use of org.apache.accumulo.core.spi.crypto.NoCryptoService in project accumulo by apache.
the class CryptoServiceFactory method newInstance.
public static CryptoService newInstance(AccumuloConfiguration conf, ClassloaderType ct) {
CryptoService newCryptoService;
if (ct == ClassloaderType.ACCUMULO) {
newCryptoService = Property.createInstanceFromPropertyName(conf, Property.INSTANCE_CRYPTO_SERVICE, CryptoService.class, new NoCryptoService());
} else if (ct == ClassloaderType.JAVA) {
String clazzName = conf.get(Property.INSTANCE_CRYPTO_SERVICE);
if (clazzName == null || clazzName.trim().isEmpty()) {
newCryptoService = new NoCryptoService();
} else {
try {
newCryptoService = CryptoServiceFactory.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(clazzName).asSubclass(CryptoService.class).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return newCryptoService;
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.spi.crypto.NoCryptoService in project accumulo by apache.
the class DfsLogger method getDecryptingStream.
* Reads the WAL file header, and returns a decrypting stream which wraps the original stream. If
* the file is not encrypted, the original stream is returned.
* @throws LogHeaderIncompleteException
* if the header cannot be fully read (can happen if the tserver died before finishing)
public static DataInputStream getDecryptingStream(FSDataInputStream input, AccumuloConfiguration conf) throws LogHeaderIncompleteException, IOException {
DataInputStream decryptingInput;
byte[] magic4 = DfsLogger.LOG_FILE_HEADER_V4.getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] magic3 = DfsLogger.LOG_FILE_HEADER_V3.getBytes(UTF_8);
if (magic4.length != magic3.length)
throw new AssertionError("Always expect log file headers to be same length : " + magic4.length + " != " + magic3.length);
byte[] magicBuffer = new byte[magic4.length];
try {
if (Arrays.equals(magicBuffer, magic4)) {
CryptoService cryptoService = CryptoServiceFactory.newInstance(conf, ClassloaderType.ACCUMULO);
FileDecrypter decrypter = CryptoUtils.getFileDecrypter(cryptoService, Scope.WAL, input);
log.debug("Using {} for decrypting WAL", cryptoService.getClass().getSimpleName());
decryptingInput = cryptoService instanceof NoCryptoService ? input : new DataInputStream(decrypter.decryptStream(input));
} else if (Arrays.equals(magicBuffer, magic3)) {
// Read logs files from Accumulo 1.9
String cryptoModuleClassname = input.readUTF();
if (!cryptoModuleClassname.equals("NullCryptoModule")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Old encryption modules not supported at this time. Unsupported module : " + cryptoModuleClassname);
decryptingInput = input;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported write ahead log version " + new String(magicBuffer));
} catch (EOFException e) {
// A TabletServer might have died before the (complete) header was written
throw new LogHeaderIncompleteException(e);
return decryptingInput;