use of org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.ScanResult in project accumulo by apache.
the class ProxyServer method nextK.
public ScanResult nextK(String scanner, int k) throws NoMoreEntriesException, UnknownScanner, org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.AccumuloSecurityException, TException {
// fetch the scanner
ScannerPlusIterator spi = getScanner(scanner);
Iterator<Map.Entry<Key, Value>> batchScanner = spi.iterator;
// synchronized to prevent race conditions
synchronized (batchScanner) {
ScanResult ret = new ScanResult();
ret.setResults(new ArrayList<>());
int numRead = 0;
try {
while (batchScanner.hasNext() && numRead < k) {
Map.Entry<Key, Value> next =;
ret.addToResults(new KeyValue(Util.toThrift(next.getKey()), ByteBuffer.wrap(next.getValue().get())));
ret.setMore(numRead == k);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.AccumuloSecurityException(ex.toString());
return ret;
use of org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.ScanResult in project accumulo by apache.
the class KerberosProxyIT method testProxyClient.
public void testProxyClient() throws Exception {
ClusterUser rootUser = kdc.getRootUser();
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(rootUser.getPrincipal(), rootUser.getKeytab().getAbsolutePath());
TSocket socket = new TSocket(hostname, proxyPort);"Connecting to proxy with server primary '{}' running on {}", proxyPrimary, hostname);
TSaslClientTransport transport = new TSaslClientTransport("GSSAPI", null, proxyPrimary, hostname, Collections.singletonMap("", "auth"), null, socket);
final UGIAssumingTransport ugiTransport = new UGIAssumingTransport(transport, ugi);
// UGI transport will perform the doAs for us;
AccumuloProxy.Client.Factory factory = new AccumuloProxy.Client.Factory();
Client client = factory.getClient(new TCompactProtocol(ugiTransport), new TCompactProtocol(ugiTransport));
// Will fail if the proxy can impersonate the client
ByteBuffer login = client.login(rootUser.getPrincipal(), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());
// For all of the below actions, the proxy user doesn't have permission to do any of them, but the client user does.
// The fact that any of them actually run tells us that impersonation is working.
// Create a table
String table = "table";
if (!client.tableExists(login, table)) {
client.createTable(login, table, true, TimeType.MILLIS);
// Write two records to the table
String writer = client.createWriter(login, table, new WriterOptions());
Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnUpdate>> updates = new HashMap<>();
ColumnUpdate update = new ColumnUpdate(ByteBuffer.wrap("cf1".getBytes(UTF_8)), ByteBuffer.wrap("cq1".getBytes(UTF_8)));
updates.put(ByteBuffer.wrap("row1".getBytes(UTF_8)), Collections.singletonList(update));
update = new ColumnUpdate(ByteBuffer.wrap("cf2".getBytes(UTF_8)), ByteBuffer.wrap("cq2".getBytes(UTF_8)));
updates.put(ByteBuffer.wrap("row2".getBytes(UTF_8)), Collections.singletonList(update));
client.update(writer, updates);
// Flush and close the writer
// Open a scanner to the table
String scanner = client.createScanner(login, table, new ScanOptions());
ScanResult results = client.nextK(scanner, 10);
assertEquals(2, results.getResults().size());
// Check the first key-value
KeyValue kv = results.getResults().get(0);
Key k = kv.key;
ByteBuffer v = kv.value;
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("row1".getBytes(UTF_8)), k.row);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("cf1".getBytes(UTF_8)), k.colFamily);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("cq1".getBytes(UTF_8)), k.colQualifier);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0]), k.colVisibility);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("value1".getBytes(UTF_8)), v);
// And then the second
kv = results.getResults().get(1);
k = kv.key;
v = kv.value;
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("row2".getBytes(UTF_8)), k.row);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("cf2".getBytes(UTF_8)), k.colFamily);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("cq2".getBytes(UTF_8)), k.colQualifier);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0]), k.colVisibility);
assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap("value2".getBytes(UTF_8)), v);
// Close the scanner
use of org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.ScanResult in project accumulo by apache.
the class SimpleProxyBase method assertScan.
private void assertScan(String[][] expected, String table) throws Exception {
String scid = client.createScanner(creds, table, new ScanOptions());
ScanResult keyValues = client.nextK(scid, expected.length + 1);
assertEquals("Saw " + keyValues.results, expected.length, keyValues.results.size());
for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.results.size(); i++) {
checkKey(expected[i][0], expected[i][1], expected[i][2], expected[i][3], keyValues.results.get(i));
use of org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.ScanResult in project accumulo by apache.
the class TestProxyReadWrite method testVisibility.
public void testVisibility() throws Exception {
Set<ByteBuffer> auths = new HashSet<>();
tpc.proxy().changeUserAuthorizations(userpass, "root", auths);
int maxInserts = 10000;
Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnUpdate>> mutations = new HashMap<>();
String format = "%1$05d";
String writer = tpc.proxy().createWriter(userpass, testtable, null);
for (int i = 0; i < maxInserts; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0)
addMutation(mutations, String.format(format, i), "cf" + i, "cq" + i, "even", Util.randString(10));
addMutation(mutations, String.format(format, i), "cf" + i, "cq" + i, "odd", Util.randString(10));
if (i % 1000 == 0 || i == maxInserts - 1) {
tpc.proxy().update(writer, mutations);
ScanOptions opts = new ScanOptions();
opts.authorizations = auths;
String cookie = tpc.proxy().createScanner(userpass, testtable, opts);
int i = 0;
boolean hasNext = true;
int k = 1000;
int numRead = 0;
while (hasNext) {
ScanResult kvList = tpc.proxy().nextK(cookie, k);
for (KeyValue kv : kvList.getResults()) {
assertEquals(Integer.parseInt(new String(kv.getKey().getRow())), i);
i += 2;
hasNext = kvList.isMore();
assertEquals(maxInserts / 2, numRead);
use of org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.ScanResult in project accumulo by apache.
the class TestProxyReadWrite method readWriteBatchOneShotWithFullColumn.
* Insert 100000 cells which have as the row [0..99999] (padded with zeros). Set a columnFamily + columnQualififer so only the entries with specified column
* come back (there should be 50,000)
public void readWriteBatchOneShotWithFullColumn() throws Exception {
int maxInserts = 100000;
Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnUpdate>> mutations = new HashMap<>();
String format = "%1$05d";
for (int i = 0; i < maxInserts; i++) {
addMutation(mutations, String.format(format, i), "cf" + (i % 2), "cq" + (i % 2), Util.randString(10));
if (i % 1000 == 0 || i == maxInserts - 1) {
tpc.proxy().updateAndFlush(userpass, testtable, mutations);
BatchScanOptions options = new BatchScanOptions();
ScanColumn sc = new ScanColumn();
sc.colFamily = ByteBuffer.wrap("cf0".getBytes());
sc.colQualifier = ByteBuffer.wrap("cq0".getBytes());
options.columns = Collections.singletonList(sc);
String cookie = tpc.proxy().createBatchScanner(userpass, testtable, options);
int i = 0;
boolean hasNext = true;
int k = 1000;
while (hasNext) {
ScanResult kvList = tpc.proxy().nextK(cookie, k);
i += kvList.getResultsSize();
hasNext = kvList.isMore();
assertEquals(i, 50000);