use of org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.ValueConversionException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class EntityResource method submit.
* Submits the entity definitions (instances).
* The body contains the JSONArray of entity json. The service takes care of de-duping the entities based on any
* unique attribute for the give type.
@Consumes({ Servlets.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response submit(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("==> EntityResource.submit()");
String entityJson = null;
AtlasPerfTracer perf = null;
try {
if (AtlasPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_LOG)) {
perf = AtlasPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_LOG, "EntityResource.submit()");
String entities = Servlets.getRequestPayload(request);
//Handle backward compatibility - if entities is not JSONArray, convert to JSONArray
try {
new JSONArray(entities);
} catch (JSONException e) {
final String finalEntities = entities;
entities = new JSONArray() {
entityJson = AtlasClient.toString(new JSONArray(entities));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("submitting entities {} ", entityJson);
AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo entitiesInfo = restAdapters.toAtlasEntities(entities);
EntityMutationResponse mutationResponse = entityREST.createOrUpdate(entitiesInfo);
final List<String> guids = restAdapters.getGuids(mutationResponse.getCreatedEntities());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Created entities {}", guids);
final CreateUpdateEntitiesResult result = restAdapters.toCreateUpdateEntitiesResult(mutationResponse);
JSONObject response = getResponse(result);
URI locationURI = getLocationURI(guids);
return Response.created(locationURI).entity(response).build();
} catch (AtlasBaseException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw toWebApplicationException(e);
} catch (EntityExistsException e) {
LOG.error("Unique constraint violation for entity entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.CONFLICT));
} catch (ValueConversionException ve) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance due to a deserialization error entityDef={}", entityJson, ve);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(ve.getCause() != null ? ve.getCause() : ve, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (AtlasException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (WebApplicationException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
} finally {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("<== EntityResource.submit()");
use of org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.ValueConversionException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class EntityResource method updateEntities.
* Complete update of a set of entities - the values not specified will be replaced with null/removed
* Adds/Updates given entities identified by its GUID or unique attribute
* @return response payload as json
@Consumes({ Servlets.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response updateEntities(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("==> EntityResource.updateEntities()");
String entityJson = null;
AtlasPerfTracer perf = null;
try {
if (AtlasPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_LOG)) {
perf = AtlasPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_LOG, "EntityResource.updateEntities()");
final String entities = Servlets.getRequestPayload(request);
entityJson = AtlasClient.toString(new JSONArray(entities));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {"updating entities {} ", entityJson);
AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo entitiesInfo = restAdapters.toAtlasEntities(entities);
EntityMutationResponse mutationResponse = entityREST.createOrUpdate(entitiesInfo);
CreateUpdateEntitiesResult result = restAdapters.toCreateUpdateEntitiesResult(mutationResponse);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Updated entities: {}", result.getEntityResult());
JSONObject response = getResponse(result);
return Response.ok(response).build();
} catch (AtlasBaseException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw toWebApplicationException(e);
} catch (EntityExistsException e) {
LOG.error("Unique constraint violation for entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.CONFLICT));
} catch (ValueConversionException ve) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance due to a deserialization error entityDef={}", entityJson, ve);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(ve.getCause(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (AtlasException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (WebApplicationException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
} finally {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("<== EntityResource.updateEntities()");
use of org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.ValueConversionException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class GraphHelper method deserializeClassInstances.
public static ITypedReferenceableInstance[] deserializeClassInstances(TypeSystem typeSystem, String entityInstanceDefinition) throws AtlasException {
try {
JSONArray referableInstances = new JSONArray(entityInstanceDefinition);
ITypedReferenceableInstance[] instances = new ITypedReferenceableInstance[referableInstances.length()];
for (int index = 0; index < referableInstances.length(); index++) {
Referenceable entityInstance = InstanceSerialization.fromJsonReferenceable(referableInstances.getString(index), true);
ITypedReferenceableInstance typedInstrance = getTypedReferenceableInstance(typeSystem, entityInstance);
instances[index] = typedInstrance;
return instances;
} catch (ValueConversionException | TypeNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// exception from deserializer
LOG.error("Unable to deserialize json={}", entityInstanceDefinition, e);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to deserialize json", e);
use of org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.ValueConversionException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class EntityResource method updateByUniqueAttribute.
* Adds/Updates given entity identified by its unique attribute( entityType, attributeName and value)
* Updates support only partial update of an entity - Adds/updates any new values specified
* Updates do not support removal of attribute values
* @param entityType the entity type
* @param attribute the unique attribute used to identify the entity
* @param value the unique attributes value
* @param request The updated entity json
* @return response payload as json
* The body contains the JSONArray of entity json. The service takes care of de-duping the entities based on any
* unique attribute for the give type.
@Consumes({ Servlets.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response updateByUniqueAttribute(@QueryParam("type") String entityType, @QueryParam("property") String attribute, @QueryParam("value") String value, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("==> EntityResource.updateByUniqueAttribute({}, {}, {})", entityType, attribute, value);
AtlasPerfTracer perf = null;
String entityJson = null;
try {
if (AtlasPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_LOG)) {
perf = AtlasPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_LOG, "EntityResource.updateByUniqueAttribute(" + entityType + ", " + attribute + ", " + value + ")");
entityJson = Servlets.getRequestPayload(request);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Partially updating entity by unique attribute {} {} {} {} ", entityType, attribute, value, entityJson);
Referenceable updatedEntity = InstanceSerialization.fromJsonReferenceable(entityJson, true);
entityType = ParamChecker.notEmpty(entityType, "Entity type cannot be null");
attribute = ParamChecker.notEmpty(attribute, "attribute name cannot be null");
value = ParamChecker.notEmpty(value, "attribute value cannot be null");
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put(attribute, value);
// update referenceable with Id if not specified in payload
Id updateId = updatedEntity.getId();
if (updateId != null && !updateId.isAssigned()) {
String guid = AtlasGraphUtilsV1.getGuidByUniqueAttributes(getEntityType(entityType), attributes);
updatedEntity.replaceWithNewId(new Id(guid, 0, updatedEntity.getTypeName()));
AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo entitiesInfo = restAdapters.toAtlasEntity(updatedEntity);
EntityMutationResponse mutationResponse = entitiesStore.createOrUpdate(new AtlasEntityStream(entitiesInfo), true);
CreateUpdateEntitiesResult result = restAdapters.toCreateUpdateEntitiesResult(mutationResponse);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Updated entities: {}", result.getEntityResult());
JSONObject response = getResponse(result);
return Response.ok(response).build();
} catch (AtlasBaseException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to partially update entity {} {}:{}.{}", entityJson, entityType, attribute, value, e);
throw toWebApplicationException(e);
} catch (ValueConversionException ve) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance due to a deserialization error {} ", entityJson, ve);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(ve.getCause(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (EntityExistsException e) {
LOG.error("Unique constraint violation for entity {} ", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.CONFLICT));
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
LOG.error("An entity with type={} and qualifiedName={} does not exist {} ", entityType, value, entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND));
} catch (AtlasException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to partially update entity {} {}:{}.{}", entityJson, entityType, attribute, value, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (WebApplicationException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to partially update entity {} {}:{}.{}", entityJson, entityType, attribute, value, e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable to partially update entity {} {}:{}.{}", entityJson, entityType, attribute, value, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
} finally {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("<== EntityResource.updateByUniqueAttribute({}, {}, {})", entityType, attribute, value);
use of org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.ValueConversionException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class StructInstance method set.
public void set(String attrName, Object val) throws AtlasException {
AttributeInfo i = fieldMapping.fields.get(attrName);
if (i == null) {
throw new ValueConversionException(getTypeName(), val, "Unknown field " + attrName);
int pos = fieldMapping.fieldPos.get(attrName);
int nullPos = fieldMapping.fieldNullPos.get(attrName);
Object cVal = null;
explicitSets[nullPos] = true;
if (val != null && val instanceof Id) {
ClassType clsType = TypeSystem.getInstance().getDataType(ClassType.class, i.dataType().getName());
clsType.validateId((Id) val);
cVal = val;
} else {
try {
cVal = i.dataType().convert(val, i.multiplicity);
} catch (ValueConversionException.NullConversionException e) {
throw new ValueConversionException.NullConversionException("For field '" + attrName + "'", e);
if (cVal == null) {
nullFlags[nullPos] = true;
nullFlags[nullPos] = false;
if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
bools[pos] = (Boolean) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE) {
bytes[pos] = (Byte) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE) {
shorts[pos] = (Short) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.INT_TYPE) {
ints[pos] = (Integer) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE) {
longs[pos] = (Long) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE) {
floats[pos] = (Float) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
doubles[pos] = (Double) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.BIGINTEGER_TYPE) {
bigIntegers[pos] = (BigInteger) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE) {
bigDecimals[pos] = (BigDecimal) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.DATE_TYPE) {
dates[pos] = (Date) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType() == DataTypes.STRING_TYPE) {
strings[pos] = (String) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.ENUM) {
ints[pos] = ((EnumValue) cVal).ordinal;
} else if (i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.ARRAY) {
arrays[pos] = (ImmutableList) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.MAP) {
maps[pos] = (ImmutableMap) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT || i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.TRAIT) {
structs[pos] = (StructInstance) cVal;
} else if (i.dataType().getTypeCategory() == DataTypes.TypeCategory.CLASS) {
if (cVal instanceof Id) {
ids[pos] = (Id) cVal;
} else {
referenceables[pos] = (ReferenceableInstance) cVal;
} else {
throw new AtlasException(String.format("Unknown datatype %s", i.dataType()));