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Example 1 with PrintFile

use of in project accumulo by apache.

the class ConfigCommand method execute.

public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NamespaceNotFoundException {
    reader = shellState.getReader();
    final String tableName = cl.getOptionValue(tableOpt.getOpt());
    if (tableName != null && !shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(tableName)) {
        throw new TableNotFoundException(null, tableName, null);
    final String namespace = cl.getOptionValue(namespaceOpt.getOpt());
    if (namespace != null && !shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().exists(namespace)) {
        throw new NamespaceNotFoundException(null, namespace, null);
    if (cl.hasOption(deleteOpt.getOpt())) {
        // delete property from table
        String property = cl.getOptionValue(deleteOpt.getOpt());
        if (property.contains("=")) {
            throw new BadArgumentException("Invalid '=' operator in delete operation.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf('='));
        if (tableName != null) {
            if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
                Shell.log.warn("Invalid per-table property : " + property + ", still removing from zookeeper if it's there.");
            shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().removeProperty(tableName, property);
            Shell.log.debug("Successfully deleted table configuration option.");
        } else if (namespace != null) {
            if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
                Shell.log.warn("Invalid per-table property : " + property + ", still removing from zookeeper if it's there.");
            shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().removeProperty(namespace, property);
            Shell.log.debug("Successfully deleted namespace configuration option.");
        } else {
            if (!Property.isValidZooPropertyKey(property)) {
                Shell.log.warn("Invalid per-table property : " + property + ", still removing from zookeeper if it's there.");
            Shell.log.debug("Successfully deleted system configuration option");
    } else if (cl.hasOption(setOpt.getOpt())) {
        // set property on table
        String property = cl.getOptionValue(setOpt.getOpt()), value = null;
        if (!property.contains("=")) {
            throw new BadArgumentException("Missing '=' operator in set operation.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
        final String[] pair = property.split("=", 2);
        property = pair[0];
        value = pair[1];
        if (tableName != null) {
            if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
                throw new BadArgumentException("Invalid per-table property.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
            if (property.equals(Property.TABLE_DEFAULT_SCANTIME_VISIBILITY.getKey())) {
                // validate that it is a valid expression
                new ColumnVisibility(value);
            shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, property, value);
            Shell.log.debug("Successfully set table configuration option.");
        } else if (namespace != null) {
            if (!Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(property)) {
                throw new BadArgumentException("Invalid per-table property.", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
            if (property.equals(Property.TABLE_DEFAULT_SCANTIME_VISIBILITY.getKey())) {
                // validate that it is a valid expression
                new ColumnVisibility(value);
            shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().setProperty(namespace, property, value);
            Shell.log.debug("Successfully set table configuration option.");
        } else {
            if (!Property.isValidZooPropertyKey(property)) {
                throw new BadArgumentException("Property cannot be modified in zookeeper", fullCommand, fullCommand.indexOf(property));
            shellState.getConnector().instanceOperations().setProperty(property, value);
            Shell.log.debug("Successfully set system configuration option");
    } else {
        // display properties
        final TreeMap<String, String> systemConfig = new TreeMap<>();
        final String outputFile = cl.getOptionValue(outputFileOpt.getOpt());
        final PrintFile printFile = outputFile == null ? null : new PrintFile(outputFile);
        final TreeMap<String, String> siteConfig = new TreeMap<>();
        final TreeMap<String, String> defaults = new TreeMap<>();
        for (Entry<String, String> defaultEntry : DefaultConfiguration.getInstance()) {
            defaults.put(defaultEntry.getKey(), defaultEntry.getValue());
        final TreeMap<String, String> namespaceConfig = new TreeMap<>();
        if (tableName != null) {
            String n = Namespaces.getNamespaceName(shellState.getInstance(), Tables.getNamespaceId(shellState.getInstance(), Tables.getTableId(shellState.getInstance(), tableName)));
            for (Entry<String, String> e : shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().getProperties(n)) {
                namespaceConfig.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        Iterable<Entry<String, String>> acuconf = shellState.getConnector().instanceOperations().getSystemConfiguration().entrySet();
        if (tableName != null) {
            acuconf = shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().getProperties(tableName);
        } else if (namespace != null) {
            acuconf = shellState.getConnector().namespaceOperations().getProperties(namespace);
        final TreeMap<String, String> sortedConf = new TreeMap<>();
        for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : acuconf) {
            sortedConf.put(propEntry.getKey(), propEntry.getValue());
        for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : acuconf) {
            final String key = propEntry.getKey();
            // specified, or all of them if none specified
            if (cl.hasOption(filterOpt.getOpt()) && !key.contains(cl.getOptionValue(filterOpt.getOpt()))) {
            if ((tableName != null || namespace != null) && !Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(key)) {
            COL2 = Math.max(COL2, propEntry.getKey().length() + 3);
        final ArrayList<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry<String, String> propEntry : sortedConf.entrySet()) {
            final String key = propEntry.getKey();
            // specified, or all of them if none specified
            if (cl.hasOption(filterOpt.getOpt()) && !key.contains(cl.getOptionValue(filterOpt.getOpt()))) {
            if ((tableName != null || namespace != null) && !Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(key)) {
            String siteVal = siteConfig.get(key);
            String sysVal = systemConfig.get(key);
            String curVal = propEntry.getValue();
            String dfault = defaults.get(key);
            String nspVal = namespaceConfig.get(key);
            boolean printed = false;
            if (dfault != null && key.toLowerCase().contains("password")) {
                siteVal = sysVal = dfault = curVal = curVal.replaceAll(".", "*");
            if (sysVal != null) {
                if (defaults.containsKey(key) && !Property.getPropertyByKey(key).isExperimental()) {
                    printConfLine(output, "default", key, dfault);
                    printed = true;
                if (!defaults.containsKey(key) || !defaults.get(key).equals(siteVal)) {
                    printConfLine(output, "site", printed ? "   @override" : key, siteVal == null ? "" : siteVal);
                    printed = true;
                if (!siteConfig.containsKey(key) || !siteVal.equals(sysVal)) {
                    printConfLine(output, "system", printed ? "   @override" : key, sysVal);
                    printed = true;
            if (nspVal != null) {
                if (!systemConfig.containsKey(key) || !sysVal.equals(nspVal)) {
                    printConfLine(output, "namespace", printed ? "   @override" : key, nspVal);
                    printed = true;
            // show per-table value only if it is different (overridden)
            if (tableName != null && !curVal.equals(nspVal)) {
                printConfLine(output, "table", printed ? "   @override" : key, curVal);
            } else if (namespace != null && !curVal.equals(sysVal)) {
                printConfLine(output, "namespace", printed ? "   @override" : key, curVal);
        shellState.printLines(output.iterator(), !cl.hasOption(disablePaginationOpt.getOpt()), printFile);
        if (printFile != null) {
    return 0;
Also used : BadArgumentException(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.BadArgumentException) TableNotFoundException(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PrintFile( ColumnVisibility( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) NamespaceNotFoundException(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.NamespaceNotFoundException)

Example 2 with PrintFile

use of in project accumulo by apache.

the class ScanCommand method execute.

public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws Exception {
    try (final PrintFile printFile = getOutputFile(cl)) {
        final String tableName = OptUtil.getTableOpt(cl, shellState);
        final Class<? extends Formatter> formatter = getFormatter(cl, tableName, shellState);
        final ScanInterpreter interpeter = getInterpreter(cl, tableName, shellState);
        String classLoaderContext = null;
        if (cl.hasOption(contextOpt.getOpt())) {
            classLoaderContext = cl.getOptionValue(contextOpt.getOpt());
        // handle first argument, if present, the authorizations list to
        // scan with
        final Authorizations auths = getAuths(cl, shellState);
        final Scanner scanner = shellState.getConnector().createScanner(tableName, auths);
        if (null != classLoaderContext) {
        // handle session-specific scan iterators
        addScanIterators(shellState, cl, scanner, tableName);
        // handle remaining optional arguments
        scanner.setRange(getRange(cl, interpeter));
        // handle columns
        fetchColumns(cl, scanner, interpeter);
        // set timeout
        scanner.setTimeout(getTimeout(cl), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        setupSampling(tableName, cl, shellState, scanner);
        // output the records
        final FormatterConfig config = new FormatterConfig();
        if (cl.hasOption(showFewOpt.getOpt())) {
            final String showLength = cl.getOptionValue(showFewOpt.getOpt());
            try {
                final int length = Integer.parseInt(showLength);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                shellState.getReader().println("Arg must be an integer.");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                shellState.getReader().println("Arg must be greater than one.");
        printRecords(cl, shellState, config, scanner, formatter, printFile);
    return 0;
Also used : DefaultScanInterpreter(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.interpret.DefaultScanInterpreter) ScanInterpreter(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.interpret.ScanInterpreter) Scanner(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner) Authorizations( FormatterConfig(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.format.FormatterConfig) PrintFile(

Example 3 with PrintFile

use of in project accumulo by apache.

the class GetSplitsCommand method execute.

public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws IOException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException {
    final String tableName = OptUtil.getTableOpt(cl, shellState);
    final String outputFile = cl.getOptionValue(outputFileOpt.getOpt());
    final String m = cl.getOptionValue(maxSplitsOpt.getOpt());
    final int maxSplits = m == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(m);
    final boolean encode = cl.hasOption(base64Opt.getOpt());
    final boolean verbose = cl.hasOption(verboseOpt.getOpt());
    try (PrintLine p = outputFile == null ? new PrintShell(shellState.getReader()) : new PrintFile(outputFile)) {
        if (!verbose) {
            for (Text row : maxSplits > 0 ? shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().listSplits(tableName, maxSplits) : shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().listSplits(tableName)) {
                p.print(encode(encode, row));
        } else {
            String systemTableToCheck = MetadataTable.NAME.equals(tableName) ? RootTable.NAME : MetadataTable.NAME;
            final Scanner scanner = shellState.getConnector().createScanner(systemTableToCheck, Authorizations.EMPTY);
            final Text start = new Text(shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().tableIdMap().get(tableName));
            final Text end = new Text(start);
            end.append(new byte[] { '<' }, 0, 1);
            scanner.setRange(new Range(start, end));
            for (Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iterator = scanner.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
                final Entry<Key, Value> next =;
                if (TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.hasColumns(next.getKey())) {
                    KeyExtent extent = new KeyExtent(next.getKey().getRow(), next.getValue());
                    final String pr = encode(encode, extent.getPrevEndRow());
                    final String er = encode(encode, extent.getEndRow());
                    final String line = String.format("%-26s (%s, %s%s", obscuredTabletName(extent), pr == null ? "-inf" : pr, er == null ? "+inf" : er, er == null ? ") Default Tablet " : "]");
    return 0;
Also used : Scanner(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner) PrintShell( Text( Range( KeyExtent( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) PrintLine( Value( PrintFile( Key(

Example 4 with PrintFile

use of in project accumulo by apache.

the class GrepCommand method execute.

public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws Exception {
    try (final PrintFile printFile = getOutputFile(cl)) {
        final String tableName = OptUtil.getTableOpt(cl, shellState);
        if (cl.getArgList().isEmpty()) {
            throw new MissingArgumentException("No terms specified");
        final Class<? extends Formatter> formatter = getFormatter(cl, tableName, shellState);
        final ScanInterpreter interpeter = getInterpreter(cl, tableName, shellState);
        // handle first argument, if present, the authorizations list to
        // scan with
        int numThreads = 20;
        if (cl.hasOption(numThreadsOpt.getOpt())) {
            numThreads = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue(numThreadsOpt.getOpt()));
        final Authorizations auths = getAuths(cl, shellState);
        final BatchScanner scanner = shellState.getConnector().createBatchScanner(tableName, auths, numThreads);
        scanner.setRanges(Collections.singletonList(getRange(cl, interpeter)));
        scanner.setTimeout(getTimeout(cl), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        setupSampling(tableName, cl, shellState, scanner);
        for (int i = 0; i < cl.getArgs().length; i++) {
            setUpIterator(Integer.MAX_VALUE - cl.getArgs().length + i, "grep" + i, cl.getArgs()[i], scanner, cl);
        try {
            // handle columns
            fetchColumns(cl, scanner, interpeter);
            // output the records
            final FormatterConfig config = new FormatterConfig();
            printRecords(cl, shellState, config, scanner, formatter, printFile);
        } finally {
    return 0;
Also used : ScanInterpreter(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.interpret.ScanInterpreter) Authorizations( FormatterConfig(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.format.FormatterConfig) MissingArgumentException(org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException) BatchScanner(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner) PrintFile(


PrintFile ( Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 Scanner (org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner)2 Authorizations ( FormatterConfig (org.apache.accumulo.core.util.format.FormatterConfig)2 ScanInterpreter (org.apache.accumulo.core.util.interpret.ScanInterpreter)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 BatchScanner (org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner)1 NamespaceNotFoundException (org.apache.accumulo.core.client.NamespaceNotFoundException)1 TableNotFoundException (org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException)1 Key ( Range ( Value ( KeyExtent ( ColumnVisibility ( BadArgumentException (org.apache.accumulo.core.util.BadArgumentException)1 DefaultScanInterpreter (org.apache.accumulo.core.util.interpret.DefaultScanInterpreter)1 PrintLine ( PrintShell (