use of org.apache.accumulo.server.compaction.CompactionStats in project accumulo by apache.
the class MinorCompactor method call.
public CompactionStats call() {
final String outputFileName = getOutputFile();
log.trace("Begin minor compaction {} {}", outputFileName, getExtent());
// output to new MapFile with a temporary name
int sleepTime = 100;
double growthFactor = 4;
// 3 minutes
int maxSleepTime = 1000 * 60 * 3;
boolean reportedProblem = false;
int retryCounter = 0;
try {
do {
try {
CompactionStats ret =;
if (reportedProblem) {
ProblemReports.getInstance(tabletServer.getContext()).deleteProblemReport(getExtent().tableId(), ProblemType.FILE_WRITE, outputFileName);
return ret;
} catch (IOException | UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
log.warn("MinC failed ({}) to create {} retrying ...", e.getMessage(), outputFileName);
ProblemReports.getInstance(tabletServer.getContext()).report(new ProblemReport(getExtent().tableId(), ProblemType.FILE_WRITE, outputFileName, e));
reportedProblem = true;
} catch (RuntimeException | NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// if this is coming from a user iterator, it is possible that the user could change the
// iterator config and that the minor compaction would succeed
// If the minor compaction stalls for too long during recovery, it can interfere with
// other tables loading
// Throw exception if this happens so assignments can be rescheduled.
ProblemReports.getInstance(tabletServer.getContext()).report(new ProblemReport(getExtent().tableId(), ProblemType.FILE_WRITE, outputFileName, e));
if (retryCounter >= 4 && mincReason.equals(MinorCompactionReason.RECOVERY)) {
log.warn("MinC ({}) is stuck for too long during recovery, throwing error to reschedule.", getExtent(), e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
log.warn("MinC failed ({}) to create {} retrying ...", e.getMessage(), outputFileName, e);
reportedProblem = true;
} catch (CompactionCanceledException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
int sleep = sleepTime + random.nextInt(sleepTime);
log.debug("MinC failed sleeping {} ms before retrying", sleep);
sleepUninterruptibly(sleep, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
sleepTime = (int) Math.round(Math.min(maxSleepTime, sleepTime * growthFactor));
// clean up
try {
if (getVolumeManager().exists(new Path(outputFileName))) {
getVolumeManager().deleteRecursively(new Path(outputFileName));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Failed to delete failed MinC file {} {}", outputFileName, e.getMessage());
if (isTableDeleting())
return new CompactionStats(0, 0);
} while (true);
} finally {
thread = null;
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.compaction.CompactionStats in project accumulo by apache.
the class CompactableImpl method compact.
public void compact(CompactionServiceId service, CompactionJob job, RateLimiter readLimiter, RateLimiter writeLimiter, long queuedTime) {
Optional<CompactionInfo> ocInfo = reserveFilesForCompaction(service, job);
if (ocInfo.isEmpty())
var cInfo = ocInfo.get();
StoredTabletFile newFile = null;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
CompactionKind kind = job.getKind();
CompactionStats stats = new CompactionStats();
try {
TabletLogger.compacting(getExtent(), job, cInfo.localCompactionCfg);
var check = new CompactionCheck(service, kind, cInfo.checkCompactionId);
TabletFile tmpFileName = tablet.getNextMapFilenameForMajc(cInfo.propagateDeletes);
var compactEnv = new MajCEnv(kind, check, readLimiter, writeLimiter, cInfo.propagateDeletes);
SortedMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> allFiles = tablet.getDatafiles();
HashMap<StoredTabletFile, DataFileValue> compactFiles = new HashMap<>();
cInfo.jobFiles.forEach(file -> compactFiles.put(file, allFiles.get(file)));
stats = CompactableUtils.compact(tablet, job, cInfo, compactEnv, compactFiles, tmpFileName);
newFile = CompactableUtils.bringOnline(tablet.getDatafileManager(), cInfo, stats, compactFiles, allFiles, kind, tmpFileName);
TabletLogger.compacted(getExtent(), job, newFile);
} catch (CompactionCanceledException cce) {
log.debug("Compaction canceled {} ", getExtent());
} catch (Exception e) {
newFile = null;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
completeCompaction(job, cInfo.jobFiles, newFile);
tablet.updateTimer(MAJOR, queuedTime, startTime, stats.getEntriesRead(), newFile == null);
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.compaction.CompactionStats in project accumulo by apache.
the class Tablet method minorCompact.
DataFileValue minorCompact(InMemoryMap memTable, TabletFile tmpDatafile, TabletFile newDatafile, long queued, CommitSession commitSession, long flushId, MinorCompactionReason mincReason) {
boolean failed = false;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long count = 0;
String oldName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
try {
Thread.currentThread().setName("Minor compacting " + this.extent);
CompactionStats stats;
Span span = TraceUtil.startSpan(this.getClass(), "minorCompact::write");
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
count = memTable.getNumEntries();
MinorCompactor compactor = new MinorCompactor(tabletServer, this, memTable, tmpDatafile, mincReason, tableConfiguration);
stats =;
} catch (Exception e) {
TraceUtil.setException(span, e, true);
throw e;
} finally {
Span span2 = TraceUtil.startSpan(this.getClass(), "minorCompact::bringOnline");
try (Scope scope = span2.makeCurrent()) {
var storedFile = getDatafileManager().bringMinorCompactionOnline(tmpDatafile, newDatafile, new DataFileValue(stats.getFileSize(), stats.getEntriesWritten()), commitSession, flushId);
storedFile.ifPresent(stf -> compactable.filesAdded(true, List.of(stf)));
} catch (Exception e) {
TraceUtil.setException(span2, e, true);
throw e;
} finally {
return new DataFileValue(stats.getFileSize(), stats.getEntriesWritten());
} catch (Exception | Error e) {
failed = true;
throw new RuntimeException("Exception occurred during minor compaction on " + extent, e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception t) {
log.error("Failed to free tablet memory on {}", extent, t);
if (!failed) {
lastMinorCompactionFinishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
TabletServerMinCMetrics minCMetrics = getTabletServer().getMinCMetrics();
minCMetrics.addActive(lastMinorCompactionFinishTime - start);
timer.updateTime(Operation.MINOR, queued, start, count, failed);
minCMetrics.addQueued(start - queued);