use of org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionComparator in project archiva by apache.
the class MetadataToolsTest method assertSnapshotVersions.
private void assertSnapshotVersions(String artifactId, String version, String[] expectedVersions) throws Exception {
Path repoRootDir = Paths.get("src/test/repositories/metadata-repository");
VersionedReference reference = new VersionedReference();
MavenManagedRepository repo = createRepository("test-repo", "Test Repository: " + name.getMethodName(), repoRootDir);
RepositoryContentProvider provider = applicationContext.getBean("repositoryContentProvider#maven", RepositoryContentProvider.class);
ManagedRepositoryContent repoContent = provider.createManagedContent(repo);
Set<String> testedVersionSet = tools.gatherSnapshotVersions(repoContent, reference);
// Sort the list (for asserts)
List<String> testedVersions = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(testedVersions, new VersionComparator());
// Test the expected array of versions, to the actual tested versions
assertEquals("Assert Snapshot Versions: length/size", expectedVersions.length, testedVersions.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedVersions.length; i++) {
String actualVersion = testedVersions.get(i);
assertEquals("Snapshot Versions[" + i + "]", expectedVersions[i], actualVersion);
use of org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionComparator in project archiva by apache.
the class MetadataTools method updateMetadata.
* Update the metadata based on the following rules.
* <p>
* 1) If this is a SNAPSHOT reference, then utilize the proxy/repository specific
* metadata files to represent the current / latest SNAPSHOT available.
* 2) If this is a RELEASE reference, and the metadata file does not exist, then
* create the metadata file with contents required of the VersionedReference
* @param managedRepository the managed repository where the metadata is kept.
* @param reference the versioned reference to update
* @throws LayoutException
* @throws RepositoryMetadataException
* @throws IOException
* @throws ContentNotFoundException
* @deprecated
public void updateMetadata(ManagedRepositoryContent managedRepository, VersionedReference reference) throws LayoutException, RepositoryMetadataException, IOException, ContentNotFoundException {
Path metadataFile = Paths.get(managedRepository.getRepoRoot(), toPath(reference));
long lastUpdated = getExistingLastUpdated(metadataFile);
ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = new ArchivaRepositoryMetadata();
if (VersionUtil.isSnapshot(reference.getVersion())) {
// Do SNAPSHOT handling.
// Gather up all of the versions found in the reference dir, and any
// proxied maven-metadata.xml files.
Set<String> snapshotVersions = gatherSnapshotVersions(managedRepository, reference);
if (snapshotVersions.isEmpty()) {
throw new ContentNotFoundException("No snapshot versions found on reference [" + VersionedReference.toKey(reference) + "].");
// sort the list to determine to aide in determining the Latest version.
List<String> sortedVersions = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(sortedVersions, new VersionComparator());
String latestVersion = sortedVersions.get(sortedVersions.size() - 1);
if (VersionUtil.isUniqueSnapshot(latestVersion)) {
// The latestVersion will contain the full version string "1.0-alpha-5-20070821.213044-8"
// This needs to be broken down into ${base}-${timestamp}-${build_number}
Matcher m = VersionUtil.UNIQUE_SNAPSHOT_PATTERN.matcher(latestVersion);
if (m.matches()) {
metadata.setSnapshotVersion(new SnapshotVersion());
int buildNumber = NumberUtils.toInt(, -1);
Matcher mtimestamp = VersionUtil.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN.matcher(;
if (mtimestamp.matches()) {
String tsDate =;
String tsTime =;
long snapshotLastUpdated = toLastUpdatedLong(tsDate + tsTime);
lastUpdated = Math.max(lastUpdated, snapshotLastUpdated);
} else if (VersionUtil.isGenericSnapshot(latestVersion)) {
// The latestVersion ends with the generic version string.
// Example: 1.0-alpha-5-SNAPSHOT
metadata.setSnapshotVersion(new SnapshotVersion());
/* Disabled due to decision in [MRM-535].
* Do not set metadata.lastUpdated to file.lastModified.
* Should this be the last updated timestamp of the file, or in the case of an
* archive, the most recent timestamp in the archive?
ArtifactReference artifact = getFirstArtifact( managedRepository, reference );
if ( artifact == null )
throw new IOException( "Not snapshot artifact found to reference in " + reference );
File artifactFile = managedRepository.toFile( artifact );
if ( artifactFile.exists() )
Date lastModified = new Date( artifactFile.lastModified() );
metadata.setLastUpdatedTimestamp( lastModified );
} else {
throw new RepositoryMetadataException("Unable to process snapshot version <" + latestVersion + "> reference <" + reference + ">");
} else {
// Do RELEASE handling.
// Set last updated
if (lastUpdated > 0) {
// Save the metadata model to disk.
RepositoryMetadataWriter.write(metadata, metadataFile);
ChecksummedFile checksum = new ChecksummedFile(metadataFile);
use of org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionComparator in project archiva by apache.
the class ManagedDefaultRepositoryContentTest method assertVersions.
private void assertVersions(String artifactId, String version, String[] expectedVersions) throws Exception {
VersionedReference reference = new VersionedReference();
// Use the test metadata-repository, which is already setup for
// These kind of version tests.
Path repoDir = Paths.get("src/test/repositories/metadata-repository");
((EditableManagedRepository) repoContent.getRepository()).setLocation(repoDir.toAbsolutePath().toUri());
// Request the versions.
Set<String> testedVersionSet = repoContent.getVersions(reference);
// Sort the list (for asserts later)
List<String> testedVersions = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(testedVersions, new VersionComparator());
// Test the expected array of versions, to the actual tested versions
assertEquals("Assert Versions: length/size", expectedVersions.length, testedVersions.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedVersions.length; i++) {
String actualVersion = testedVersions.get(i);
assertEquals("Versions[" + i + "]", expectedVersions[i], actualVersion);
use of org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionComparator in project archiva by apache.
the class ManagedDefaultRepositoryContentTest method assertGetVersions.
private void assertGetVersions(String artifactId, List<String> expectedVersions) throws Exception {
ProjectReference reference = new ProjectReference();
// Use the test metadata-repository, which is already setup for
// These kind of version tests.
Path repoDir = Paths.get("src/test/repositories/metadata-repository");
((EditableManagedRepository) repoContent.getRepository()).setLocation(repoDir.toAbsolutePath().toUri());
// Request the versions.
Set<String> testedVersionSet = repoContent.getVersions(reference);
// Sort the list (for asserts)
List<String> testedVersions = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(testedVersions, new VersionComparator());
// Test the expected array of versions, to the actual tested versions
assertEquals("available versions", expectedVersions, testedVersions);