey(prevKey, key).write(out);
new Value().write(out);
prevKey = key;
final byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
CacheEntry ce = new MyCacheEntry(data);
CachableBlockFile.CachedBlockRead cacheBlock = new CachableBlockFile.CachedBlockRead(ce, data);
BlockIndex blockIndex = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 129; i++) blockIndex = BlockIndex.getIndex(cacheBlock, new IndexEntry(prevKey, num, 0, 0, 0));
BlockIndexEntry[] indexEntries = blockIndex.getIndexEntries();
for (int i = 0; i < indexEntries.length; i++) {
int row = Integer.parseInt(indexEntries[i].getPrevKey().getRowData().toString());
BlockIndexEntry bie;
bie = blockIndex.seekBlock(new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", row), "cf1", "cq1"), cacheBlock);
if (i == 0)
assertSame(null, bie);
assertSame(indexEntries[i - 1], bie);
assertSame(bie, blockIndex.seekBlock(new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", row - 1), "cf1", "cq1"), cacheBlock));
bie = blockIndex.seekBlock(new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", row + 1), "cf1", "cq1"), cacheBlock);
assertSame(indexEntries[i], bie);
RelativeKey rk = new RelativeKey();
assertEquals(rk.getKey(), new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", row + 1), "cf1", "cq1"));
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.MultiLevelIndex.IndexEntry in project accumulo by apache.
the class BlockIndexTest method testSame.
public void testSame() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(baos);
Key prevKey = null;
int num = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
Key key = new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", 1), "cf1", "cq1");
new RelativeKey(prevKey, key).write(out);
new Value().write(out);
prevKey = key;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
Key key = new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", 3), "cf1", "cq1");
new RelativeKey(prevKey, key).write(out);
new Value().write(out);
prevKey = key;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
Key key = new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", 5), "cf1", "cq1");
new RelativeKey(prevKey, key).write(out);
new Value().write(out);
prevKey = key;
final byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
CacheEntry ce = new MyCacheEntry(data);
CachableBlockFile.CachedBlockRead cacheBlock = new CachableBlockFile.CachedBlockRead(ce, data);
BlockIndex blockIndex = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 257; i++) blockIndex = BlockIndex.getIndex(cacheBlock, new IndexEntry(prevKey, num, 0, 0, 0));
assertSame(null, blockIndex.seekBlock(new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", 0), "cf1", "cq1"), cacheBlock));
assertSame(null, blockIndex.seekBlock(new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", 1), "cf1", "cq1"), cacheBlock));
for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
Key seekKey = new Key(RFileTest.formatString("", i), "cf1", "cq1");
BlockIndexEntry bie = blockIndex.seekBlock(seekKey, cacheBlock);
assertTrue(bie.getPrevKey().compareTo(seekKey) < 0);
RelativeKey rk = new RelativeKey();
assertTrue(rk.getKey().compareTo(seekKey) <= 0);