use of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.EndForEachNode in project airavata by apache.
the class InterpreterUtil method findInputFromPort.
public static Object findInputFromPort(DataPort inputPort) throws WorkflowException {
Object outputVal = null;
Node fromNode = inputPort.getFromNode();
if (fromNode instanceof InputNode) {
outputVal = ((InputNode) fromNode).getDefaultValue();
// } else if (fromNode instanceof ConstantNode) {
// outputVal = ((ConstantNode) fromNode).getValue();
// } else if (fromNode instanceof DifferedInputNode && ((DifferedInputNode) fromNode).isConfigured()) {
// outputVal = ((DifferedInputNode) fromNode).getDefaultValue();
// } else if (fromNode instanceof EndifNode || fromNode instanceof DoWhileNode || fromNode instanceof EndDoWhileNode) {
// Invoker fromInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
// outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getFromPort().getID());
// } else if (fromNode instanceof InstanceNode) {
// return ((InstanceNode) fromNode).getOutputInstanceId();
// } else if (fromNode instanceof EndForEachNode) {
// outputVal = "";
// Invoker workflowInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
// String outputName = "";
// if (inputPort instanceof SystemDataPort) {
// outputName = ((SystemDataPort) inputPort).getWSComponentPort().getName();
// } else if (inputPort instanceof WSPort) {
// outputName = ((SystemDataPort) fromNode.getInputPort(fromNode.getOutputPorts().indexOf(inputPort.getEdge(0).getFromPort())))
// .getWSComponentPort().getName();
// }
// XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER.parseFragmentFromString("<temp>" + workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName) + "</temp>");
// Iterator valItr = msgElmt.children().iterator();
// while (valItr.hasNext()) {
// Object object2 =;
// if (object2 instanceof XmlElement) {
// if (((XmlElement) object2).children().iterator().hasNext()) {
// outputVal = outputVal + StringUtil.DELIMETER + StringUtil.quoteString(((XmlElement) object2).children().iterator().next().toString());
// }
// }
// }
// if (((String) outputVal).length() == 0) {
// throw new WorkflowException("Empty Output Generated");
// }
// outputVal = ((String) outputVal).substring(1, ((String) outputVal).length());
// } else {
// Invoker fromInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
// try {
// if (fromInvoker != null)
// outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getFromPort().getName());
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // if the value is still null look it up from the inputport name
// // because the value is set to the input port name at some point
// // there is no harm in doing this
// if (null == outputVal) {
// outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getName());
// }
// }
return outputVal;
use of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.EndForEachNode in project airavata by apache.
the class XBayaUtil method findEndForEachFor.
* @param node
* @return
public static Node findEndForEachFor(ForEachNode node) {
Collection<Node> toNodes = node.getOutputPort(0).getToNodes();
if (toNodes.size() != 1) {
throw new WorkflowRuntimeException("ForEach output does not contain single out-edge");
Node middleNode = toNodes.iterator().next();
List<DataPort> outputPorts = middleNode.getOutputPorts();
for (DataPort dataPort : outputPorts) {
if (dataPort.getToNodes().size() == 1) {
Node possibleEndForEachNode = dataPort.getToNodes().get(0);
if (possibleEndForEachNode instanceof EndForEachNode) {
return possibleEndForEachNode;
throw new WorkflowRuntimeException("EndForEachNode not found");
use of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.EndForEachNode in project airavata by apache.
the class WSPort method copyType.
* @see org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.DataPort#copyType(org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.DataPort)
public void copyType(DataPort port) throws GraphException {
DataType newType = port.getType();
DataType type = getType();
NodeImpl node = port.getNode();
if (node instanceof ForEachNode || node instanceof EndForEachNode) {
// from WSDL.
if (!(newType == null || newType.equals(WSConstants.XSD_ANY_TYPE) || type == null || type.equals(WSConstants.XSD_ANY_TYPE) || newType.equals(type))) {
String message = "The type (" + newType + ") must be same as the type " + " (" + type + ") of " + getID() + ".";
throw new GraphException(message);
use of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.EndForEachNode in project airavata by apache.
the class BPELScript method removeUnnecessaryNodes.
// private GpelSequence createMainSequence() throws GraphException {
// GpelSequence sequence = new GpelSequence(this.bpelNS);
// // Remove InputNodes and MemoNodes.
// removeUnnecessaryNodes(this.remainNodes);
// addInitialReceive(sequence);
// addBlock(this.remainNodes, sequence);
// addFinalReply(sequence);
// if (this.remainNodes.size() > 0) {
// throw new GraphException("Some node(s) are not connected.");
// }
// return sequence;
// }
// private void addInitialReceive(GpelSequence sequence) {
// // Create a partner link
// String partnerLinkName = WORKFLOW_PARTNER_LINK;
// XmlNamespace partnerLinkTypeNS = this.workflowWSDL.getTargetNamespace();
// String partnerLinkTypeName = this.workflowPrefix + PARTNER_LINK_TYPE_SUFFIX;
// String myRollName = this.workflowPrefix + MY_ROLE_SUFFIX;
// this.process.addPartnerLink(partnerLinkName, partnerLinkTypeNS, partnerLinkTypeName, myRollName, null);
// this.workflowWSDL.addPartnerLinkTypeAndRoll(partnerLinkTypeName, myRollName,
// this.workflowWSDL.getPortTypeQName());
// // Create a variable
// this.process.addMessageVariable(WORKFLOW_INPUT_NAME, this.targetNamespace,
// this.workflowWSDL.getWorkflowInputMessageName());
// GpelReceive receive = new GpelReceive(this.bpelNS, WORKFLOW_PARTNER_LINK, this.workflowWSDL.getPortTypeQName(),
// this.workflowWSDL.getWorkflowOperationName());
// receive.setGpelVariableName(WORKFLOW_INPUT_NAME);
// sequence.addActivity(receive);
// }
// private void addFinalReply(GpelSequence sequence) throws GraphException {
// // Create a variable
// this.process.addMessageVariable(WORKFLOW_OUTPUT_NAME, this.targetNamespace,
// this.workflowWSDL.getWorkflowOutputMessageName());
// List<GpelAssignCopy> copies = new ArrayList<GpelAssignCopy>();
// List<OutputNode> outputNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, OutputNode.class);
// this.remainNodes.removeAll(outputNodes);
// for (OutputNode outputNode : outputNodes) {
// Port port = outputNode.getPort();
// GpelAssignCopyFrom from = createAssignCopyFrom(port);
// GpelAssignCopyTo to = createAssignCopyTo(port, false);
// copies.add(new GpelAssignCopy(this.bpelNS, from, to));
// }
// if (copies.size() != 0) {
// // When there is no outputs, we don't create assign.
// GpelAssign assign = new GpelAssign(this.bpelNS, copies);
// sequence.addActivity(assign);
// }
// GpelReply reply = new GpelReply(this.bpelNS, WORKFLOW_PARTNER_LINK, this.workflowWSDL.getPortTypeQName(),
// this.workflowWSDL.getWorkflowOperationName());
// reply.setVariableName(WORKFLOW_OUTPUT_NAME);
// sequence.addActivity(reply);
// }
// /**
// * @param block
// * @param sequence
// * @throws GraphException
// */
// private void addBlock(Collection<Node> block, GpelSequence sequence) throws GraphException {
// List<Node> nextNodes = getNextExecutableNodes(block);
// while (nextNodes.size() > 0) {
// block.removeAll(nextNodes);
// removeUnnecessaryNodes(nextNodes);
// if (nextNodes.size() == 0) {
// // Everything was uncessary nodes (constants, etc.). Move on.
// } else if (nextNodes.size() == 1) {
// addSingle(nextNodes.get(0), block, sequence);
// } else if (nextNodes.size() > 1) {
// // XXX The algorithm used here is not efficient. It introduces
// // unnessary barriers.
// addFlow(nextNodes, block, sequence);
// } else {
// // Should not happen.
// throw new WorkflowRuntimeException("nextNodes.size(): " + nextNodes.size());
// }
// nextNodes = getNextExecutableNodes(block);
// }
// }
// private void addFlow(List<Node> nextNodes, Collection<Node> block, GpelSequence sequence) throws GraphException {
// GpelFlow flow = new GpelFlow(this.bpelNS);
// for (Node node : nextNodes) {
// GpelSequence childSequence = new GpelSequence(this.bpelNS);
// flow.addActivity(childSequence);
// addSingle(node, block, childSequence);
// }
// sequence.addActivity(flow);
// }
// // TODO: Add xml to BPEL
// private void addSingle(Node node, Collection<Node> block, GpelSequence sequence) throws GraphException {
// logger.debug("Processing + " + node.getID());
// if (node instanceof WSNode) {
// addInvoke((WSNode) node, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof ConstantNode) {
// // nothing
// } else if (node instanceof ForEachNode) {
// addForEach((ForEachNode) node, block, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof EndForEachNode) {
// // nothing.
// } else if (node instanceof IfNode) {
// addIf((IfNode) node, block, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof EndifNode) {
// // nothing
// } else if (node instanceof ReceiveNode) {
// addReceive((ReceiveNode) node, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof BlockNode) {
// addBlock((BlockNode) node, block, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof EndBlockNode) {
// // nothing
// } else if (node instanceof StreamSourceNode) {
// addStreamSource((StreamSourceNode) node, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof ExitNode) {
// addExit((ExitNode) node, sequence);
// } else if (node instanceof ResourceNode) {
// // nothing
// } else {
// throw new GraphException(node.getClass().getName() + " is not supported.");
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param node
// * @param sequence
// */
// private void addStreamSource(StreamSourceNode node, GpelSequence sequence) {
// GpelFlow flow = new GpelFlow(this.bpelNS);
// new GpelSequence(this.bpelNS);
// sequence.addActivity(flow);
// }
// /**
// * @param node
// * @param sequence
// */
// private void addExit(ExitNode node, GpelSequence sequence) {
// sequence.xml().addElement(this.bpelNS, "exit");
// }
// private void addInvoke(WSNode node, GpelSequence sequence) throws GraphException {
// String id = node.getID();
// WSComponent wsdlComponent = node.getComponent();
// String operation = wsdlComponent.getOperationName();
// QName portTypeQName = wsdlComponent.getPortTypeQName();
// XmlNamespace namespace = XMLUtil.declareNamespaceIfNecessary(id.toLowerCase(), portTypeQName.getNamespaceURI(),
// false, this.process.xml());
// // Variable
// String inputVariableName = id + INPUT_SUFFIX;
// this.process.addMessageVariable(inputVariableName, namespace, portTypeQName.getLocalPart());
// String outputVariableName = id + OUTPUT_SUFFIX;
// this.process.addMessageVariable(outputVariableName, namespace, portTypeQName.getLocalPart());
// // Assign
// List<GpelAssignCopy> copies = new ArrayList<GpelAssignCopy>();
// for (Port port : node.getInputPorts()) {
// Port fromPort = port.getFromPort();
// if (fromPort == null) {
// // optional input
// continue;
// }
// GpelAssignCopyFrom from = createAssignCopyFrom(port);
// GpelAssignCopyTo to = createAssignCopyTo(port, true);
// GpelAssignCopy copy = new GpelAssignCopy(this.bpelNS, from, to);
// copies.add(copy);
// }
// GpelAssign assign = new GpelAssign(this.bpelNS, copies);
// sequence.addActivity(assign);
// PartnerLinkRole partnerRoll = this.workflowWSDL.getPartnerRoll(portTypeQName);
// if (partnerRoll == null) {
// String partnerLinkTypeName = id + PARTNER_LINK_TYPE_SUFFIX;
// String partnerRollName = id + PARTNER_ROLE_SUFFIX;
// partnerRoll = this.workflowWSDL.addPartnerLinkTypeAndRoll(partnerLinkTypeName, partnerRollName,
// portTypeQName);
// }
// PartnerLinkType partnerLinkType = partnerRoll.getPartnerLinkType();
// // partnerLink
// String partnerLinkName = createPartnerLinkName(id);
// XmlNamespace partnerLinkTypeNS = this.targetNamespace;
// this.process.addPartnerLink(partnerLinkName, partnerLinkTypeNS, partnerLinkType.getName(), null,
// partnerRoll.getName());
// // Invoke
// GpelInvoke invoke = new GpelInvoke(this.bpelNS, partnerLinkName, namespace, portTypeQName.getLocalPart(),
// operation);
// invoke.setName(INVOKE_NAME_PREFIX + id);
// invoke.setInputVariableName(inputVariableName);
// invoke.setOutputVariableName(outputVariableName);
// sequence.addActivity(invoke);
// }
// /**
// * Creates BpelAssignCopyFrom for a specified port.
// *
// * @param port
// * @return The BpelAssignCopyFrom created
// * @throws GraphException
// */
// private GpelAssignCopyFrom createAssignCopyFrom(Port port) throws GraphException {
// GpelAssignCopyFrom from = new GpelAssignCopyFrom(this.bpelNS);
// Port fromPort = port.getFromPort();
// Node fromNode = fromPort.getNode();
// if (fromNode instanceof InputNode) {
// from.setVariable(WORKFLOW_INPUT_NAME);
// from.setPart(WorkflowWSDL.INPUT_PART_NAME);
// from.setQuery("/" + this.typesNamespace.getPrefix() + ":"
// + this.workflowWSDL.getWorkflowInputMessageElelmentName() + "/" + fromNode.getID());
// } else if (fromNode instanceof ConstantNode) {
// ConstantNode constNode = (ConstantNode) fromNode;
// Object value = constNode.getValue();
// // The namaspace and name of the literal element will be set
// // correctly in from.setLiteral().
// XmlElement literalElement = XMLUtil.BUILDER.newFragment(GpelAssignCopyFrom.LITERAL_EL);
// literalElement.addChild(value);
// from.setLiteral(literalElement);
// } else if (fromNode instanceof WSNode) {
// String fromID = fromNode.getID();
// WSComponent fromWsdlComponent = (WSComponent) fromNode.getComponent();
// WSComponentPort fromWsdlPort = (WSComponentPort) fromPort.getComponentPort();
// from.setVariable(fromID + OUTPUT_SUFFIX);
// from.setPart(fromWsdlComponent.getOutputPartName());
// if (fromWsdlPort.isSchemaUsed()) {
// String typesTargetNamespace = fromWsdlPort.getTargetNamespace();
// XmlNamespace namespace = XMLUtil.declareNamespaceIfNecessary(fromID.toLowerCase() + TYPENS_SUFFIX,
// typesTargetNamespace, false, this.process.xml());
// from.setQuery("/" + namespace.getPrefix() + ":" + fromWsdlComponent.getOutputTypeName() + "/"
// + fromWsdlPort.getName());
// } else {
// // No query needed?
// }
// } else if (fromNode instanceof ForEachNode) {
// from.setVariable(fromNode.getID() + FOREACH_VALUE_SUFFIX);
// } else if (fromNode instanceof EndForEachNode) {
// from.setVariable(fromNode.getID() + ARRAY_SUFIX);
// } else if (fromNode instanceof EndifNode) {
// // endif has multiple outputs, so we use port ID here.
// from.setVariable(fromPort.getID() + OUTPUT_SUFFIX);
// } else if (fromNode instanceof ReceiveNode) {
// if (fromPort instanceof EPRPort) {
// from.setPartnerLink(fromNode.getID() + PARTNER_LINK_NAME_SUFFIX);
// from.setEndpointReference("myRole");
// } else {
// from.setVariable(fromNode.getID() + INPUT_SUFFIX);
// }
// } else if (fromNode instanceof InstanceNode) {
// // no op
// } else {
// throw new GraphException("Unexpected node," + fromNode.getClass().getName() + " is connected");
// }
// return from;
// }
// /**
// * Creates BpelAssignCopyFrom for a specified port.
// *
// * @param toPort
// * @param input
// * @return The GpelAssignCopyTo created
// */
// private GpelAssignCopyTo createAssignCopyTo(Port toPort, boolean input) {
// GpelAssignCopyTo to = new GpelAssignCopyTo(this.bpelNS);
// Node toNode = toPort.getNode();
// if (toNode instanceof OutputNode) {
// to.setVariable(WORKFLOW_OUTPUT_NAME);
// to.setPart(WorkflowWSDL.OUTPUT_PART_NAME);
// to.setQuery("/" + this.typesNamespace.getPrefix() + ":"
// + this.workflowWSDL.getWorkflowOutputMessageElementName() + "/" + toNode.getID());
// } else {
// WSComponentPort toComponentPort = (WSComponentPort) toPort.getComponentPort();
// String toID = toNode.getID();
// WSComponent toWSComponent = (WSComponent) toNode.getComponent();
// to.setVariable(toID + INPUT_SUFFIX);
// to.setPart(toWSComponent.getInputPartName());
// if (toComponentPort.isSchemaUsed()) {
// // Normal case.
// // e.g. <part name="name" type="typens:fooType">
// String typesTargetNamespace = toComponentPort.getTargetNamespace();
// XmlNamespace namespace = XMLUtil.declareNamespaceIfNecessary(toID.toLowerCase() + TYPENS_SUFFIX,
// typesTargetNamespace, false, this.process.xml());
// String typeName = input ? toWSComponent.getInputTypeName() : toWSComponent.getOutputTypeName();
// to.setQuery("/" + namespace.getPrefix() + ":" + typeName + "/" + toComponentPort.getName());
// } else {
// // e.g. <part name="name" type="xsd:string">
// // No query is needed?
// }
// }
// return to;
// }
private void removeUnnecessaryNodes(List<Node> block) {
List<Node> unnecessaryNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (Node node : block) {
if (node instanceof InputNode || node instanceof MemoNode || node instanceof ConstantNode) {
use of org.apache.airavata.workflow.model.graph.system.EndForEachNode in project airavata by apache.
the class BPELScript method validate.
* @param warnings
* returns the warning messages.
* @return true if the workflow is valid; false otherwise.
public boolean validate(List<String> warnings) {
// Empty
if (this.graph.getNodes().size() == 0) {
String message = "The workflow is empty.";
// Input ports need to be connected.
Collection<Port> inputPorts = GraphUtil.getPorts(this.graph, Port.Kind.DATA_IN);
for (Port inputPort : inputPorts) {
ComponentPort componentPort = inputPort.getComponentPort();
if (componentPort instanceof WSComponentPort) {
WSComponentPort wsComponentPort = (WSComponentPort) componentPort;
if (wsComponentPort.isOptional()) {
// optional input.
Collection<Port> fromPorts = inputPort.getFromPorts();
if (fromPorts.size() == 0) {
Node node = inputPort.getNode();
String message = node.getID() + " has an unconnected input " + inputPort.getName();
// Input nodes need to be connected.
List<InputNode> inputNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, InputNode.class);
for (InputNode inputNode : inputNodes) {
if (inputNode.getPort().getToPorts().size() == 0) {
String message = inputNode.getID() + " is not connected to any service.";
// Cycle
if (GraphUtil.containsCycle(this.graph)) {
String message = "There is a cycle in the workflow.";
// XXX bypass some checks for debugging.
String debug = System.getProperty("xbaya.debug");
if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(debug)) {
// split/merge are not supported.
List<ForEachNode> splitNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, ForEachNode.class);
List<EndForEachNode> mergeNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, EndForEachNode.class);
if (splitNodes.size() > 0 || mergeNodes.size() > 0) {
String message = "Split/merge are not supported yet.";
// block are not supported.
List<BlockNode> blockNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, BlockNode.class);
List<EndBlockNode> endBlockNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph, EndBlockNode.class);
if (blockNodes.size() > 0 || endBlockNodes.size() > 0) {
String message = "Blocks/EndBlocks are not supported yet.";
// // receive is not supported.
// List<ReceiveNode> receiveNodes = GraphUtil.getNodes(this.graph,
// ReceiveNode.class);
// if (receiveNodes.size() > 0) {
// String message = "Receive is not supported yet.";
// warnings.add(message);
// }
if (warnings.size() > 0) {
return false;
} else {
// No error.
return true;