use of org.apache.beam.runners.apex.translation.ApexPipelineTranslator in project beam by apache.
the class ApexRunner method run.
public ApexRunnerResult run(final Pipeline pipeline) {
final ApexPipelineTranslator translator = new ApexPipelineTranslator(options);
final AtomicReference<DAG> apexDAG = new AtomicReference<>();
StreamingApplication apexApp = new StreamingApplication() {
public void populateDAG(DAG dag, Configuration conf) {
dag.setAttribute(DAGContext.APPLICATION_NAME, options.getApplicationName());
translator.translate(pipeline, dag);
Properties configProperties = new Properties();
try {
if (options.getConfigFile() != null) {
URI configURL = new URI(options.getConfigFile());
if (CLASSPATH_SCHEME.equals(configURL.getScheme())) {
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(configURL.getPath());
if (is != null) {
} else {
if (!configURL.isAbsolute()) {
// resolve as local file name
File f = new File(options.getConfigFile());
configURL = f.toURI();
try (InputStream is = configURL.toURL().openStream()) {
} catch (IOException | URISyntaxException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error loading properties", ex);
if (options.isEmbeddedExecution()) {
EmbeddedAppLauncher<?> launcher = Launcher.getLauncher(LaunchMode.EMBEDDED);
Attribute.AttributeMap launchAttributes = new Attribute.AttributeMap.DefaultAttributeMap();
launchAttributes.put(EmbeddedAppLauncher.RUN_ASYNC, true);
if (options.isEmbeddedExecutionDebugMode()) {
// turns off timeout checking for operator progress
launchAttributes.put(EmbeddedAppLauncher.HEARTBEAT_MONITORING, false);
Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
ApexYarnLauncher.addProperties(conf, configProperties);
try {
if (translateOnly) {
launcher.prepareDAG(apexApp, conf);
return new ApexRunnerResult(launcher.getDAG(), null);
AppHandle apexAppResult = launcher.launchApp(apexApp, conf, launchAttributes);
return new ApexRunnerResult(apexDAG.get(), apexAppResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
try {
ApexYarnLauncher yarnLauncher = new ApexYarnLauncher();
AppHandle apexAppResult = yarnLauncher.launchApp(apexApp, configProperties);
return new ApexRunnerResult(apexDAG.get(), apexAppResult);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to launch the application on YARN.", e);