use of org.apache.accumulo.server.replication.ReplicaSystemFactory in project accumulo by apache.
the class ReplicationResource method getReplicationInformation.
* Generates the replication table as a JSON object
* @return Replication list
public List<ReplicationInformation> getReplicationInformation() throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException {
final Connector conn = Monitor.getContext().getConnector();
final TableOperations tops = conn.tableOperations();
final Map<String, String> properties = conn.instanceOperations().getSystemConfiguration();
final Map<String, String> peers = new HashMap<>();
final String definedPeersPrefix = Property.REPLICATION_PEERS.getKey();
final ReplicaSystemFactory replicaSystemFactory = new ReplicaSystemFactory();
// Get the defined peers and what ReplicaSystem impl they're using
for (Entry<String, String> property : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = property.getKey();
// Filter out cruft that we don't want
if (key.startsWith(definedPeersPrefix) && !key.startsWith(Property.REPLICATION_PEER_USER.getKey()) && !key.startsWith(Property.REPLICATION_PEER_PASSWORD.getKey())) {
String peerName = property.getKey().substring(definedPeersPrefix.length());
ReplicaSystem replica;
try {
replica = replicaSystemFactory.get(property.getValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Could not instantiate ReplicaSystem for {} with configuration {}", property.getKey(), property.getValue(), e);
peers.put(peerName, replica.getClass().getName());
final String targetPrefix = Property.TABLE_REPLICATION_TARGET.getKey();
// The total set of configured targets
Set<ReplicationTarget> allConfiguredTargets = new HashSet<>();
// Number of files per target we have to replicate
Map<ReplicationTarget, Long> targetCounts = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Table.ID> tableNameToId = Tables.getNameToIdMap(conn.getInstance());
Map<Table.ID, String> tableIdToName = invert(tableNameToId);
for (String table : tops.list()) {
if (MetadataTable.NAME.equals(table) || RootTable.NAME.equals(table)) {
Table.ID localId = tableNameToId.get(table);
if (null == localId) {
log.trace("Could not determine ID for {}", table);
Iterable<Entry<String, String>> propertiesForTable;
try {
propertiesForTable = tops.getProperties(table);
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
log.warn("Could not fetch properties for {}", table, e);
for (Entry<String, String> prop : propertiesForTable) {
if (prop.getKey().startsWith(targetPrefix)) {
String peerName = prop.getKey().substring(targetPrefix.length());
String remoteIdentifier = prop.getValue();
ReplicationTarget target = new ReplicationTarget(peerName, remoteIdentifier, localId);
// Read over the queued work
BatchScanner bs;
try {
bs = conn.createBatchScanner(ReplicationTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY, 4);
} catch (TableOfflineException | TableNotFoundException e) {
log.error("Could not read replication table", e);
return Collections.emptyList();
bs.setRanges(Collections.singleton(new Range()));
try {
Text buffer = new Text();
for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : bs) {
Key k = entry.getKey();
ReplicationTarget target = ReplicationTarget.from(buffer);
// TODO ACCUMULO-2835 once explicit lengths are tracked, we can give size-based estimates instead of just file-based
Long count = targetCounts.get(target);
if (null == count) {
targetCounts.put(target, 1l);
} else {
targetCounts.put(target, count + 1);
} finally {
List<ReplicationInformation> replicationInformation = new ArrayList<>();
for (ReplicationTarget configuredTarget : allConfiguredTargets) {
String tableName = tableIdToName.get(configuredTarget.getSourceTableId());
if (null == tableName) {
log.trace("Could not determine table name from id {}", configuredTarget.getSourceTableId());
String replicaSystemClass = peers.get(configuredTarget.getPeerName());
if (null == replicaSystemClass) {
log.trace("Could not determine configured ReplicaSystem for {}", configuredTarget.getPeerName());
Long numFiles = targetCounts.get(configuredTarget);
replicationInformation.add(new ReplicationInformation(tableName, configuredTarget.getPeerName(), configuredTarget.getRemoteIdentifier(), replicaSystemClass, (null == numFiles) ? 0 : numFiles));
return replicationInformation;