use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ConfigCommand method execute.
public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NamespaceNotFoundException {
reader = shellState.getReader();
final String tableName = cl.getOptionValue(tableOpt.getOpt());
if (tableName != null && !shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(tableName)) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(null, tableName, null);
final String namespace = cl.getOptionValue(namespaceOpt.getOpt());
if (namespace != null && !shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().exists(namespace)) {
throw new NamespaceNotFoundException(null, namespace, null);
if (cl.hasOption(deleteOpt.getOpt())) {
// delete property from table
String property = cl.getOptionValue(deleteOpt.getOpt());
if (property.contains("=")) {
throw new BadArgumentException("Invalid '=' operator in delete operation.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf('='));
if (tableName != null) {
if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
Shell.log.warn("Invalid per-table property : " + property + ", still removing from zookeeper if it's there.");
shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().removeProperty(tableName, property);
Shell.log.debug("Successfully deleted table configuration option.");
} else if (namespace != null) {
if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
Shell.log.warn("Invalid per-table property : " + property + ", still removing from zookeeper if it's there.");
shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().removeProperty(namespace, property);
Shell.log.debug("Successfully deleted namespace configuration option.");
} else {
if (!Property.isValidZooPropertyKey(property)) {
Shell.log.warn("Invalid per-table property : " + property + ", still removing from zookeeper if it's there.");
Shell.log.debug("Successfully deleted system configuration option");
} else if (cl.hasOption(setOpt.getOpt())) {
// set property on table
String property = cl.getOptionValue(setOpt.getOpt()), value = null;
if (!property.contains("=")) {
throw new BadArgumentException("Missing '=' operator in set operation.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
final String[] pair = property.split("=", 2);
property = pair[0];
value = pair[1];
if (tableName != null) {
if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
throw new BadArgumentException("Invalid per-table property.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
if (property.equals(Property.TABLE_DEFAULT_SCANTIME_VISIBILITY.getKey())) {
// validate that it is a valid expression
new ColumnVisibility(value);
shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, property, value);
Shell.log.debug("Successfully set table configuration option.");
} else if (namespace != null) {
if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
throw new BadArgumentException("Invalid per-table property.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
if (property.equals(Property.TABLE_DEFAULT_SCANTIME_VISIBILITY.getKey())) {
// validate that it is a valid expression
new ColumnVisibility(value);
shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().setProperty(namespace, property, value);
Shell.log.debug("Successfully set table configuration option.");
} else {
if (!Property.isValidZooPropertyKey(property)) {
throw new BadArgumentException("Property cannot be modified in zookeeper", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
shellState.getConnector().instanceOperations().setProperty(property, value);
Shell.log.debug("Successfully set system configuration option");
} else {
// display properties
final TreeMap<String, String> systemConfig = new TreeMap<>();
final String outputFile = cl.getOptionValue(outputFileOpt.getOpt());
final PrintFile printFile = outputFile == null ? null : new PrintFile(outputFile);
final TreeMap<String, String> siteConfig = new TreeMap<>();
final TreeMap<String, String> defaults = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> defaultEntry : DefaultConfiguration.getInstance()) {
defaults.put(defaultEntry.getKey(), defaultEntry.getValue());
final TreeMap<String, String> namespaceConfig = new TreeMap<>();
if (tableName != null) {
String n = Namespaces.getNamespaceName(shellState.getInstance(), Tables.getNamespaceId(shellState.getInstance(), Tables.getTableId(shellState.getInstance(), tableName)));
for (Entry<String, String> e : shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().getProperties(n)) {
namespaceConfig.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
Iterable<Entry<String, String>> acuconf = shellState.getConnector().instanceOperations().getSystemConfiguration().entrySet();
if (tableName != null) {
acuconf = shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().getProperties(tableName);
} else if (namespace != null) {
acuconf = shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().getProperties(namespace);
final TreeMap<String, String> sortedConf = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : acuconf) {
sortedConf.put(propEntry.getKey(), propEntry.getValue());
for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : acuconf) {
final String key = propEntry.getKey();
// specified, or all of them if none specified
if (cl.hasOption(filterOpt.getOpt()) && !key.contains(cl.getOptionValue(filterOpt.getOpt()))) {
if ((tableName != null || namespace != null) && !Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(key)) {
COL2 = Math.max(COL2, propEntry.getKey().length() + 3);
final ArrayList<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : sortedConf.entrySet()) {
final String key = propEntry.getKey();
// specified, or all of them if none specified
if (cl.hasOption(filterOpt.getOpt()) && !key.contains(cl.getOptionValue(filterOpt.getOpt()))) {
if ((tableName != null || namespace != null) && !Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(key)) {
String siteVal = siteConfig.get(key);
String sysVal = systemConfig.get(key);
String curVal = propEntry.getValue();
String dfault = defaults.get(key);
String nspVal = namespaceConfig.get(key);
boolean printed = false;
if (dfault != null && key.toLowerCase().contains("password")) {
siteVal = sysVal = dfault = curVal = curVal.replaceAll(".", "*");
if (sysVal != null) {
if (defaults.containsKey(key) && !Property.getPropertyByKey(key).isExperimental()) {
printConfLine(output, "default", key, dfault);
printed = true;
if (!defaults.containsKey(key) || !defaults.get(key).equals(siteVal)) {
printConfLine(output, "site", printed ? " @override" : key, siteVal == null ? "" : siteVal);
printed = true;
if (!siteConfig.containsKey(key) || !siteVal.equals(sysVal)) {
printConfLine(output, "system", printed ? " @override" : key, sysVal);
printed = true;
if (nspVal != null) {
if (!systemConfig.containsKey(key) || !sysVal.equals(nspVal)) {
printConfLine(output, "namespace", printed ? " @override" : key, nspVal);
printed = true;
// show per-table value only if it is different (overridden)
if (tableName != null && !curVal.equals(nspVal)) {
printConfLine(output, "table", printed ? " @override" : key, curVal);
} else if (namespace != null && !curVal.equals(sysVal)) {
printConfLine(output, "namespace", printed ? " @override" : key, curVal);
shellState.printLines(output.iterator(), !cl.hasOption(disablePaginationOpt.getOpt()), printFile);
if (printFile != null) {
return 0;
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ScanCommand method execute.
public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws Exception {
try (final PrintFile printFile = getOutputFile(cl)) {
final String tableName = OptUtil.getTableOpt(cl, shellState);
final Class<? extends Formatter> formatter = getFormatter(cl, tableName, shellState);
final ScanInterpreter interpeter = getInterpreter(cl, tableName, shellState);
String classLoaderContext = null;
if (cl.hasOption(contextOpt.getOpt())) {
classLoaderContext = cl.getOptionValue(contextOpt.getOpt());
// handle first argument, if present, the authorizations list to
// scan with
final Authorizations auths = getAuths(cl, shellState);
final Scanner scanner = shellState.getConnector().createScanner(tableName, auths);
if (null != classLoaderContext) {
// handle session-specific scan iterators
addScanIterators(shellState, cl, scanner, tableName);
// handle remaining optional arguments
scanner.setRange(getRange(cl, interpeter));
// handle columns
fetchColumns(cl, scanner, interpeter);
// set timeout
scanner.setTimeout(getTimeout(cl), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
setupSampling(tableName, cl, shellState, scanner);
// output the records
final FormatterConfig config = new FormatterConfig();
if (cl.hasOption(showFewOpt.getOpt())) {
final String showLength = cl.getOptionValue(showFewOpt.getOpt());
try {
final int length = Integer.parseInt(showLength);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
shellState.getReader().println("Arg must be an integer.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
shellState.getReader().println("Arg must be greater than one.");
printRecords(cl, shellState, config, scanner, formatter, printFile);
return 0;
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class GetSplitsCommand method execute.
public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws IOException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException {
final String tableName = OptUtil.getTableOpt(cl, shellState);
final String outputFile = cl.getOptionValue(outputFileOpt.getOpt());
final String m = cl.getOptionValue(maxSplitsOpt.getOpt());
final int maxSplits = m == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(m);
final boolean encode = cl.hasOption(base64Opt.getOpt());
final boolean verbose = cl.hasOption(verboseOpt.getOpt());
try (PrintLine p = outputFile == null ? new PrintShell(shellState.getReader()) : new PrintFile(outputFile)) {
if (!verbose) {
for (Text row : maxSplits > 0 ? shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().listSplits(tableName, maxSplits) : shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().listSplits(tableName)) {
p.print(encode(encode, row));
} else {
String systemTableToCheck = MetadataTable.NAME.equals(tableName) ? RootTable.NAME : MetadataTable.NAME;
final Scanner scanner = shellState.getConnector().createScanner(systemTableToCheck, Authorizations.EMPTY);
final Text start = new Text(shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().tableIdMap().get(tableName));
final Text end = new Text(start);
end.append(new byte[] { '<' }, 0, 1);
scanner.setRange(new Range(start, end));
for (Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator = scanner.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
final Entry<Key, Value> next =;
if (TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.hasColumns(next.getKey())) {
KeyExtent extent = new KeyExtent(next.getKey().getRow(), next.getValue());
final String pr = encode(encode, extent.getPrevEndRow());
final String er = encode(encode, extent.getEndRow());
final String line = String.format("%-26s (%s, %s%s", obscuredTabletName(extent), pr == null ? "-inf" : pr, er == null ? "+inf" : er, er == null ? ") Default Tablet " : "]");
return 0;
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class GrepCommand method execute.
public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws Exception {
try (final PrintFile printFile = getOutputFile(cl)) {
final String tableName = OptUtil.getTableOpt(cl, shellState);
if (cl.getArgList().isEmpty()) {
throw new MissingArgumentException("No terms specified");
final Class<? extends Formatter> formatter = getFormatter(cl, tableName, shellState);
final ScanInterpreter interpeter = getInterpreter(cl, tableName, shellState);
// handle first argument, if present, the authorizations list to
// scan with
int numThreads = 20;
if (cl.hasOption(numThreadsOpt.getOpt())) {
numThreads = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue(numThreadsOpt.getOpt()));
final Authorizations auths = getAuths(cl, shellState);
final BatchScanner scanner = shellState.getConnector().createBatchScanner(tableName, auths, numThreads);
scanner.setRanges(Collections.singletonList(getRange(cl, interpeter)));
scanner.setTimeout(getTimeout(cl), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
setupSampling(tableName, cl, shellState, scanner);
for (int i = 0; i < cl.getArgs().length; i++) {
setUpIterator(Integer.MAX_VALUE - cl.getArgs().length + i, "grep" + i, cl.getArgs()[i], scanner, cl);
try {
// handle columns
fetchColumns(cl, scanner, interpeter);
// output the records
final FormatterConfig config = new FormatterConfig();
printRecords(cl, shellState, config, scanner, formatter, printFile);
} finally {
return 0;