use of org.apache.avro.UnresolvedUnionException in project hive by apache.
the class AvroDeserializer method deserializeSingleItemNullableUnion.
private Object deserializeSingleItemNullableUnion(Object datum, Schema fileSchema, Schema recordSchema) throws AvroSerdeException {
// Determine index of value
int tag = GenericData.get().resolveUnion(recordSchema, datum);
Schema schema = recordSchema.getTypes().get(tag);
if (schema.getType().equals(Type.NULL)) {
return null;
Schema currentFileSchema = null;
if (fileSchema != null) {
if (fileSchema.getType() == Type.UNION) {
// we need to get the correct tag
try {
tag = GenericData.get().resolveUnion(fileSchema, datum);
currentFileSchema = fileSchema.getTypes().get(tag);
} catch (UnresolvedUnionException e) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String datumClazz = null;
if (datum != null) {
datumClazz = datum.getClass().getName();
String msg = "File schema union could not resolve union. fileSchema = " + fileSchema + ", recordSchema = " + recordSchema + ", datum class = " + datumClazz + ": " + e;
LOG.debug(msg, e);
// This occurs when the datum type is different between
// the file and record schema. For example if datum is long
// and the field in the file schema is int. See HIVE-9462.
// in this case we will re-use the record schema as the file
// schema, Ultimately we need to clean this code up and will
// do as a follow-on to HIVE-9462.
currentFileSchema = schema;
} else {
currentFileSchema = fileSchema;
return worker(datum, currentFileSchema, schema, SchemaToTypeInfo.generateTypeInfo(schema, null));