use of org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause in project asterixdb by apache.
the class SqlppDeleteRewriteVisitor method visit.
public Void visit(DeleteStatement deleteStmt, Void visitArg) {
List<Expression> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
Identifier dataverseName = deleteStmt.getDataverseName();
Identifier datasetName = deleteStmt.getDatasetName();
String arg = dataverseName == null ? datasetName.getValue() : dataverseName.getValue() + "." + datasetName.getValue();
LiteralExpr argumentLiteral = new LiteralExpr(new StringLiteral(arg));
CallExpr callExpression = new CallExpr(new FunctionSignature(FunctionConstants.ASTERIX_NS, "dataset", 1), arguments);
// From clause.
VariableExpr var = deleteStmt.getVariableExpr();
FromTerm fromTerm = new FromTerm(callExpression, var, null, null);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FromClause fromClause = new FromClause(Collections.singletonList(fromTerm));
// Where clause.
WhereClause whereClause = null;
Expression condition = deleteStmt.getCondition();
if (condition != null) {
whereClause = new WhereClause(condition);
// Select clause.
VariableExpr returnExpr = new VariableExpr(var.getVar());
SelectElement selectElement = new SelectElement(returnExpr);
SelectClause selectClause = new SelectClause(selectElement, null, false);
// Construct the select expression.
SelectBlock selectBlock = new SelectBlock(selectClause, fromClause, null, whereClause, null, null, null);
SelectSetOperation selectSetOperation = new SelectSetOperation(new SetOperationInput(selectBlock, null), null);
SelectExpression selectExpression = new SelectExpression(null, selectSetOperation, null, null, false);
Query query = new Query(false, false, selectExpression, 0);
// return the delete statement.
return null;
use of org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause in project asterixdb by apache.
the class CloneAndSubstituteVariablesVisitor method visit.
public Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> visit(WhereClause wc, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment env) throws CompilationException {
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> p1 = wc.getWhereExpr().accept(this, env);
WhereClause newW = new WhereClause((Expression) p1.first);
return new Pair<>(newW, p1.second);
use of org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ClauseComparator method mergeConsecutiveWhereClauses.
// Merge consecutive "where" clauses.
private void mergeConsecutiveWhereClauses(List<Clause> clauses) throws CompilationException {
List<Clause> results = new ArrayList<Clause>();
int size = clauses.size();
for (int index = 0; index < size; ) {
Clause clause = clauses.get(index);
if (clause.getClauseType() != ClauseType.WHERE_CLAUSE) {
} else {
List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
Clause firstWhereClause = clause;
do {
WhereClause whereClause = (WhereClause) clause;
if (++index >= size) {
clause = clauses.get(index);
} while (clause.getClauseType() == ClauseType.WHERE_CLAUSE);
if (expressions.size() > 1) {
OperatorExpr newWhereExpr = new OperatorExpr();
for (int operatorIndex = 0; operatorIndex < expressions.size(); ++operatorIndex) {
results.add(new WhereClause(newWhereExpr));
} else {
use of org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AqlDeleteRewriteVisitor method visit.
public Void visit(DeleteStatement deleteStmt, Void visitArg) {
List<Expression> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
Identifier dataverseName = deleteStmt.getDataverseName();
Identifier datasetName = deleteStmt.getDatasetName();
String arg = dataverseName == null ? datasetName.getValue() : dataverseName.getValue() + "." + datasetName.getValue();
LiteralExpr argumentLiteral = new LiteralExpr(new StringLiteral(arg));
CallExpr callExpression = new CallExpr(new FunctionSignature(FunctionConstants.ASTERIX_NS, "dataset", 1), arguments);
List<Clause> clauseList = new ArrayList<>();
VariableExpr var = deleteStmt.getVariableExpr();
Clause forClause = new ForClause(var, callExpression);
Clause whereClause = null;
Expression condition = deleteStmt.getCondition();
if (condition != null) {
whereClause = new WhereClause(condition);
VariableExpr returnExpr = new VariableExpr(var.getVar());
FLWOGRExpression flowgr = new FLWOGRExpression(clauseList, returnExpr);
Query query = new Query(false);
return null;
use of org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause in project asterixdb by apache.
the class SqlppCloneAndSubstituteVariablesVisitor method visit.
public Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> visit(SelectBlock selectBlock, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment env) throws CompilationException {
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> newFrom = null;
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> newLet;
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> newWhere = null;
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> newGroupby = null;
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> newHaving = null;
Pair<ILangExpression, VariableSubstitutionEnvironment> newSelect;
List<LetClause> newLetClauses = new ArrayList<>();
List<LetClause> newLetClausesAfterGby = new ArrayList<>();
VariableSubstitutionEnvironment currentEnv = new VariableSubstitutionEnvironment(env);
if (selectBlock.hasFromClause()) {
newFrom = selectBlock.getFromClause().accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newFrom.second;
if (selectBlock.hasLetClauses()) {
for (LetClause letClause : selectBlock.getLetList()) {
newLet = letClause.accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newLet.second;
if (selectBlock.hasWhereClause()) {
newWhere = selectBlock.getWhereClause().accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newWhere.second;
if (selectBlock.hasGroupbyClause()) {
newGroupby = selectBlock.getGroupbyClause().accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newGroupby.second;
if (selectBlock.hasLetClausesAfterGroupby()) {
for (LetClause letClauseAfterGby : selectBlock.getLetListAfterGroupby()) {
newLet = letClauseAfterGby.accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newLet.second;
if (selectBlock.hasHavingClause()) {
newHaving = selectBlock.getHavingClause().accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newHaving.second;
newSelect = selectBlock.getSelectClause().accept(this, currentEnv);
currentEnv = newSelect.second;
FromClause fromClause = newFrom == null ? null : (FromClause) newFrom.first;
WhereClause whereClause = newWhere == null ? null : (WhereClause) newWhere.first;
GroupbyClause groupbyClause = newGroupby == null ? null : (GroupbyClause) newGroupby.first;
HavingClause havingClause = newHaving == null ? null : (HavingClause) newHaving.first;
return new Pair<>(new SelectBlock((SelectClause) newSelect.first, fromClause, newLetClauses, whereClause, groupbyClause, newLetClausesAfterGby, havingClause), currentEnv);