use of org.apache.aries.subsystem.AriesSubsystem in project aries by apache.
the class Aries1429Test method testMissingParentChildEdgeNotTolerated.
public void testMissingParentChildEdgeNotTolerated() throws Exception {
Subsystem applicationA = installSubsystemFromFile(APPLICATION_A);
try {
try {
((AriesSubsystem) applicationA).addRequirements(Collections.singletonList((Requirement) new TestRequirement.Builder().namespace(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE).attribute(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, "org.osgi.framework").build()));
fail("No exception received");
} catch (SubsystemException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
assertNotNull("Wrong cause", cause);
assertEquals("Wrong cause", IllegalStateException.class, cause.getClass());
} finally {
use of org.apache.aries.subsystem.AriesSubsystem in project aries by apache.
the class AriesSubsystemTest method testInstallIDirectory.
public void testInstallIDirectory() {
File file = new File(COMPOSITE_A);
IDirectory directory = FileSystem.getFSRoot(file);
try {
AriesSubsystem compositeA = getRootAriesSubsystem().install(COMPOSITE_A, directory);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Installation from IDirectory should have succeeded");
use of org.apache.aries.subsystem.AriesSubsystem in project aries by apache.
the class AriesSubsystemTest method testAddRequirementWithVisibleBundleNamespace.
* Aries Subsystems uses Equinox Region Digraph as its isolation engine.
* Digraph has a "special" namespace value that tells the region to allow
* everything a bundle offers. This test ensures that a correctly formatted
* requirement in that namespace works as expected.
public void testAddRequirementWithVisibleBundleNamespace() throws Exception {
Requirement requirement = new BasicRequirement.Builder().namespace(RegionFilter.VISIBLE_BUNDLE_NAMESPACE).directive(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, "(id=0)").resource(EasyMock.createMock(Resource.class)).build();
AriesSubsystem compositeA = (AriesSubsystem) installSubsystemFromFile(COMPOSITE_A);
try {
// Test that the installation of applicationA fails.
try {
installSubsystemFromFile(compositeA, APPLICATION_A);
fail("Subsystem should not have installed due to unresolved org.osgi.framework package requirement");
} catch (SubsystemException e) {
// Okay.
// Add the requirement with the region digraph specific namespace.
// Test that the installation and startup of applicationA succeeds.
AriesSubsystem applicationA;
try {
applicationA = (AriesSubsystem) installSubsystemFromFile(compositeA, APPLICATION_A);
} catch (SubsystemException e) {
fail("Subsystem should have installed and started");
} finally {
use of org.apache.aries.subsystem.AriesSubsystem in project aries by apache.
the class AriesSubsystemTest method testAddRequirementsKeepsEdgesOtherThanParentChild.
* The region copy process when adding additional requirements should
* keep all edges, not just the ones running between parent and child. This
* is of particular concern with regard to the connections all subsystem
* regions have with the root region to allow the subsystem services
* through. However, it may also be of concern if the region digraph is
* modified outside of the subsystems API.
public void testAddRequirementsKeepsEdgesOtherThanParentChild() throws Exception {
AriesSubsystem compositeA = (AriesSubsystem) installSubsystemFromFile(COMPOSITE_A);
try {
AriesSubsystem applicationB = (AriesSubsystem) getConstituentAsSubsystem(compositeA, APPLICATION_B, null, SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION);
Region bRegion = getRegion(applicationB);
// One edge to parent for import package. One edge to root for subsystem
// service.
assertEquals("Wrong number of edges", 2, bRegion.getEdges().size());
Requirement requirement = new BasicRequirement.Builder().namespace(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE).directive(PackageNamespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, "(osgi.wiring.package=org.osgi.framework)").resource(EasyMock.createMock(Resource.class)).build();
bRegion = getRegion(applicationB);
// Still one edge to parent for import package. One edge to root for
// subsystem service.
assertEquals("Wrong number of edges", 2, bRegion.getEdges().size());
Region rootRegion = getRegion(getRootSubsystem());
// The root region won't be the tail region for any connection unless
// manually added.
assertEquals("Wrong number of edges", 0, rootRegion.getEdges().size());
// Manually add a connection from root to application B.
rootRegion.connectRegion(bRegion, rootRegion.getRegionDigraph().createRegionFilterBuilder().allow("", "(bar=b)").build());
// The root region should now have an edge.
assertEquals("Wrong number of edges", 1, rootRegion.getEdges().size());
// Add another requirement to force a copy.
requirement = new BasicRequirement.Builder().namespace(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE).directive(PackageNamespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, "(osgi.wiring.package=org.osgi.framework.wiring)").resource(EasyMock.createMock(Resource.class)).build();
rootRegion = getRegion(getRootSubsystem());
// The root region should still have its edge.
assertEquals("Wrong number of edges", 1, rootRegion.getEdges().size());
bRegion = getRegion(applicationB);
// Still one edge to parent for import package. One edge to root for
// subsystem service.
assertEquals("Wrong number of edges", 2, bRegion.getEdges().size());
} finally {
use of org.apache.aries.subsystem.AriesSubsystem in project aries by apache.
the class AriesSubsystemTest method testAddRequirements.
* Test the AriesSubsystem.addRequirements(Collection<Requirement>) method.
* There are several things to consider for this test.
* (1) Installing a child subsystem before the requirement has been added
* should fail.
* (2) Installing a child subsystem after the requirement has been added
* should succeed.
* (3) The newly created region should contain all of the bundles from the
* old one.
* (4) The connections between the subsystem with the added requirement and
* its parents should be reestablished.
* (5) The connections between the subsystem with the added requirement and
* its children should be reestablished.
public void testAddRequirements() throws Exception {
AriesSubsystem compositeA = (AriesSubsystem) installSubsystemFromFile(COMPOSITE_A);
try {
// Test that the installation of applicationA fails.
try {
installSubsystemFromFile(compositeA, APPLICATION_A);
fail("Subsystem should not have installed due to unresolved org.osgi.framework package requirement");
} catch (SubsystemException e) {
// Okay.
// Add the org.osgi.framework package requirement.
Requirement requirement = new BasicRequirement.Builder().namespace(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE).directive(PackageNamespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, "(osgi.wiring.package=org.osgi.framework)").resource(EasyMock.createMock(Resource.class)).build();
// Test that the bundles were copied over to the newly created region.
// Test that the parent connections were reestablished.
assertRefreshAndResolve(Collections.singletonList(getConstituentAsBundle(compositeA, BUNDLE_B, null, null)));
// Test that the child connections were reestablished.
assertRefreshAndResolve(Collections.singletonList(getConstituentAsBundle(getConstituentAsSubsystem(compositeA, APPLICATION_B, null, SubsystemConstants.SUBSYSTEM_TYPE_APPLICATION), BUNDLE_B, null, null)));
// Test that the installation of applicationA succeeds.
AriesSubsystem applicationA;
try {
applicationA = (AriesSubsystem) installSubsystemFromFile(compositeA, APPLICATION_A);
} catch (SubsystemException e) {
fail("Subsystem should have installed and started");
} finally {