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Example 1 with ProcessBundleSplitRequest

use of org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitRequest in project beam by apache.

the class BeamFnDataReadRunnerTest method executeSplit.

private static ProcessBundleSplitResponse executeSplit(BeamFnDataReadRunner<String> readRunner, String pTransformId, String bundleId, long index, double fractionOfRemainder, long inputElements, List<Long> allowedSplitPoints) throws Exception {
    for (long i = -1; i < index; i++) {
    ProcessBundleSplitRequest request = ProcessBundleSplitRequest.newBuilder().setInstructionId(bundleId).putDesiredSplits(pTransformId, DesiredSplit.newBuilder().setEstimatedInputElements(inputElements).setFractionOfRemainder(fractionOfRemainder).addAllAllowedSplitPoints(allowedSplitPoints).build()).build();
    ProcessBundleSplitResponse.Builder responseBuilder = ProcessBundleSplitResponse.newBuilder();
    readRunner.trySplit(request, responseBuilder);
Also used : ProcessBundleSplitResponse(org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitResponse) ProcessBundleSplitRequest(org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitRequest)

Example 2 with ProcessBundleSplitRequest

use of org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitRequest in project beam by apache.

the class BeamFnDataReadRunner method trySplit.

public void trySplit(ProcessBundleSplitRequest request, ProcessBundleSplitResponse.Builder response) {
    DesiredSplit desiredSplit = request.getDesiredSplitsMap().get(pTransformId);
    if (desiredSplit == null) {
    long totalBufferSize = desiredSplit.getEstimatedInputElements();
    List<Long> allowedSplitPoints = new ArrayList<>(desiredSplit.getAllowedSplitPointsList());
    HandlesSplits splittingConsumer = null;
    if (consumer instanceof HandlesSplits) {
        splittingConsumer = ((HandlesSplits) consumer);
    synchronized (splittingLock) {
        // provide.
        if (index == stopIndex) {
        // being released.
        if (!request.getInstructionId().equals(processBundleInstructionIdSupplier.get())) {
        // split request is bounded incorrectly, use the stop index as the upper bound.
        if (totalBufferSize < index + 1) {
            totalBufferSize = index + 1;
        } else if (totalBufferSize > stopIndex) {
            totalBufferSize = stopIndex;
        // In the case where we have yet to process an element, set the current element progress to 1.
        double currentElementProgress = 1;
        // progress defaulting to 0.5 if no progress was able to get fetched.
        if (index >= 0) {
            if (splittingConsumer != null) {
                currentElementProgress = splittingConsumer.getProgress();
            } else {
                currentElementProgress = 0.5;
        // Now figure out where to split.
        // The units here (except for keepOfElementRemainder) are all in terms of number or
        // (possibly fractional) elements.
        // Compute the amount of "remaining" work that we know of.
        double remainder = totalBufferSize - index - currentElementProgress;
        // Compute the number of elements (including fractional elements) that we should "keep".
        double keep = remainder * desiredSplit.getFractionOfRemainder();
        // splittable.
        if (currentElementProgress < 1) {
            // See if the amount we need to keep falls within the current element's remainder and if
            // so, attempt to split it.
            double keepOfElementRemainder = keep / (1 - currentElementProgress);
            // If both index and index are allowed split point, we can split at index.
            if (keepOfElementRemainder < 1 && isValidSplitPoint(allowedSplitPoints, index) && isValidSplitPoint(allowedSplitPoints, index + 1)) {
                SplitResult splitResult = splittingConsumer != null ? splittingConsumer.trySplit(keepOfElementRemainder) : null;
                if (splitResult != null) {
                    stopIndex = index + 1;
                    response.addAllPrimaryRoots(splitResult.getPrimaryRoots()).addAllResidualRoots(splitResult.getResidualRoots()).addChannelSplitsBuilder().setLastPrimaryElement(index - 1).setFirstResidualElement(stopIndex);
        // Otherwise, split at the closest allowed element boundary.
        long newStopIndex = index + Math.max(1, Math.round(currentElementProgress + keep));
        if (!isValidSplitPoint(allowedSplitPoints, newStopIndex)) {
            // Choose the closest allowed split point.
            int closestSplitPointIndex = -(Collections.binarySearch(allowedSplitPoints, newStopIndex) + 1);
            if (closestSplitPointIndex == 0) {
                newStopIndex = allowedSplitPoints.get(0);
            } else if (closestSplitPointIndex == allowedSplitPoints.size()) {
                newStopIndex = allowedSplitPoints.get(closestSplitPointIndex - 1);
            } else {
                long prevPoint = allowedSplitPoints.get(closestSplitPointIndex - 1);
                long nextPoint = allowedSplitPoints.get(closestSplitPointIndex);
                if (index < prevPoint && newStopIndex - prevPoint < nextPoint - newStopIndex) {
                    newStopIndex = prevPoint;
                } else {
                    newStopIndex = nextPoint;
        if (newStopIndex < stopIndex && newStopIndex > index) {
            stopIndex = newStopIndex;
            response.addChannelSplitsBuilder().setLastPrimaryElement(stopIndex - 1).setFirstResidualElement(stopIndex);
Also used : SplitResult(org.apache.beam.fn.harness.HandlesSplits.SplitResult) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DesiredSplit(org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitRequest.DesiredSplit)


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 SplitResult (org.apache.beam.fn.harness.HandlesSplits.SplitResult)1 ProcessBundleSplitRequest (org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitRequest)1 DesiredSplit (org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitRequest.DesiredSplit)1 ProcessBundleSplitResponse (org.apache.beam.model.fnexecution.v1.BeamFnApi.ProcessBundleSplitResponse)1