use of org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFieldref in project jop by jop-devel.
the class ReplaceNativeAndCPIdx method getFieldOffset.
* Get field offset: relative offset for object fields, absolute
* addresses for static fields.
* TODO: remove the dead code in constant pool replacement
* TODO: remove not used constants
* @param cp
* @param index
* @return
private int getFieldOffset(ConstantPool cp, int index) {
// from ClassInfo.resolveCPool
Constant co = cp.getConstant(index);
int fidx = ((ConstantFieldref) co).getClassIndex();
ConstantClass fcl = (ConstantClass) cp.getConstant(fidx);
String fclname = fcl.getBytes(cp).replace('/', '.');
// got the class name
int sigidx = ((ConstantFieldref) co).getNameAndTypeIndex();
ConstantNameAndType signt = (ConstantNameAndType) cp.getConstant(sigidx);
String sigstr = signt.getName(cp) + signt.getSignature(cp);
JopClassInfo clinf = (JopClassInfo) ai.cliMap.get(fclname);
int j;
boolean found = false;
while (!found) {
for (j = 0; j < clinf.clft.len; ++j) {
if (clinf.clft.key[j].equals(sigstr)) {
found = true;
return clinf.clft.idx[j];
if (!found) {
clinf = (JopClassInfo) clinf.superClass;
if (clinf == null) {
System.out.println("Error: field " + fclname + "." + sigstr + " not found!");
System.out.println("Error in getFieldOffset()");
return 0;
use of org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFieldref in project jop by jop-devel.
the class ConstantPoolRebuilder method copyConstant.
public static Constant copyConstant(Map<Integer, Integer> idMap, Constant c) {
if (c instanceof ConstantClass) {
int index = ((ConstantClass) c).getNameIndex();
return new ConstantClass(idMap.get(index));
} else if (c instanceof ConstantFieldref) {
int clsIdx = ((ConstantFieldref) c).getClassIndex();
int nameIdx = ((ConstantFieldref) c).getNameAndTypeIndex();
return new ConstantFieldref(idMap.get(clsIdx), idMap.get(nameIdx));
} else if (c instanceof ConstantMethodref) {
int clsIdx = ((ConstantMethodref) c).getClassIndex();
int nameIdx = ((ConstantMethodref) c).getNameAndTypeIndex();
return new ConstantMethodref(idMap.get(clsIdx), idMap.get(nameIdx));
} else if (c instanceof ConstantInterfaceMethodref) {
int clsIdx = ((ConstantInterfaceMethodref) c).getClassIndex();
int nameIdx = ((ConstantInterfaceMethodref) c).getNameAndTypeIndex();
return new ConstantInterfaceMethodref(idMap.get(clsIdx), idMap.get(nameIdx));
} else if (c instanceof ConstantString) {
int index = ((ConstantString) c).getStringIndex();
return new ConstantString(idMap.get(index));
} else if (c instanceof ConstantInteger) {
return new ConstantInteger((ConstantInteger) c);
} else if (c instanceof ConstantFloat) {
return new ConstantFloat((ConstantFloat) c);
} else if (c instanceof ConstantLong) {
return new ConstantLong((ConstantLong) c);
} else if (c instanceof ConstantDouble) {
return new ConstantDouble((ConstantDouble) c);
} else if (c instanceof ConstantNameAndType) {
int nameIdx = ((ConstantNameAndType) c).getNameIndex();
int sigIdx = ((ConstantNameAndType) c).getSignatureIndex();
return new ConstantNameAndType(idMap.get(nameIdx), idMap.get(sigIdx));
} else if (c instanceof ConstantUtf8) {
return new ConstantUtf8((ConstantUtf8) c);
throw new JavaClassFormatError("Unknown constant type " + c);
use of org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFieldref in project jop by jop-devel.
the class ConstantInfo method createFromConstant.
* Create a new constantInfo from a BCEL constant.
* If the constantpool contains invalid data, a {@link JavaClassFormatError} is thrown.
* @param cp the constantpool used to resolve the index references.
* @param constant the BCEL constant to convert
* @return a new ConstantInfo containing the constant value.
public static ConstantInfo createFromConstant(ConstantPool cp, Constant constant) {
MemberID sig;
MethodRef methodRef;
ConstantNameAndType nRef;
AppInfo appInfo = AppInfo.getSingleton();
byte tag = constant.getTag();
switch(tag) {
case Constants.CONSTANT_Class:
ClassRef classRef = appInfo.getClassRef(((ConstantClass) constant).getBytes(cp).replace('/', '.'));
return new ConstantClassInfo(classRef);
case Constants.CONSTANT_Fieldref:
ConstantFieldref fRef = (ConstantFieldref) constant;
nRef = (ConstantNameAndType) cp.getConstant(fRef.getNameAndTypeIndex());
sig = new MemberID(fRef.getClass(cp), nRef.getName(cp), nRef.getSignature(cp));
FieldRef fieldRef = appInfo.getFieldRef(sig);
return new ConstantFieldInfo(fieldRef);
case Constants.CONSTANT_Methodref:
ConstantMethodref mRef = (ConstantMethodref) constant;
nRef = (ConstantNameAndType) cp.getConstant(mRef.getNameAndTypeIndex());
sig = new MemberID(mRef.getClass(cp), nRef.getName(cp), nRef.getSignature(cp));
methodRef = appInfo.getMethodRef(sig, false);
return new ConstantMethodInfo(methodRef);
case Constants.CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
ConstantInterfaceMethodref imRef = (ConstantInterfaceMethodref) constant;
nRef = (ConstantNameAndType) cp.getConstant(imRef.getNameAndTypeIndex());
sig = new MemberID(imRef.getClass(cp), nRef.getName(cp), nRef.getSignature(cp));
methodRef = appInfo.getMethodRef(sig, true);
return new ConstantMethodInfo(methodRef);
case Constants.CONSTANT_String:
return new ConstantStringInfo(((ConstantString) constant).getBytes(cp), false);
case Constants.CONSTANT_Integer:
return new ConstantIntegerInfo(((ConstantInteger) constant).getBytes());
case Constants.CONSTANT_Float:
return new ConstantFloatInfo(((ConstantFloat) constant).getBytes());
case Constants.CONSTANT_Long:
return new ConstantLongInfo(((ConstantLong) constant).getBytes());
case Constants.CONSTANT_Double:
return new ConstantDoubleInfo(((ConstantDouble) constant).getBytes());
case Constants.CONSTANT_NameAndType:
String name = ((ConstantNameAndType) constant).getName(cp);
String signature = ((ConstantNameAndType) constant).getSignature(cp);
return new ConstantNameAndTypeInfo(new MemberID(name, signature));
case Constants.CONSTANT_Utf8:
return new ConstantStringInfo(((ConstantUtf8) constant).getBytes(), true);
throw new JavaClassFormatError("Invalid byte tag in constant pool: " + tag);
use of org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFieldref in project fb-contrib by mebigfatguy.
the class SyncCollectionIterators method sawOpcodeAfterNothing.
private void sawOpcodeAfterNothing(int seen) {
if ((seen == Const.INVOKESTATIC) && "java/util/Collections".equals(getClassConstantOperand())) {
if (synchCollectionNames.contains(getNameConstantOperand())) {
state = State.SEEN_SYNC;
} else if (OpcodeUtils.isALoad(seen)) {
int reg = RegisterUtils.getALoadReg(this, seen);
if (localCollections.get(reg)) {
collectionInfo = Integer.valueOf(reg);
state = State.SEEN_LOAD;
} else if (seen == Const.GETFIELD) {
ConstantFieldref ref = (ConstantFieldref) getConstantRefOperand();
ConstantNameAndType nandt = (ConstantNameAndType) getConstantPool().getConstant(ref.getNameAndTypeIndex());
String fieldName = nandt.getName(getConstantPool());
if (memberCollections.contains(fieldName)) {
collectionInfo = fieldName;
state = State.SEEN_LOAD;