use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.MetaDataStateStore in project accumulo by apache.
the class Master method run.
public void run() throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException {
final String zroot = ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance());
// ACCUMULO-4424 Put up the Thrift servers before getting the lock as a sign of process health when a hot-standby
// Start the Master's Client service
clientHandler = new MasterClientServiceHandler(this);
// Ensure that calls before the master gets the lock fail
Iface haProxy = HighlyAvailableServiceWrapper.service(clientHandler, this);
Iface rpcProxy = RpcWrapper.service(haProxy);
final Processor<Iface> processor;
if (ThriftServerType.SASL == getThriftServerType()) {
Iface tcredsProxy = TCredentialsUpdatingWrapper.service(rpcProxy, clientHandler.getClass(), getConfiguration());
processor = new Processor<>(tcredsProxy);
} else {
processor = new Processor<>(rpcProxy);
ServerAddress sa = TServerUtils.startServer(this, hostname, Property.MASTER_CLIENTPORT, processor, "Master", "Master Client Service Handler", null, Property.MASTER_MINTHREADS, Property.MASTER_THREADCHECK, Property.GENERAL_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
clientService = sa.server;"Started Master client service at {}", sa.address);
// Start the replication coordinator which assigns tservers to service replication requests
MasterReplicationCoordinator impl = new MasterReplicationCoordinator(this);
ReplicationCoordinator.Iface haReplicationProxy = HighlyAvailableServiceWrapper.service(impl, this);
ReplicationCoordinator.Processor<ReplicationCoordinator.Iface> replicationCoordinatorProcessor = new ReplicationCoordinator.Processor<>(RpcWrapper.service(haReplicationProxy));
ServerAddress replAddress = TServerUtils.startServer(this, hostname, Property.MASTER_REPLICATION_COORDINATOR_PORT, replicationCoordinatorProcessor, "Master Replication Coordinator", "Replication Coordinator", null, Property.MASTER_REPLICATION_COORDINATOR_MINTHREADS, Property.MASTER_REPLICATION_COORDINATOR_THREADCHECK, Property.GENERAL_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);"Started replication coordinator service at " + replAddress.address);
// block until we can obtain the ZK lock for the master
getMasterLock(zroot + Constants.ZMASTER_LOCK);
recoveryManager = new RecoveryManager(this);
StatusThread statusThread = new StatusThread();
MigrationCleanupThread migrationCleanupThread = new MigrationCleanupThread();
ZooReaderWriter zReaderWriter = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance();
zReaderWriter.getChildren(zroot + Constants.ZRECOVERY, new Watcher() {
public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
nextEvent.event("Noticed recovery changes", event.getType());
try {
// watcher only fires once, add it back
ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().getChildren(zroot + Constants.ZRECOVERY, this);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to add log recovery watcher back", e);
watchers.add(new TabletGroupWatcher(this, new MetaDataStateStore(this, this), null) {
boolean canSuspendTablets() {
// Always allow user data tablets to enter suspended state.
return true;
watchers.add(new TabletGroupWatcher(this, new RootTabletStateStore(this, this), watchers.get(0)) {
boolean canSuspendTablets() {
// be immediately reassigned, even if there's a global table.suspension.duration setting.
return getConfiguration().getBoolean(Property.MASTER_METADATA_SUSPENDABLE);
watchers.add(new TabletGroupWatcher(this, new ZooTabletStateStore(new ZooStore(zroot)), watchers.get(1)) {
boolean canSuspendTablets() {
// Never allow root tablet to enter suspended state.
return false;
for (TabletGroupWatcher watcher : watchers) {
// Once we are sure the upgrade is complete, we can safely allow fate use.
try {
final AgeOffStore<Master> store = new AgeOffStore<>(new org.apache.accumulo.fate.ZooStore<Master>(ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance()) + Constants.ZFATE, ZooReaderWriter.getInstance()), 1000 * 60 * 60 * 8);
int threads = getConfiguration().getCount(Property.MASTER_FATE_THREADPOOL_SIZE);
fate = new Fate<>(this, store);
SimpleTimer.getInstance(getConfiguration()).schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 63000, 63000);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
ZooKeeperInitialization.ensureZooKeeperInitialized(zReaderWriter, zroot);
// the master client service.
if (null != authenticationTokenKeyManager && null != keyDistributor) {"Starting delegation-token key manager");
boolean logged = false;
while (!authenticationTokenKeyManager.isInitialized()) {
// Print out a status message when we start waiting for the key manager to get initialized
if (!logged) {"Waiting for AuthenticationTokenKeyManager to be initialized");
logged = true;
sleepUninterruptibly(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// And log when we are initialized"AuthenticationTokenSecretManager is initialized");
String address = sa.address.toString();"Setting master lock data to {}", address);
while (!clientService.isServing()) {
sleepUninterruptibly(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Start the daemon to scan the replication table and make units of work
replicationWorkDriver = new ReplicationDriver(this);
// Start the daemon to assign work to tservers to replicate to our peers
try {
replicationWorkAssigner = new WorkDriver(this);
} catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException e) {
log.error("Caught exception trying to initialize replication WorkDriver", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Advertise that port we used so peers don't have to be told what it is
ZooReaderWriter.getInstance().putPersistentData(ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance()) + Constants.ZMASTER_REPLICATION_COORDINATOR_ADDR, replAddress.address.toString().getBytes(UTF_8), NodeExistsPolicy.OVERWRITE);
// Register replication metrics
MasterMetricsFactory factory = new MasterMetricsFactory(getConfiguration(), this);
Metrics replicationMetrics = factory.createReplicationMetrics();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to register replication metrics", e);
// The master is fully initialized. Clients are allowed to connect now.
while (clientService.isServing()) {
sleepUninterruptibly(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
}"Shutting down fate.");
fate.shutdown();"Shutting down timekeeping.");
final long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + MAX_CLEANUP_WAIT_TIME;
// Signal that we want it to stop, and wait for it to do so.
if (authenticationTokenKeyManager != null) {
// don't stop
for (TabletGroupWatcher watcher : watchers) {
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.MetaDataStateStore in project accumulo by apache.
the class MasterRepairsDualAssignmentIT method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
// make some tablets, spread 'em around
Connector c = getConnector();
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(c.getInstance(), new Credentials("root", new PasswordToken(ROOT_PASSWORD)), getClientConfig());
String table = this.getUniqueNames(1)[0];
c.securityOperations().grantTablePermission("root", MetadataTable.NAME, TablePermission.WRITE);
c.securityOperations().grantTablePermission("root", RootTable.NAME, TablePermission.WRITE);
SortedSet<Text> partitions = new TreeSet<>();
for (String part : "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z".split(" ")) {
partitions.add(new Text(part));
c.tableOperations().addSplits(table, partitions);
// scan the metadata table and get the two table location states
Set<TServerInstance> states = new HashSet<>();
Set<TabletLocationState> oldLocations = new HashSet<>();
MetaDataStateStore store = new MetaDataStateStore(context, null);
while (states.size() < 2) {
for (TabletLocationState tls : store) {
if (tls.current != null) {
assertEquals(2, states.size());
// Kill a tablet server... we don't care which one... wait for everything to be reassigned
cluster.killProcess(ServerType.TABLET_SERVER, cluster.getProcesses().get(ServerType.TABLET_SERVER).iterator().next());
Set<TServerInstance> replStates = new HashSet<>();
// Find out which tablet server remains
while (true) {
boolean allAssigned = true;
for (TabletLocationState tls : store) {
if (tls != null && tls.current != null) {
} else if (tls != null && tls.extent.equals(new KeyExtent(ReplicationTable.ID, null, null))) {
} else {
allAssigned = false;
System.out.println(states + " size " + states.size() + " allAssigned " + allAssigned);
if (states.size() != 2 && allAssigned)
assertEquals(1, replStates.size());
assertEquals(1, states.size());
// pick an assigned tablet and assign it to the old tablet
TabletLocationState moved = null;
for (TabletLocationState old : oldLocations) {
if (!states.contains(old.current)) {
moved = old;
assertNotEquals(null, moved);
// throw a mutation in as if we were the dying tablet
BatchWriter bw = c.createBatchWriter(MetadataTable.NAME, new BatchWriterConfig());
Mutation assignment = new Mutation(moved.extent.getMetadataEntry());
// wait for the master to fix the problem
// now jam up the metadata table
bw = c.createBatchWriter(MetadataTable.NAME, new BatchWriterConfig());
assignment = new Mutation(new KeyExtent(MetadataTable.ID, null, null).getMetadataEntry());
waitForCleanStore(new RootTabletStateStore(context, null));
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.MetaDataStateStore in project accumulo by apache.
the class MergeStateIT method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
AccumuloServerContext context = EasyMock.createMock(AccumuloServerContext.class);
Connector connector = getConnector();
connector.securityOperations().grantTablePermission(connector.whoami(), MetadataTable.NAME, TablePermission.WRITE);
BatchWriter bw = connector.createBatchWriter(MetadataTable.NAME, new BatchWriterConfig());
// Create a fake METADATA table with these splits
String[] splits = { "a", "e", "j", "o", "t", "z" };
// create metadata for a table "t" with the splits above
Table.ID tableId = Table.ID.of("t");
Text pr = null;
for (String s : splits) {
Text split = new Text(s);
Mutation prevRow = KeyExtent.getPrevRowUpdateMutation(new KeyExtent(tableId, split, pr));
prevRow.put(TabletsSection.CurrentLocationColumnFamily.NAME, new Text("123456"), new Value("".getBytes()));
ChoppedColumnFamily.CHOPPED_COLUMN.put(prevRow, new Value("junk".getBytes()));
pr = split;
// Add the default tablet
Mutation defaultTablet = KeyExtent.getPrevRowUpdateMutation(new KeyExtent(tableId, null, pr));
defaultTablet.put(TabletsSection.CurrentLocationColumnFamily.NAME, new Text("123456"), new Value("".getBytes()));
// Read out the TabletLocationStates
MockCurrentState state = new MockCurrentState(new MergeInfo(new KeyExtent(tableId, new Text("p"), new Text("e")), MergeInfo.Operation.MERGE));
// Verify the tablet state: hosted, and count
MetaDataStateStore metaDataStateStore = new MetaDataStateStore(context, state);
int count = 0;
for (TabletLocationState tss : metaDataStateStore) {
if (tss != null)
// the normal case is to skip tablets in a good state
Assert.assertEquals(0, count);
// Create the hole
// Split the tablet at one end of the range
Mutation m = new KeyExtent(tableId, new Text("t"), new Text("p")).getPrevRowUpdateMutation();
TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.SPLIT_RATIO_COLUMN.put(m, new Value("0.5".getBytes()));
TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.OLD_PREV_ROW_COLUMN.put(m, KeyExtent.encodePrevEndRow(new Text("o")));
update(connector, m);
// do the state check
MergeStats stats = scan(state, metaDataStateStore);
MergeState newState = stats.nextMergeState(connector, state);
Assert.assertEquals(MergeState.WAITING_FOR_OFFLINE, newState);
// unassign the tablets
BatchDeleter deleter = connector.createBatchDeleter(MetadataTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY, 1000, new BatchWriterConfig());
deleter.setRanges(Collections.singletonList(new Range()));
// now we should be ready to merge but, we have inconsistent metadata
stats = scan(state, metaDataStateStore);
Assert.assertEquals(MergeState.WAITING_FOR_OFFLINE, stats.nextMergeState(connector, state));
// finish the split
KeyExtent tablet = new KeyExtent(tableId, new Text("p"), new Text("o"));
m = tablet.getPrevRowUpdateMutation();
TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.SPLIT_RATIO_COLUMN.put(m, new Value("0.5".getBytes()));
update(connector, m);
metaDataStateStore.setLocations(Collections.singletonList(new Assignment(tablet, state.someTServer)));
// onos... there's a new tablet online
stats = scan(state, metaDataStateStore);
Assert.assertEquals(MergeState.WAITING_FOR_CHOPPED, stats.nextMergeState(connector, state));
// chop it
m = tablet.getPrevRowUpdateMutation();
ChoppedColumnFamily.CHOPPED_COLUMN.put(m, new Value("junk".getBytes()));
update(connector, m);
stats = scan(state, metaDataStateStore);
Assert.assertEquals(MergeState.WAITING_FOR_OFFLINE, stats.nextMergeState(connector, state));
// take it offline
m = tablet.getPrevRowUpdateMutation();
Collection<Collection<String>> walogs = Collections.emptyList();
metaDataStateStore.unassign(Collections.singletonList(new TabletLocationState(tablet, null, state.someTServer, null, null, walogs, false)), null);
// now we can split
stats = scan(state, metaDataStateStore);
Assert.assertEquals(MergeState.MERGING, stats.nextMergeState(connector, state));
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.MetaDataStateStore in project accumulo by apache.
the class NullTserver method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Opts opts = new Opts();
opts.parseArgs(NullTserver.class.getName(), args);
// modify metadata
ZooKeeperInstance zki = new ZooKeeperInstance(ClientConfiguration.create().withInstance(opts.iname).withZkHosts(opts.keepers));
Instance inst = HdfsZooInstance.getInstance();
AccumuloServerContext context = new AccumuloServerContext(inst, new ServerConfigurationFactory(zki));
TransactionWatcher watcher = new TransactionWatcher();
ThriftClientHandler tch = new ThriftClientHandler(new AccumuloServerContext(inst, new ServerConfigurationFactory(inst)), watcher);
Processor<Iface> processor = new Processor<>(tch);
TServerUtils.startTServer(context.getConfiguration(), ThriftServerType.CUSTOM_HS_HA, processor, "NullTServer", "null tserver", 2, 1, 1000, 10 * 1024 * 1024, null, null, -1, HostAndPort.fromParts("", opts.port));
HostAndPort addr = HostAndPort.fromParts(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), opts.port);
Table.ID tableId = Tables.getTableId(zki, opts.tableName);
// read the locations for the table
Range tableRange = new KeyExtent(tableId, null, null).toMetadataRange();
List<Assignment> assignments = new ArrayList<>();
try (MetaDataTableScanner s = new MetaDataTableScanner(context, tableRange)) {
long randomSessionID = opts.port;
TServerInstance instance = new TServerInstance(addr, randomSessionID);
while (s.hasNext()) {
TabletLocationState next =;
assignments.add(new Assignment(next.extent, instance));
// point them to this server
MetaDataStateStore store = new MetaDataStateStore(context);
while (true) {
sleepUninterruptibly(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);