use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TabletMigration in project accumulo by apache.
the class DefaultLoadBalancerTest method testAssignMigrations.
public void testAssignMigrations() {
servers.put(new TServerInstance(HostAndPort.fromParts("", 1234), "a"), new FakeTServer());
servers.put(new TServerInstance(HostAndPort.fromParts("", 1234), "b"), new FakeTServer());
servers.put(new TServerInstance(HostAndPort.fromParts("", 1234), "c"), new FakeTServer());
List<KeyExtent> metadataTable = new ArrayList<>();
String table = "t1";
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, null, null));
table = "t2";
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, "a", null));
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, null, "a"));
table = "t3";
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, "a", null));
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, "b", "a"));
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, "c", "b"));
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, "d", "c"));
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, "e", "d"));
metadataTable.add(makeExtent(table, null, "e"));
TestDefaultLoadBalancer balancer = new TestDefaultLoadBalancer();
SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> current = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<TServerInstance, FakeTServer> entry : servers.entrySet()) {
current.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getStatus(entry.getKey()));
assignTablets(metadataTable, servers, current, balancer);
// Verify that the counts on the tables are correct
Map<String, Integer> expectedCounts = new HashMap<>();
expectedCounts.put("t1", 1);
expectedCounts.put("t2", 1);
expectedCounts.put("t3", 2);
checkBalance(metadataTable, servers, expectedCounts);
// Rebalance once
for (Entry<TServerInstance, FakeTServer> entry : servers.entrySet()) {
current.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getStatus(entry.getKey()));
// Nothing should happen, we are balanced
ArrayList<TabletMigration> out = new ArrayList<>();
balancer.getMigrations(current, out);
assertEquals(out.size(), 0);
// Take down a tabletServer
TServerInstance first = current.keySet().iterator().next();
FakeTServer remove = servers.remove(first);
// reassign offline extents
assignTablets(remove.extents, servers, current, balancer);
checkBalance(metadataTable, servers, null);
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TabletMigration in project accumulo by apache.
the class HostRegexTableLoadBalancerReconfigurationTest method testConfigurationChanges.
public void testConfigurationChanges() {
init(new AccumuloServerContext(instance, factory));
Map<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> unassigned = new HashMap<>();
for (List<KeyExtent> extents : tableExtents.values()) {
for (KeyExtent ke : extents) {
unassigned.put(ke, null);
this.getAssignments(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(allTabletServers), Collections.unmodifiableMap(unassigned), assignments);
Assert.assertEquals(15, assignments.size());
// Ensure unique tservers
for (Entry<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> e : assignments.entrySet()) {
for (Entry<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> e2 : assignments.entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(e2.getKey())) {
if (e.getValue().equals(e2.getValue())) {"Assignment failure. " + e.getKey() + " and " + e2.getKey() + " are assigned to the same host: " + e.getValue());
// Ensure assignments are correct
for (Entry<KeyExtent, TServerInstance> e : assignments.entrySet()) {
if (!tabletInBounds(e.getKey(), e.getValue())) {"tablet not in bounds: " + e.getKey() + " -> " + e.getValue().host());
Set<KeyExtent> migrations = new HashSet<>();
List<TabletMigration> migrationsOut = new ArrayList<>();
// Wait to trigger the out of bounds check which will call our version of getOnlineTabletsForTable
this.balance(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(allTabletServers), migrations, migrationsOut);
Assert.assertEquals(0, migrationsOut.size());
// Change property, simulate call by TableConfWatcher
DEFAULT_TABLE_PROPERTIES.put(HostRegexTableLoadBalancer.HOST_BALANCER_PREFIX + BAR.getTableName(), "r01.*");
// Wait to trigger the out of bounds check and the repool check
this.balance(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(allTabletServers), migrations, migrationsOut);
Assert.assertEquals(5, migrationsOut.size());
for (TabletMigration migration : migrationsOut) {
Assert.assertTrue("") ||"") ||"") ||"") ||""));
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TabletMigration in project accumulo by apache.
the class HostRegexTableLoadBalancerTest method testBalance.
public void testBalance() {
init(new AccumuloServerContext(instance, factory));
Set<KeyExtent> migrations = new HashSet<>();
List<TabletMigration> migrationsOut = new ArrayList<>();
long wait = this.balance(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(createCurrent(15)), migrations, migrationsOut);
Assert.assertEquals(20000, wait);
// should balance four tablets in one of the tables before reaching max
Assert.assertEquals(4, migrationsOut.size());
// now balance again passing in the new migrations
for (TabletMigration m : migrationsOut) {
wait = this.balance(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(createCurrent(15)), migrations, migrationsOut);
Assert.assertEquals(20000, wait);
// should balance four tablets in one of the other tables before reaching max
Assert.assertEquals(4, migrationsOut.size());
// now balance again passing in the new migrations
for (TabletMigration m : migrationsOut) {
wait = this.balance(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(createCurrent(15)), migrations, migrationsOut);
Assert.assertEquals(20000, wait);
// should balance four tablets in one of the other tables before reaching max
Assert.assertEquals(4, migrationsOut.size());
// now balance again passing in the new migrations
for (TabletMigration m : migrationsOut) {
wait = this.balance(Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(createCurrent(15)), migrations, migrationsOut);
Assert.assertEquals(20000, wait);
// no more balancing to do
Assert.assertEquals(0, migrationsOut.size());
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TabletMigration in project accumulo by apache.
the class ChaoticLoadBalancer method balance.
public long balance(SortedMap<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> current, Set<KeyExtent> migrations, List<TabletMigration> migrationsOut) {
Map<TServerInstance, Long> numTablets = new HashMap<>();
List<TServerInstance> underCapacityTServer = new ArrayList<>();
if (!migrations.isEmpty()) {
outstandingMigrations.migrations = migrations;
return 100;
boolean moveMetadata = r.nextInt(4) == 0;
long totalTablets = 0;
for (Entry<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> e : current.entrySet()) {
long tabletCount = 0;
for (TableInfo ti : e.getValue().getTableMap().values()) {
tabletCount += ti.tablets;
numTablets.put(e.getKey(), tabletCount);
totalTablets += tabletCount;
// totalTablets is fuzzy due to asynchronicity of the stats
// *1.2 to handle fuzziness, and prevent locking for 'perfect' balancing scenarios
long avg = (long) Math.ceil(((double) totalTablets) / current.size() * 1.2);
for (Entry<TServerInstance, TabletServerStatus> e : current.entrySet()) {
for (String tableId : e.getValue().getTableMap().keySet()) {
Table.ID id = Table.ID.of(tableId);
if (!moveMetadata && MetadataTable.ID.equals(id))
try {
for (TabletStats ts : getOnlineTabletsForTable(e.getKey(), id)) {
KeyExtent ke = new KeyExtent(ts.extent);
int index = r.nextInt(underCapacityTServer.size());
TServerInstance dest = underCapacityTServer.get(index);
if (dest.equals(e.getKey()))
migrationsOut.add(new TabletMigration(ke, e.getKey(), dest));
if (numTablets.put(dest, numTablets.get(dest) + 1) > avg)
if (numTablets.put(e.getKey(), numTablets.get(e.getKey()) - 1) <= avg && !underCapacityTServer.contains(e.getKey()))
// We can get some craziness with only 1 tserver, so lets make sure there's always an option!
if (underCapacityTServer.isEmpty())
} catch (ThriftSecurityException e1) {
// Shouldn't happen, but carry on if it does
log.debug("Encountered ThriftSecurityException. This should not happen. Carrying on anyway.", e1);
} catch (TException e1) {
// Shouldn't happen, but carry on if it does
log.debug("Encountered TException. This should not happen. Carrying on anyway.", e1);
return 100;
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.master.state.TabletMigration in project accumulo by apache.
the class DefaultLoadBalancer method move.
* Select a tablet based on differences between table loads; if the loads are even, use the busiest table
List<TabletMigration> move(ServerCounts tooMuch, ServerCounts tooLittle, int count, Map<Table.ID, Map<KeyExtent, TabletStats>> donerTabletStats) {
List<TabletMigration> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (count == 0)
return result;
// Copy counts so we can update them as we propose migrations
Map<Table.ID, Integer> tooMuchMap = tabletCountsPerTable(tooMuch.status);
Map<Table.ID, Integer> tooLittleMap = tabletCountsPerTable(tooLittle.status);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Table.ID table;
Integer tooLittleCount;
if (tableToBalance == null) {
// find a table to migrate
// look for an uneven table count
int biggestDifference = 0;
Table.ID biggestDifferenceTable = null;
for (Entry<Table.ID, Integer> tableEntry : tooMuchMap.entrySet()) {
Table.ID tableID = tableEntry.getKey();
if (tooLittleMap.get(tableID) == null)
tooLittleMap.put(tableID, 0);
int diff = tableEntry.getValue() - tooLittleMap.get(tableID);
if (diff > biggestDifference) {
biggestDifference = diff;
biggestDifferenceTable = tableID;
if (biggestDifference < 2) {
table = busiest(tooMuch.status.tableMap);
} else {
table = biggestDifferenceTable;
} else {
// just balance the given table
table = tableToBalance;
Map<KeyExtent, TabletStats> onlineTabletsForTable = donerTabletStats.get(table);
try {
if (onlineTabletsForTable == null) {
onlineTabletsForTable = new HashMap<>();
List<TabletStats> stats = getOnlineTabletsForTable(tooMuch.server, table);
if (null == stats) {
log.warn("Unable to find tablets to move");
return result;
for (TabletStats stat : stats) onlineTabletsForTable.put(new KeyExtent(stat.extent), stat);
donerTabletStats.put(table, onlineTabletsForTable);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Unable to select a tablet to move", ex);
return result;
KeyExtent extent = selectTablet(tooMuch.server, onlineTabletsForTable);
if (extent == null)
return result;
tooMuchMap.put(table, tooMuchMap.get(table) - 1);
* If a table grows from 1 tablet then tooLittleMap.get(table) can return a null, since there is only one tabletserver that holds all of the tablets. Here
* we check to see if in fact that is the case and if so set the value to 0.
tooLittleCount = tooLittleMap.get(table);
if (tooLittleCount == null) {
tooLittleCount = 0;
tooLittleMap.put(table, tooLittleCount + 1);
result.add(new TabletMigration(extent, tooMuch.server, tooLittle.server));
return result;