use of org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction in project jop by jop-devel.
the class InlineHelper method prepareInlining.
* Prepare the invokee for inlining into the invokesite, by widening access restrictions or renaming
* methods to prevent incorrect method resolving.
* <p>
* This may change the code of the invokee, so this needs to be done before inlining the code.
* The CFG of the invokee will be removed.
* </p><p>
* This code assumes that {@link #canInline(CallString, InvokeSite, MethodInfo)} returned true for this invoke.
* </p>
* @param invoker the method where the code will be inlined to.
* @param invokee the method to inline.
public void prepareInlining(MethodInfo invoker, MethodInfo invokee) {
MethodCode code = invokee.getCode();
InstructionList il = code.getInstructionList();
for (InstructionHandle ih : il.getInstructionHandles()) {
Instruction instr = ih.getInstruction();
if (instr instanceof InvokeInstruction) {
InvokeSite invokeSite = code.getInvokeSite(ih);
MethodRef ref = invokeSite.getInvokeeRef();
MethodInfo method = ref.getMethodInfo();
// we already checked that everything can be resolved
// nothing special to do for invokespecial here (checkInvokeSpecial only skips, no special return codes)
// check what we need to do
CheckResult rs = checkNeedsPublic(invoker, invokee, ref.getClassInfo(), method);
if (rs == CheckResult.NEEDS_PUBLIC) {
if (rs == CheckResult.NEEDS_PUBLIC_RENAME) {
if (method.isPrivate()) {
// TODO check the class for invokers, change to invokevirtual
} else {
// if the method is package visible, we need to rename all overriding methods
// too (but not methods from subclasses in different packages which do not override this)
// TODO update overriding methods
// TODO need to update all possible call sites
throw new AppInfoError("Implement me!");
} else if (instr instanceof FieldInstruction) {
FieldRef ref = code.getFieldRef(ih);
FieldInfo field = ref.getFieldInfo();
// we already checked that everything can be resolved
// check if fields need to be set to public
CheckResult rs = checkNeedsPublic(invoker, invokee, ref.getClassInfo(), field);
if (rs == CheckResult.NEEDS_PUBLIC) {
if (rs == CheckResult.NEEDS_PUBLIC_RENAME) {
throw new AppInfoError("Invalid returncode: renaming of fields not required");
use of org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction in project jop by jop-devel.
the class InlineHelper method needsNullpointerCheck.
* Check if an exception must be generated if the 'this' reference is null.
* This test can return false if
* <ul><li>There is no 'this' reference</li>
* <li>The DFA analysis showed that the reference is never null</li>
* <li>The inlined code will always generate an exception anyway</li>
* <li>Generating checks has been disabled by configuration</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The callstring does not need to start or to end at the method to optimize. However since the callstring is
* used to check the DFA results if available, the callstring must match what the DFA expects, i.e. if
* the DFA-results and -callstrings are updated during inlining, this callstring must not include inlined
* invokes. Contrariwise if the DFA results are not updated during inline, the callstring must contain already
* inlined invokes.
* </p>
* @param callString The callstring including the invokesite of the invokee. The top invokesite does not need to
* refer to an invoke instruction, and the referenced invoker method does not need to
* be the method containing the invoke to inline (e.g. if the invoke to inline has
* been inlined itself). However the callstring needs to match what the DFA expects.
* @param invokee the devirtualized invokee.
* @param analyzeCode if false, skip checking the code of the invokee.
* @return true if a nullpointer check code should be generated.
public boolean needsNullpointerCheck(CallString callString, MethodInfo invokee, boolean analyzeCode) {
if (inlineConfig.skipNullpointerChecks())
return false;
InvokeSite invokeSite =;
// check if we have a 'this' reference anyway
if (invokeSite.isInvokeStatic() || invokeSite.isJVMCall()) {
return false;
// TODO check the DFA results if available
if (jcopter.useDFA()) {
} else if ("<init>".equals(invokee.getShortName())) {
// the NP check in this case (and hope that compilers for languages other than Java do the same..)
return false;
if (!analyzeCode) {
return true;
// check if the code will always throw an exception anyway (without producing any side effects before throwing)
ValueMapAnalysis analysis = new ValueMapAnalysis(invokee);
InstructionList list = invokee.getCode().getInstructionList(true, false);
for (InstructionHandle ih : list.getInstructionHandles()) {
Instruction instr = ih.getInstruction();
if (instr instanceof ConstantPushInstruction || instr instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
} else if (instr instanceof GETFIELD || instr instanceof PUTFIELD || instr instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL || instr instanceof INVOKEINTERFACE || instr instanceof INVOKESPECIAL) {
int down = instr.consumeStack(invokee.getConstantPoolGen());
ValueInfo value = analysis.getValueTable().top(down);
// the same way as the inlined invoke
if (value.isThisReference()) {
return false;
} else {
// we ignore all other instructions (for now..)
return true;
use of org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction in project jop by jop-devel.
the class SimpleInliner method analyzeCodeSize.
* Check if the resulting code will not be larger than the older code.
* @param invokeSite the invokesite to inline.
* @param invokee the invoked method.
* @param inlineData the map to store the analyzer results
* @return true if the new code will not violate any size constrains
private boolean analyzeCodeSize(InvokeSite invokeSite, MethodInfo invokee, InlineData inlineData) {
ProcessorModel pm = AppInfo.getSingleton().getProcessorModel();
MethodInfo invoker = invokeSite.getInvoker();
// delta = new prologue + inlined code + epilogue - old prologue - invokesite
int delta = 0;
InstructionHandle[] il = invokee.getCode().getInstructionList().getInstructionHandles();
InstructionHandle ih = il[inlineData.getInlineStart()];
while (ih != null) {
Instruction instr = ih.getInstruction();
if (instr instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
delta += pm.getNumberOfBytes(invokee, instr);
ih = ih.getNext();
for (InstructionHandle instr : inlineData.getPrologue().getInstructionHandles()) {
delta += pm.getNumberOfBytes(invoker, instr.getInstruction());
for (InstructionHandle instr : inlineData.getEpilogue().getInstructionHandles()) {
delta += pm.getNumberOfBytes(invoker, instr.getInstruction());
ih = invokeSite.getInstructionHandle();
for (int i = 0; i <= inlineData.getOldPrologueLength(); i++) {
Instruction instr = ih.getInstruction();
delta -= pm.getNumberOfBytes(invoker, instr);
ih = ih.getPrev();
// TODO we could allow for some slack, especially if we decreased the codesize before..
return delta <= 0;
use of org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction in project jop by jop-devel.
the class InvokeSite method getInvokeeRef.
* Get the MethodRef to the referenced method. If the instruction is handled in java, return a reference
* to the method which implements the instruction.
* <p>
* The MethodRef refers to the actual reference. {@link MethodRef#getMethodInfo()} resolves the actual
* MethodInfo, which might be defined in a super class of the referenced method, if the method is inherited.
* For invokespecial, the implementing method might even be defined in a subclass of the referenced method,
* if resolveSuper is set to false, see {@link #isInvokeSuper()} for details.
* </p>
* <p>To find all possible implementations if the invocation is a virtual invoke (see {@link #isVirtual()}),
* use {@link AppInfo#findImplementations(InvokeSite)}.</p>
* @see #isInvokeSuper()
* @see AppInfo#findImplementations(InvokeSite)
* @param resolveSuper if true, try to resolve the super method reference (see {@link #isInvokeSuper()}),
* else return a reference to the method as it is defined by the instruction.
* @return a method reference to the invokee method.
public MethodRef getInvokeeRef(boolean resolveSuper) {
Instruction instr = instruction.getInstruction();
AppInfo appInfo = AppInfo.getSingleton();
if (instr instanceof InvokeInstruction) {
MethodRef ref = getReferencedMethod(invoker, (InvokeInstruction) instr);
// need to check isInvokeSpecial here, since it is not checked by isSuperMethod!
if (resolveSuper && isInvokeSpecial() && isSuperMethod(ref)) {
ref = resolveInvokeSuper(ref);
return ref;
if (appInfo.getProcessorModel().isImplementedInJava(invoker, instr)) {
return appInfo.getProcessorModel().getJavaImplementation(appInfo, invoker, instr).getMethodRef();
throw new JavaClassFormatError("InvokeSite handle does not refer to an invoke instruction: " + toString());
use of org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction in project jop by jop-devel.
the class DFATool method buildPrologue.
private MethodInfo buildPrologue(MethodInfo mainMethod, List<InstructionHandle> statements, Flow flow, List<ClassInfo> clinits) {
// we use a prologue sequence for startup
InstructionList prologue = new InstructionList();
ConstantPoolGen prologueCP = mainMethod.getConstantPoolGen();
Instruction instr;
int idx;
// add magic initializers to prologue sequence
if (!analyzeBootMethod) {
instr = new ICONST(0);
instr = new ICONST(0);
idx = prologueCP.addMethodref("com.jopdesign.sys.GC", "init", "(II)V");
instr = new INVOKESTATIC(idx);
// add class initializers
for (ClassInfo clinit : clinits) {
MemberID cSig = appInfo.getClinitSignature(clinit.getClassName());
idx = prologueCP.addMethodref(cSig.getClassName(), cSig.getMemberName(), cSig.getDescriptor().toString());
instr = new INVOKESTATIC(idx);
if (analyzeBootMethod) {
// Let's just analyze the full boot method, so that the callgraph-builder is happy.
// Doing this after clinit, so that we have DFA infos on fields in JVMHelp.init()
idx = prologueCP.addMethodref("com.jopdesign.sys.Startup", "boot", "()V");
instr = new INVOKESTATIC(idx);
// add main method
instr = new ACONST_NULL();
idx = prologueCP.addMethodref(mainMethod.getClassName(), mainMethod.getShortName(), mainMethod.getDescriptor().toString());
instr = new INVOKESTATIC(idx);
// // invoke startMission() to ensure analysis of threads
// idx = prologueCP.addMethodref("joprt.RtThread", "startMission", "()V");
// instr = new INVOKESTATIC(idx);
// prologue.append(instr);
instr = new NOP();
// add prologue to program structure
for (Iterator l = prologue.iterator(); l.hasNext(); ) {
InstructionHandle handle = (InstructionHandle);
if (handle.getInstruction() instanceof GOTO) {
GOTO g = (GOTO) handle.getInstruction();
flow.addEdge(new FlowEdge(handle, g.getTarget(), FlowEdge.NORMAL_EDGE));
} else if (handle.getNext() != null) {
flow.addEdge(new FlowEdge(handle, handle.getNext(), FlowEdge.NORMAL_EDGE));
MemberID pSig = new MemberID(prologueName, Descriptor.parse(prologueSig));
MethodInfo mi = mainMethod.getClassInfo().createMethod(pSig, null, prologue);
return mi;